Chapter 31👑

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Though Silla Kingdom was known for many things, the prosperity of Silla was evident in the magnificent  crowns which were among the most prized art objects. Many countries outside the Korea, were mesmerized by the beauty of the golden crowns, and were obsessed with it.

The Silla Kingdom were in constant rivalry with the Baekje and Goguryeo Kingdoms. So they made an alliance with the  Tang Dynasty of  China which permitted Silla to eventually help to conquer around the world.

Their crowns symbolized the cultural interactions, which gained popularity among other nations. The Silla Kingdom got so many offers of making such crowns to other countries.

The former King Jisun, father of Queen Joy, declined such pacts with other kingdoms. He was not ready to join in hands with China. There were several gold mines hidden under the mountains of Silla Kingdom, and King Jisun made sure that only Silla citizens were able to get access to all the gold.

But after him stepping down from the crown, Kim Chanyeol became the King by getting married to his daughter Joy. He was having different ideologies compared to the former King. He was selfish and greedy when it came to money and fame.

The first agreement which King Chanyeol signed was joining hands with Tang dynasty. China partnershipped with Silla Kingdom, and they gained more access to the gold mines.

King Chanyeol traded gold for China's famous tea and architectures. He let only women and young children to work under the gold mines. Men were forbidden and they were allowed only to run shops in the market town.

All the women and children in the family were abducted by the King's guards and they were made as slaves to work under the mines. No one could stop the cruel act after witnessing a family getting hanged down in the middle of the market by the King Chanyeol.

The traders of China who comes to watch the work, took several women for pleasure. The women and children were used as sex slaves and were sexually abused by the guards every nights in their sleep time.

If any of them rejects or tries to escape, they were beaten severely on their thighs and buttocks and were let to starve for several days, which sometimes led to death. The men of Silla Kingdom were given money, if their wives or children were taken by the traders for pleasure or dead in the mines.

The citizens of the Silla Kingdom couldn't fight against the evil King. But all the cruel acts came to the light when a spy from the Goguryeo Kingdom informed the news.

The Silla Kingdom and Goguryeo Kingdom were getting ready for the war at anytime. But the King Daniel hesitated to start a war, after knowing about the citizen's life in Silla Kingdom.

He decided not to fight but rather destroy it. A war might lead to lose several innocent lives, so he planned to kill the people who is taking the wrong doings. So he made a peaceful pact between the two kingdoms by getting their Princes married to each other.

"Things which you saw tonight are the sins committed by the King of Silla Kingdom. Goguryeo Kingdom received several petitions from the citizens of Silla, agreeing to demolish the King.

But King Daniel wanted to free the people who are tortured as slaves. We will fight once the citizens are safe with their families."

Prince Jungkook was having his eyes fixed on the mountains that were still visible from the balcony. After witnessing the cruel acts, Prince Jungkook had asked Prince Seokjin to take him home.

Prince Seokjin had no other choice but to tell his husband the truth. That was the reason why right now, Prince Taehyung, Prince Jimin, Prince Seokjin and Prince Jungkook were standing in the balcony while listening to Prince Taehyung.

"A-Are you saying that the King is a bad person?" Prince Jimin asked with tears forming in his eyes. He couldn't believe that his father could hurt his own people. Ofcourse he knew that he beats Prince Jungkook, but women and children.

"And all the luxury items that I am wearing right now are from their blood? I-I am happy when they are suffering." Prince Jimin's small hands reached for his head and gripped on the crown tightly before throwing it on the ground, letting the golden beads to splatter on the floor.

Prince Taehyung immediately ran to his husband, who was kneeling down on the balcony and crying by holding his heart out.

Prince Seokjin looked at Prince Jungkook who never once shifted his eyes from the mountains. He could still hear the cries of the women and children. He could still visualize the scene of the women getting whipped and children shouting in pain by lifting heavy things.

In all his life, he thought he was the one hurting and he had sacrificed his life for the King. But after seeing his own people suffering by losing their family and getting abused sexually and physically made his blood boil.

Prince Jungkook reached his hands over his face before removing the mask around his face. He slowly wiped the tears that were falling down on his cheeks. His eyes for the first time, looked at his husband after their departure from the gold mine.

The doe eyes looked at those alpaca eyes. But this time he could see the passion and anger instead of love. He had never seen his husband like this.

"Who are you, Prince Seokjin?"

Was all Prince Jungkook asked making Prince Seokjin to smile sadly. Prince Taehyung and Prince Jimin stood up when they heard the question. The Vmin Princes were looking at each other before looking at Prince Jungkook who was having his eyes focused on his husband.

Prince Seokjin softly removed his mask around his face before letting it fall on the ground. He looked at Prince Jungkook who was intensely looking at his husband to speak up.

"J-Jungkook, I can expl-" Before Prince Taehyung could speak, he was stopped by Prince Seokjin who showed his hands in a silence. Prince Seokjin gulped down his saliva before looking at Prince Jungkook while stiffening his body and standing firmly on the floor.

"I am a warrior, my Lord. I fight for my Kingdom."

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