Chapter 18👑

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Prince Taehyung asked his brother Prince Seokjin who was loading his food bag on the horse that he was going to travel with.

True to his words, Prince Seokjin had already discussed about his departure to his Kingdom with King Chanyeol and Queen Joy. He also had informed his arrival to his parents and his brother Prince Namjoon and Prince Yoongi beforehand.

But still, Prince Taehyung wasn't convinced with sending Prince Seokjin all alone in this journey.

"I am, Taehyung. I-I feel like I would go crazy with things going in my life. Besides I want to pay a visit to Prince Yoongi, who is pregnant."

Prince Namjoon and Prince Yoongi were about to have a heir. They received the information few days before through a home pigeon and everyone in the Goguryeo Kingdom were celebrating with the news of pregnancy.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you supposed to be with Prince Jimin?" Prince Seokjin questioned his brother while covering his body with a big black cloak and he made sure to cover his face with a big cloth to protect his identity.

He knew that there were muggers around, and he didn't want to show off his royal clothes. So he disguised himself as a commoner and made sure to secure his face with the cloth.

Only his eyes could be seen, his nose and mouth were wrapped around perfectly. It was also preventing Prince Seokjin from cold weather.

"He is sleeping. And if I am right, you should also be sleeping right now. You can start your journey after the dawn."

Prince Taehyung suggested his brother while looking at the dark sky above them. The moon was still glowing with some stars blinking like eyes.

The palace was dark only with few candle lights lit at the entrance of the gate. The Silla Empire gave an eerie feeling during nights, and it was not a good vibe.

"No, it might slow down the journey."

Prince Seokjin replied before patting the horse and softly admiring it's fur and texture. His eyes looked at the palace in front of him, and he could feel himself getting emotional by thinking about leaving his husband.

"Will you do me a favor?" Prince Seokjin reached for Prince Taehyung's hands who instantly wrapped it and soothed it softly.


"Look after my Prince Jungkook. I feel like he is hurting. I am not sure of the reason, but my instincts are telling me and please take care of him during my absence here."

Prince Taehyung smiled by seeing his brother worrying about his husband. With a soft nod, he assured Prince Seokjin that he would look after Prince Jungkook.

"I am aware of that too. Something in this kingdom is fishy. But we will soon find it out." Prince Seokjin smiled in return before getting up on the horse and sitting comfortably on it.

"Why don't you wait for Prince Jungkook to wake up?"

Prince Seokjin nodded his head negatively while softly looking down at his brother.

"I don't want to disturb him. Besides he would probably not be in our room." Prince Seokjin thought to himself but didn't say it out loud. He took the halter, and motioned the horse to move.

Prince Seokjin nodded his head to his brother who in return nodded with assurance. The horse was led in the direction of Goguryeo Kingdom by Prince Seokjin.

The travel might take several days with little stops here and there. But this journey was needed for both of them.

Prince Taehyung looked at his brother getting disappeared from the entrance gate with the horse. He knew that his brother was not happy with Prince Jungkook. But he was in no position to question their love life.

While Prince Seokjin had started his journey, Prince Jungkook was crying silently in the storage room with King whipping his skin inch by inch.

He wasn't crying about the physical pain but rather the emotional pain. The thought of not seeing his husband and not there to send him off safely was what made him cry.

"You are all mine for god knows how many months, you mute boy. Since your husband is not here, you will be made to come here even in mornings too." King Chanyeol thought to himself while ripping his son's skin without caring about the blood spilling on the floor.

After letting out all the frustrations on Prince Jungkook, the King had let him go finally. Prince Jungkook was limping and wincing in pain whenever his Hanbok came in contact with his skin. He wished to rip off the Hanbok but he knew it was expensive and it was a gift from his father-in-law during Pyebaek ceremony.

When he opened his bedroom door, his eyes locked with the large empty bed. Prince Jungkook found himself sniffling softly while seeing no traces of his husband Prince Seokjin. Deep inside he wanted to stop his husband from having this journey.

But he knew that the other wasn't happy with him. The lack of communication was the problem, but Prince Jungkook was not confident enough to expose his secret.

He didn't want King Chanyeol to hurt Prince Seokjin. He had been threatened by the King before the day of wedding,

"If you ever say what I did to you to your husband, you leave me no choice but to strangle him. The secret of Silla Kingdom will die along with Prince Seokjin."

Even now, Prince Jungkook could feel cold shivers running down his spine by thinking about losing Prince Seokjin. He was happy to see his husband being alive and he didn't want the other to be dead.

He would be more than happy to get hurt instead of seeing his husband hurting.

Prince Jungkook slowly walked to his cabinet and took the scented oil along with the peacock feather. He went to the bathroom, and healed himself infront of the mirror. He could smell his husband's rose scented bath oil, and he felt like crying.

After applying the oil, he walked back to the bed and saw Lovey sitting in her cage by tilting her head time to time. A smile formed on Prince Jungkook's face and he slowly walked to Lovey while bending down to her height.

"A-At least, I have you with resemblance of my Prince." He whispered before laying down on the bed on his stomach. His back was fully wounded with fresh scars and when he took a deep breath, his heart ached.

He could scent his husband's lavender body lotion on the bedsheets. He wished to drown himself in this smell, which gave him warmth and some kind of safety. Few drops of tears left his eyes when he stuffed his face in Prince Seokjin's pillow and inhaled the sweet scent of lavender.

Prince Jungkook wished to wake up from this smell everyday and he wanted to be bathed in this scent in all his life.

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