Chapter 3👑

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Silla Kingdom was ruled by the King Chanyeol and Queen Joy. King Chanyeol took the throne after marrying his Queen. It was previously ruled by Queen's Joy's father and to continue the male legacy, Prince Chanyeol became the King.

The country stood by rules and regulations and Silla people were made to abide by it. The people were separated based on their bone ranking system. The bone rank determined the basis of their hereditary proximity to the throne and their level of authority. Strictly the royal blood were allowed to have all the access and rights.

The system not only applied for their official status but it also included for their marriages. This system determined people what color should they wear, and what work should they do. Not all people were allowed to work in castles or run a business.

Every family in the Silla Kingdom were given ranks based on bones named sacred bone, true bone and head ranks. Sacred bone consisted of only Royals and their family. While True bone was people from other royal families from other kingdoms. Head ranks was given to the guards and armed forces who were to protect the royals.

People who laid below these ranks were restricted from everything. They were discriminated based on their statuses and merely considered as a peasants.

The Silla Kingdom was busy with servants cleaning the palace and making sure that the blossomed flowers were plucked up from the garden. Today was the arrival of the Royal family of Goguryeo Kingdom to their palace, and the King Chanyeol made sure that their country was perfect.

"Make sure to gather all the people outside their houses to greet the guests." King Chanyeol ordered his men who immediately bowed and left the throne room.

"My lord, the dinner is ready." Queen Joy walked inside the throne room and bowed her head in respect for the King. The other sighed and looked at the big Sand timer hourglass beside him. He could see the sand almost half from the above glass. He could tell it was about sunset and he needed to eat before the Royals arrive.

He stood up from his throne and walked down to the dining table where the servants were serving the plates. Once they heard the footsteps, they stepped back and bowed their heads down when the King and Queen walked past them.

King Chanyeol sat on his chair with Queen Joy beside him. He looked around the table only to frown by seeing the empty seats.

"Where is the Prince?" King Chanyeol asked in a serious tone making the servants to feel shiver running down on their spine.

"Probably getting his brother, my lord." Queen Joy tried to ease the King who could feel his blood boiling by hearing those words.

"How many times do I have to tell? Stop seeing that mute prince. He is a shame to our Royal blood and if not for your kindness, he would be begging on the streets." King Chanyeol was losing his patience by thinking about his second Prince.

Prince Jeon Jungkook.

He was born for King Chanyeol and his lover Prince Baekhyun. It was not unusual to see the King having relationship with other people besides the Queen. Though King Chanyeol was not happy with the news of someone being pregnant for him other than his Queen, Joy comforted him.

Prince Baekhyun died by giving birth to Prince Jungkook. When King Chanyeol decided to kick the baby out of their royal family, Queen Joy wouldn't let him do it. She took care of Prince Jungkook just like her own child.

Prince Jimin and Prince Jungkook were close from the childhood with only two years of age difference. No matter how many times Prince Jimin had spoken to his brother, the other rarely replied in words. Prince Jungkook found himself either nodding or showing signs to people who tried to converse with him.

He was made to spend his life inside his bedroom and his food was served there. He was not allowed to come outside the room and he was prohibited from going outside the castle. But Prince Jungkook was never fond of it.

He loved visiting outside, and helping his people. All the beatings from his King were worth it while thinking about the good things he had done outside.

"My lord, please be calm. I will go and bring Prince Jimin." Queen Joy stood on her feet and walked away from the dining table making King Chanyeol to hit the table hard.

Queen Joy was not bothered about the bows from the maids since her mind was busy in saving Prince Jungkook from more punishments. She felt relaxed when she found the door of Prince Jungkook open wide and she could hear Prince Jimin's angelic voice.

"Kookie, do you think this looks good?" Prince Jimin asked his brother who was giving his bunny smile while looking at the attire.

Prince Jimin was wearing a long purple skirt and shirt, and there was a band on the waist to fix the shirt. It was similar to a hanbok but mostly it took more of a Chinese style. The symbol of the Silla kingdom was shaped into a bird flying with fully extended wings. And it was neatly sewed on the golden borders.

Prince Jungkook gave a thumbs up to Prince Jimin who immediately did a cute dance by circling with his skirt.

Queen Joy couldn't help but adore their relationship. She was thankful that his son was not ignoring his brother like the King did.

"Aren't you my beautiful prince?" Queen Joy exclaimed with happiness and soon the Princes turned their attention to the Queen.

Prince Jungkook and Prince Jimin walked towards the Queen and bowed in respect who in return patted their heads.

Queen Joy looked at Prince Jungkook attire and she frowned by seeing him wearing a normal robe with a belt secured around his waist.

"Prince Jungkook, wear the dress that I bought for you. Today is a big day for Prince Jimin and you don't want to miss the event, do you?" Queen Joy tried to cutely warn her Prince who instantly widened his doe eyes and shook his head.

Prince Jimin helped his brother to get dressed into a beautiful yellow colored hanbok and put the crown on his head.

"Now that's perf-" Before Queen Joy could say further more, the sound of the trumpet echoed through out the kingdom. Her eyes widened by realizing that the guests have arrived.

"Oh my! It's time. Now let's go." With that Queen Joy grabbed her Princes' hands and walked down the hall to see the King giving them death glance.

"I want you to assemble in the storage room once the guests are in their respected rooms." King Chanyeol ordered Prince Jungkook who gulped by the tone. He nodded and held Queen's hands tightly who tried to sooth him.

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