Chapter 30👑

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Prince Seokjin was aware of the King Chanyeol's short trip to China. So he knew that the King wouldn't be in Silla Kingdom for few weeks. That's the reason, why he took his husband along with him. He don't think he could sneak out without his husband noticing his absence in the bed during nights.

The Silla Kingdom was silent during the night, while letting the cool breeze to blow perfectly. Only few guards were on duty in the palace which made the Jinkook couple to sneak out from the palace easily.

Since Prince Seokjin wasn't alone, he didn't try to run or jump fast like he used to do when he was on his mission. He knew that his husband, Prince Jungkook wasn't trained well like him, so he tried to match his speed with him and cat walked away from the palace.

Prince Seokjin and Prince Jungkook were hiding under a tree which was few meters away from the entrance gate of the palace. They both were breathing sharply while their eyes were focusing on any suspicious movements or people around them.

"My Prince, where are we going?" For the nth time for tonight, Prince Jungkook had asked the same question. Although Prince Seokjin wished he could answer, he couldn't. Since he neither knew about his destination.

Soon his eyes lit up in happiness when he saw his Lovey flying towards him. He could see his dove clearly on the dark sky, and the white bird was cooing in response after finding her owner.

"W-What's Lovey doing here, my Prince?" Prince Jungkook asked in confusion when his eyes focused on the dove that was flying across the sky. He looked at his husband who was smiling proudly by seeing his Lovey making right on time.

"She is going to guide us to our destination, my Lord." With that Prince Seokjin whistled signaling Lovey to continue her to show the way.

Prince Seokjin grabbed Prince Jungkook's hands before running after the dove which was helping them in reaching their destination. Although there were several questions running on Prince Jungkook's mind, he didn't question further.

He trusted his husband, and with a smile on his face he let his legs follow the path of the dove. Prince Jungkook and Prince Seokjin were happily jogging on the forest area which was surrounded with tall trees and branches.

Since Lovey was white in color, it was easy for them to spot her on the dark sky. They both didn't know for how long they were running, but they could sense the speed of Lovey slowing down when she reached towards Prince Seokjin and sat on his broad shoulders.

Prince Jungkook was regaining his breath while leaning down and holding his thighs. He had never come this far from the palace. When he turned back, he couldn't see anything since the tall trees had hid the Silla Kingdom entirely.

Prince Seokjin was busy in giving the small seeds for Lovey as a reward, who immediately started to eat with her beak.

The sound of cricket chirping could only be heard in the dense forest. Prince Jungkook could tell that he was near by some mountains after looking around the area to find some big rocks.

"My Prince~" Prince Jungkook whispered to his husband whose eyes were focusing on the surroundings, and ears perking up to notice slight sounds in the forest.

Prince Jungkook silenced himself when Prince Seokjin showed his fingers to his lips as a signal to keep quiet. The other's lips were mumbling something under his breath, and before Prince Jungkook could ask what was wrong, he was been pulled by his husband to hide behind the large tree trunk.

Prince Seokjin looked left and right and soon he smirked in victory when he found what he was waiting for. Prince Jungkook made himself to stick to the tree trunk like a lizard and his eyes met where his husband was looking at.

Prince Jungkook's doe eyes widened in fear, when he saw two men wearing some uniform and walking towards them with some tools on their backs. Prince Jungkook gulped in fear, by afraid of getting caught. He had never seen these people, neither do they wear this attire as the uniform in the Palace.

Prince Seokjin leaned back on the tree trunk even further, while his hands were protectively placed on Prince Jungkook's belly by pressing his husband to hide properly. Prince Seokjin silently showed his index finger to Lovey who was cooing inaudibly.

"I know, Lovey. Shhh~" Prince Seokjin whispered before closing his eyes tightly and getting ready. He opened his eyes sharply with anger clearly visible in his eyes. Without hesitation, Prince Seokjin turned back to see the two men walking past the tree where they were hiding behind.

"M-My Prince~" Prince Jungkook tried to call his husband and reach for his hands, who was coming out of their hidden place. Prince Seokjin casually took his dagger out which he was hiding it in his pouch.

Without making any noise, he knelt down on the ground, and ruffled the shredded leaves with his hands making the two guards to turn their attention at him.

"You!! Who are you?" One of the guard shouted in disbelief, and the two of the guards aimed their weapons at Prince Seokjin who casually stood at the center of the forest while shrugging his shoulders like no one.

The two guards shoved their spear from the backs, to which Prince Seokjin gracefully dodged the attacks before jumping on one of the guard's shoulder and strangling him right on the junction of the neck and shoulder two times before landing on the ground with dead man beneath him.

Prince Jungkook widened his eyes in horror, by looking at his husband fighting the remaining guard. His eyes looked down at the guard lying down on the floor with no movements.

Prince Seokjin looked up with a smirk to see another guard widening his eyes in horror. He could see the desperation and anger in that man's eyes.

"You!!!" The remaining guard ran towards Prince Seokjin while trying to thrust the spear right at his heart. But thankfully Prince Seokjin caught the spear and pulled the man towards him who stumbled on the way.

Within seconds, Prince Seokjin kicked the man on the ground, who landed down with a painful groan. His eyes widened, when saw Prince Seokjin swaying the spear beautifully before thrusting the sharp edge right at the center of the guard's neck who choked his own blood.

Prince Seokjin smiled happily by seeing the guard coughing out his blood, and holding the spear tightly. But his eyes rolled back in horror, when the blade was slammed inside even deeper by Prince Seokjin.

Prince Jungkook came out from the back of the tree and looked at the two dead bodies laying on the ground. He could feel himself about to puke by seeing the blood on the shredded leaves.

"Y-You killed them!" Prince Jungkook whispered in disbelief and looked at his husband who was busy in removing their clothes.

"I did, my Lord. Now we don't have time. Here wear this." Prince Seokjin threw one of the guard's costume to Prince Jungkook who almost puked by scenting the smell of the blood. Prince Seokjin carefully pulled his dagger from the other guard's neck and wiped it with the leaves.

After making sure to wear their costume, Prince Jungkook and Prince Seokjin looked at each other. They both were still covering their faces, but Prince Seokjin could see the fear in his husband's eyes. But what hurt him the most was, it felt like Prince Jungkook was afraid of him.

"Please don't fear for me, your Highness. I would never hurt you. You will soon understand once you see it in your own eyes." Prince Jungkook knew that his husband would never hurt him. But deep inside he was having dilemma.

But he lit his heart to trust Prince Seokjin and nodded before both of them walking further into the forest with the help of Lovey who was resting her legs on Prince Jungkook's shoulder.

Their journey came to a halt, when Prince Jungkook and Prince Seokjin reached some cave. Before they could walk further inside, Prince Jungkook felt like his heart was going to explode.

"O-Oh my, who are they?" Prince Jungkook was shocked to see several women and girl children being abused physically by the guards inside the cave.

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