Chapter 41👑

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Prince Jungkook was happily humming a song while filling up the plate of food for Prince Seokjin to eat healthily. He was happy to see his husband taking the pregnancy well and doing all good. He loved to feed Prince Seokjin and coo at his cuteness when he his mouth was stuffed with food.

After making sure to fill every food items on the plate, Prince Jungkook started to walk with little hops here and there. But soon he widened his eyes when he heard a loud sound coming from his bedroom.

Without waiting, he placed the food on the ground and took the sword that was hanging on the walls of the palace. His blood boiled when he was met with the monster Chanyeol trying to choke his husband.

He was furious and he stood behind the monster by placing the sword right against Chanyeol's neck before spitting out his words.

"Not until I breathe, you monster!" Prince Jungkook gritted his teeth, and dived the sword deeper on Chanyeol's neck, making to bleed. The edge of the was so sharp that even a light force could rip the skin off.

Chanyeol grunted in slight pain, before releasing his hold on Prince Seokjin's neck who was panting and breathing in heavily by holding the closet door for support.

Prince Jungkook never once moved his sword away from Chanyeol's neck. Whenever Chanyeol tried to turn, Prince Jungkook made sure to put more pressure on his neck, letting the blood to coat the sword's blade.

Prince Seokjin knelt down on the floor with his hands carefully soothing his tummy. With tears in his eyes, he looked up to see his husband having Chanyeol as a hostage under the sword.

"Oh mute boy! Do you even know how to hold a sword? Just because you train doesn't mean you are strong. You are the same boy who got whippings from me. Don't you forget that." Chanyeol tried to discourage Prince Jungkook's confidence with his words. But Prince Jungkook was thankfully not buying any of those lies.

He made Chanyeol to turn around, and he was standing right infront of the bedroom window. Prince Jungkook for the first time tonight, saw the monster after so many months.

Chanyeol was looking like indeed a monster. His eyes were filled with revenge and the thirst of killing. Prince Jungkook knew that this person would never change had he given thousand chances in his life.

Prince Jungkook hated the smirk on Chanyeol's face, and he dived the sword deeper into the skin making Chanyeol to hiss in pain by the feeling of the blood oozing out slowly.

"All my life, you used me as a toy. I never once spoke against you. Not because I was afraid of you, but to obey the King's orders. But now you have crossed your limit.

You touched my babies and hurt them. You dared to touch my husband and kill him.

I don't think you deserve a chance to live on this earth. Let the Silla Kingdom lit in happiness with your death."

Was all Jungkook said, before releasing the sword from Chanyeol's neck, before making a straight swing across his neck with full force. Prince Seokjin's eyes widened in shock to see the monster's head ripped off from the body and blood splashing everywhere.

The chopped off head flew right through the window and made a thud sound after landing on the ground. Chanyeol's headless body was trembling on the floor, soon resulting in lying motionless on the bloody ground.

Prince Jungkook breathed in a heavy sigh, and wiped the blood of from his face. He turned his head to see Prince Seokjin having his eyes widened in shock and still finding difficult to breathe.

Without answering Prince Jungkook dropped the sword on the ground and went to the bathroom to wash his face. He didn't want to touch his husband with monster's blood on his body. After thoroughly making sure that everything was cleaned, Prince Jungkook came out to see the guards cleaning the room.

"I-I called them, my Lord." Prince Jungkook nodded and walked to the balcony letting the guards do their job. He looked down on the ground to see some guards taking care of the chopped head.

He released a long sigh when he felt Prince Seokjin hugging him from his back. His veiny hands touched his husband's hands before turning around to see those alpaca eyes.

"Are you sad, your Highness?"

Prince Seokjin wasn't sure what his husband was thinking. Even though Chanyeol was a monster, he was Prince Jungkook's father.

"Was his husband regretting his action?" Was all running through Prince Seokjin's mind. But he got his answer when Prince Jungkook cupped those chubby cheeks before speaking the truth.

"I just felt like he died easily, my Prince. I wanted him to suffer. But I gave him an easy death."

Prince Jungkook confessed making Prince Seokjin to smile sadly. Of course Prince Jungkook never once cared about Chanyeol. He lost all the respect the moment he heard the news of the death of Queen Joy.

He made sure to kill the monster if he ever shows up in front him. And to his anger, Chanyeol showed up by hurting his lovely Prince.

"He did suffer, my Lord. Taking away his power which he used for granted was his suffering. And I am feeling proud to see you fighting against him." Prince Seokjin reached his hands to Prince Jungkook's face and caressed it softly. Prince Jungkook found himself leaning in the touch.

They both hugged each other and were busy in nuzzling their noses on each other's neck while kissing softly. They could feel happiness and peacefulness in their hearts. Everything was over.

Prince Jungkook and Prince Seokjin leaned back with their foreheads touching. Their breaths were fanning right against their lips, with their eyes closed perfectly. They both turned the side, to see the dark sky disappearing by letting the bright sky to dominate.

The moon and stars perfectly hidden behind the rays of the sun that was starting to shine from the mountains. The birds were chirping and flying across the sky in search of food for their families.

It was finally a dawn for the Silla Kingdom.


A/N: With the next chapter we will be saying good bye to this book angels. I wanted this story to be a feel-good book and I hope I achieved it.

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