Chapter 4👑

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The first impression of Goguryeo Kingdom on the Silla empire was lovely. They didn't expect the citizens of the kingdom to gather outside and warm them a greet welcome. But they were happy to see such lovely people celebrating their arrival.

The guards of Silla Kingdom surrounded the carriages and pushed people out by making sure that no one touches the Royals. King Daniel and Queen Jisoo were the first one to get down followed by the Princes from the other carriage.

"Wow, the place looks beautiful." Prince Seokjin muttered himself while wandering his eyes around the environment. He gave a small smile and waved his hands to the people who were jumping in joy by seeing him.

Prince Namjoon along with his consort walked towards the King and Queen with his brothers following them.

It took them nearly two days to reach Silla Kingdom with getting rest in a beautiful lake for a night. Now the sun was set already and the dark was trying to dominate the blue sky. The Royal family of Goguryeo Kingdom walked towards the palace where they could see the Royal family of Silla Kingdom waiting for their arrival.

"Welcome to Silla Kingdom, your Royal Highness." King Chanyeol gave a wide smile while bowing slightly to the King Daniel. The other Princes bowed their heads in respect to the other King and the Kim Princes mirrored their actions.

"Thanks for your lovely greeting, your Royal Highness. We are overwhelmed." King Daniel bowed to the King Chanyeol who chuckled softly.

"We are happy to have you and your family in our kingdom, your Royal Highness. Please come inside." With that the family walked inside the castle along with guidance of the King of Silla.

Prince Kim Taehyung didn't know which was going to be his consort. Was it the shorter male who looked so cute and bubbly or was it the taller male who looked silent?

"Found your Prince?" Prince Seokjin nudged his brother who shook his head with a pout.

Soon the Royal families found themselves sitting in the throne room with their Princes standing behind their Kings.

"Pardon me for my foolishness. Where are my manners? I hereby introduce my Queen, Joy and my first Prince Park Jimin who is going to be soon living with your family."

King Daniel signaled his hand for Prince Jimin to come front, who immediately with a bowed head walked in front of the family and greeted them with respect.

"W-Welcome to the Silla Kingdom, Royal family." Prince Jimin said by gaining soft chuckles from everyone. Prince Kim Taehyung couldn't take his eyes off of the beautiful Prince who was standing in front of him.

He looked so cute and small that Prince Taehyung wished he could sneak the Prince inside his pocket.

"You are such a lovely Prince. And I would like to introduce my family. This is my Queen Jisoo. Our first Prince Kim Namjoon and his consort Min Yoongi. My second Prince Kim Taehyung who will be tying his wedding knot with Prince Jimin. And my third Prince Kim Seokjin."

King Daniel introduced his family and it was such a lovely sight. Prince Jimin blushed by seeing his soon to be consort boring eyes at him. He was not used to men staring at him, but seeing Prince Taehyung he loved it.

Prince Taehyung was handsome in his white Hanbok, which perfectly looked good for his skin. Prince Namjoon and Prince Jin were having furrowed eyebrows when they saw the King not introducing the other Prince who was still standing behind the King.

"Uh! Pardon me before I speak. But you haven't introduced the other Prince. Did you forgot perhaps, Your Highness?" King Daniel spoke with furrowed eyebrows while looking at the silent Prince.

Prince Jungkook's eyes widened when he heard those words. He nervously gulped and looked at his King who was sitting before him. He knew that the King had never introduced him to anyone as a Royal family. But now he felt bad for making the King to answer that question.

"Ha! No, Your Highness. T-This is the second Prince, Jeon Jungkook. Come here." King Chanyeol called him in a dark tone, who instantly walked front and bowed his head. He was fidgeting his fingers in his royal dress and found everyone looking at him to speak.

King Chanyeol was getting frustrated by seeing Prince Jungkook not speaking with words. Now he was regretting why in the first place did Jungkook came down to greet the Royals.

"Uh, Pardon him. H-He is mute and rarely speaks. Don't conclude that he is manner-less, Your Highness." The Royal family of Goguryeo Kingdom didn't know how to respond. They hadn't come across such people but they found themselves smiling by seeing the beautiful Prince.

"Not at all, Your Highness. It was nice seeing you, Prince Jungkook." King Daniel smiled at Prince Jungkook, who felt himself being giddy. No one had ever shown him smile other than his brother and the Queen. But he felt himself giving a bunny smile at the guests who loved that cute smile.

Particularly Prince Seokjin found himself smiling by seeing the cute bunny teeth which gave tingles in his stomach.

A/N: Thank you so much angels for supporting this historical fan fiction. I thought this wouldn't receive much support, but your encouraging words and comments always motivates me to write more. 💜💜

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