Chapter 42👑

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The whole stadium was cheering loudly with citizens of Silla and Goguryeo Kingdom. The audience were busy in cheering for their favorite fighters who were competing in the training field.

The sun was shining brightly almost making everyone to sweat but none of them cared when Princess Kyla was on the field. All their bets were on the beautiful Princess who had gracefully beaten several girls and boys in the competition.

King Taehyung, King Jimin, King Yoongi and King Namjoon were busy in supporting their Niece who was competing with the finalist boy in the competition.

It was almost dusk time, this was the last round, and people were throwing money on bets by the obvious winner here.

"Come on, Kyla." The powerful eyes which were busy in glaring at the opponent averted its attention to the stage where her favorite boy, Prince Chia, King Vmin's son was cheering for her.

A beautiful bunny smile played on her lips before winking at the blushing boy who gave a flying kiss to the Princess. She carefully wiped her wet bangs away from her eyes.

Princess Kyla looked at the boy in front of her aiming his sword for the fight. A perfect smirk played on her lips before swaying her sword beautifully around her body and lunging down by signaling the opponent to attack.

With a loud groan, the boy stepped forward with a low lunge and shoved his sword right at Princess Kyla's face who easily defended with her sword against her chest. The boy put his all force on his hands and tried to push even further down, making Kyla to bend her half body almost parallel to the ground.

The fierce in her eyes made the boy almost to feel shivers in his spine. She gritted her teeth when she felt the opponent almost smiling in victory.

"Aghh!" Princess Kyla groaned before putting her force on her both legs and pushing the sword away from her face. She stood up and looked at the opponent stumbling his steps before aiming for another attack.

Princess Kyla ran towards the opponent before jumping on his shoulders. Before he could blink, she was already on his shoulder's back with the sword placed right under his neck, and his head was tilted backward with Kyla's other hand.

She pulled his hair back and looked down at the boy from his shoulders with a bunny smile. The boy was finding difficult to open his eyes, when Kyla's sweat was falling down on his face.

"And you say~" Princess Kyla whispered while pulling the boy's hair back before pointing the sword so near to the skin of the neck.

"I-I surrender!" The opponent said before letting his sword fall down on the ground making the cheer to whistle and clap with craziness.

A proud smirk played on her lips and with a wink she jumped down from his shoulders before making sure to push the boy who stumbled on the ground.

"That's my Princess!" Prince Jungkook jumped in excitement by seeing his daughter winning the competition. Well it was not an unusual thing to witness.

For the past seven years, Princess Kyla had been taking the trophy in every fighting competition. Ever since she turned three she was training for the battle field with the help of his fathers, Prince Seokjin and Prince Jungkook.

Lots of things happened in the last ten years. After the monster Chanyeol's death, the Silla Kingdom have changed for good. Prince Jimin gave birth to a beautiful boy, little Prince Chia, who was likely to be more attached to little Princess Kyla.

Prince Seokjin gave birth to his twins, Princess Kyla and Prince Kai. Kyla was fierce like his father. She loved fighting and holding the sword. It gave her a happiness and a motive to lead her life. She was a copy cat of her father Prince Seokjin while Prince Kai was the exact opposite. He wasn't much of a speaker. He was always found with Princess Yoonji, King Namgi couple's daughter.

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