Chapter 16👑

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Prince Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows when he felt sweat forming on is forehead. He stirred in his sleep and groaned softly when he felt the heat on his body.

He opened his one eye but soon closed by having the bright sunlight shining across his face. He brought his crooked fingers to cover his eyes before rubbing it with back of his palm. He yawned quietly and opened his eyes only to be blessed with sunlight creeping through the window.

A smile played on his lips by realizing that it was already morning. He frowned when he heard some snores behind him. In alert he immediately turned around only to met with the sleeping beauty.

His husband, his Prince Jungkook.

There his husband was lying in the same position like last night, with pouted lips and cheeks flushed in the bed.

His eyes wandered over Prince Jungkook's clear forehead, the doe eyes that were closed tightly, the cute button nose, the pouty lips, the sharp jawline and the beautiful neck. Prince Seokjin found himself blushing by seeing his husband beside him sleeping like that.

He had never been this close to a man before, and now this handsome Prince was his husband. Prince Seokjin's eyes wandered down to lock his eyes with his wedding ribbon that was tied on Jungkook's wrist.

He remembered the events that happened last night.

To Prince Seokjin's eyes, Jungkook looked like a precious baby. He wanted to protect this little human and keep him safely.

Something in his guts told him that his husband was in pain. He didn't know how to phrase it. But he knew that Silla Kingdom was hiding something from him.

When Prince Seokjin's crooked fingers found it's way to Prince Jungkook's soft and fluffy hair, a soft knock on their bedroom door made him groan in disappointment. He withdrew his fingers before getting up from the bed.

He adjusted his night robe and walked to the door by making sure that he didn't disturb his sleeping husband. He quietly opened it and peaked his head outside only to greet his brother Prince Namjoon.

"It's almost time for breakfast, Seokjin. Come down with your Prince to start the Pyebaek ceremony." Kim Seokjin found himself sighing loudly and nodding to his brother's words.

He saw his brother walking back and Prince Seokjin found himself hitting his head on the bedroom door. He was not a big fan of ceremonies. He hated it since he was supposed to stand like a statue and repeat words like a parrot.

A voice behind him startled and he jumped in place by the husky voice. With wide eyes he turned around to see his husband already sitting on the bed with half -lidded eyes and yawning cutely.

"What happened, my Prince?" Prince Seokjin could melt in that honey dripping voice that calling him as "My Prince." Deep inside he felt proud by seeing his husband calling him as his.

"I-It was my brother, your Highness. We need to get ready for Pyebaek." Jin found himself blushing when his eyes locked with his husband's chest. He could see a glimpse of naked skin under the robe, and immediately he bowed his head down and his fingers were busy playing with the door knob.

Pyebaek is a Korean wedding custom that is traditionally held a few days after the official ceremony, with only family members present. The ceremony begins with the older couple seated on cushions behind a table in front of a painted screen, with the newlyweds opposite them.

Cash gifts in white envelopes are the most common gift at a Korean wedding. Traditionally, during the Pyebaek, the bride and groom receive and money gifts from the parents.

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