Chapter 34👑

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Prince Jungkook could feel his heart beat rising with every steps he was nearing the storage room. To be honest, he was never fond of this place. He disliked ever since from his childhood.

He remembered his very first time right here. He was dragged by the guards from the Prince Jimin's bed, when all he did was playing with his brother. His body shivered by thinking about how bad he cried and how much he begged the King to stop hurting him.

He was just a child back then. Soon his cries faded with him leaving mute. He never made a sound, and took his punishments like he deserved. All these years, it had been like that. He never questioned the King, neither asked why he was getting punished.

But today was different. He didn't want to get punished. He did nothing wrong. All who did wrong was the King himself. But all his positive energy left him, the moment the door to the storage room was opened.

His heart beat stopped by seeing the King playing the whip and examining it under his eyes. Prince Jungkook took a loud gulp and wished Prince Seokjin was here with him. He wished he never came out of his bedroom, he wished he could take a nap with his husband, instead of being with this monster.

And all his thoughts vanished away, when he felt the King Chanyeol's eyes on him. He could feel shivers running down on his spine, and he was getting goosebumps. Just now, all his wounds and scars were getting healed. He didn't want a fresh ones on his body.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here? Long time no see, my favorite mute boy." Prince Jungkook could sense the venom in every words that came out of the King's mouth. But in respect, Prince Jungkook walked inside with his head down, and bowed to the King.

"Welcome, your Majesty. H-How was your travel?"

"Wow, you speak? In my defense, you would never speak. Or if I am right, you should never speak."

Prince Jungkook stiffened his body when he heard those words. Of course he was forbidden from speaking and how could he forget.

"I had a wonderful travel. But guess who enjoyed it lot?" The King asked while walking around Prince Jungkook with the whip in his hands without taking his eyes off the Prince Jungkook.

"W-Who, your Majesty?" A dark laugh echoed through out the storage room, and the King was laughing like a maniac making Prince Jungkook to feel terrified.

"The people in the palace. Especially, YOU!" Prince Jungkook flinched hard, when he saw the whip making contact with the ground with a loud sound. He braced himself, and clenched his fists to control his fear.

"Having fun with your husband? I see. Training in the field, going on a small tour and sneaking out.

But when you do something wrong, you should do it right, mute boy.

Leaving the cloth hanging on the open window wasn't a nice choice, was it?" Prince Jungkook closed his eyes by thinking about the silly mistake that they have made. He used it to jump down, but how could he forget to put it back or remove it.

"And what's with the training? Are you practicing to beat me or practicing to get beaten by me? WHICH IS IT?"

Once again, the King Chanyeol whipped the ground making Prince Jungkook to fear even more. He was thankful that the whipping was not on his body. But he could tell that the King was mad, and he would never survive a single whip today.

Prince Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it like a fish. No words escaped his mouth, and he was starting to feel difficult to breathe. He could feel sweat forming oh his body and his legs and hands were shaking badly.

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