Chapter 8👑

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"Muggers, who?" Prince Taehyung whispered in Jimin's ears who gulped by the husky voice. He looked around but with his height he couldn't see anyone since all the guards have circled them for protection.

"T-The ones I talked about, your highness. There are groups of muggers who is stealing in public areas. And today they are attacking the street market." Prince Jimin said making the other Princes widen their eyes.

Princes of Goguryeo Kingdom had never come across such people. Their Empire had been running smoothly, and people were having their own jobs and living happily. But here everything was different.

Prince Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows when he felt a soft tug on his silk robe. He looked aside to see Prince Jungkook hugging his White Silk robe tightly and having his eyes closed while keeping his head down. For a minute Prince Seokjin almost found the Prince Jungkook adorable.

"Oh my! It's my fault, I shouldn't have got down from the carriage." Prince Yoongi felt bad for making other Princes to be in trouble because of him.

"Calm down, my Prince. It isn't anyone's fault. The guards will take care." Prince Namjoon tried to comfort his consort but soon they all were pushed back by the guards when the attackers started to throw stones at them.

"Guards, the Shields!" The Royal Guard ordered and soon they protected the Royals with their metal shields and they could hear the sounds of stones hitting the metal.

All the Royal Princes were hiding themselves by kneeling on the ground and they could hear the Royal guard giving different commands to the other soldiers. Some of the muggers started to use their weapons and shoot their arrows at the Royal guards.

Prince Seokjin's eyes widened when he heard a whine from Prince Jungkook. He looked aside to see an arrow lightly passed through Prince Jungkook's biceps.

"Oh my!" Prince Seokjin whispered in shock and without waiting for other's consent he pulled Prince Jungkook's hands and looked for a wound. Thankfully the arrow had passed through his loose robe and just a light scratch on his biceps.

Prince Seokjin looked around to see some of the Royal guards falling down by the heavy attack from the muggers. He was losing his patience. He looked at Prince Taehyung protecting Prince Jimin in his arms while the same goes for Prince Namjoon and Prince Yoongi.

"That's it!" Prince Seokjin commented making Princes of Goguryeo Kingdom widen their eyes in horror.

"No, Seokjin don't you dare. I wi-" Before Prince Namjoon could finish his sentence, Prince Seokjin was already standing up and pulling some arrows and a bow from the guard who had fell down on the ground.

Prince Jimin's and Prince Jungkook's eyes widened by seeing Prince Seokjin standing in his position along with the guards, with a bow pulling an arrow in it's string. Prince Seokjin lifted the bow above and pointed the arrow in a position to hit a mugger on his leg.

A smirk played on Prince Seokjin's plump lips when he found one of the muggers. He closed his one eye before spotting his target.

While the arrow was on the dent and the string was stretched, Prince Seokjin's index finger was placed above the arrow, with the middle and ring fingers below the arrow. His pinky finger and thumb were being placed away by making sure that they never touched the string.

This enabled Prince Seokjin to have the free movement of the arrow without putting any pressure on it.

Now it was time to release the arrow. Gently, the string was pulled back by Prince Seokjin such that it touches the tip of his nose and his hand was below his perfect jaw.

With use of his three fingers, Prince Seokjin pulled the arrow on the string so that the bottom of the arrow almost touching his face. After getting the correct position, Prince Seokjin simply released the tension in his bow string fingers, and let the arrow fly.

After releasing the arrow, Prince Seokjin's hand gracefully fell back a little bit with his chest expanding ever-so-slightly, and opening up a little bit. He could feel his back muscles contracting slightly and his broad shoulders coming together a little bit.

A low grunt from one of the muggers could be heard. The Royal Guard looked back to see Prince Seokjin already aiming at another mugger. He gave a small nod to the Prince before looking after other muggers.

There were so many muggers coming on their horses and the guards were busy in aiming their arrows at their legs and hands. With his experience in archery skill, Prince Seokjin found himself shooting the arrows gracefully giving the Princes and the Silla people, a good show.

Prince Seokjin moved side to side to attack the muggers who tried to throw items on his family. He beautifully dodged the mugger's weapons who tried to aim at him.

He slowly eased his fingers away from the stretched string, and maintained a stance while the arrow whistled through the air. Within blink of an eye, Prince Seokjin was shooting more arrows on the muggers who were falling one by one from the horse.

"P-Prince Seokjin is-"

"Cool, I know. And I am proud of him." Prince Taehyung cut Prince Jimin from saying. He was indeed proud of his brother who was excellently showing his archery skills. Prince Seokjin looked elegant and handsome while releasing every arrow beautifully.

Prince Seokjin was enjoying his time while seeing the arrows flying in the air and hitting his target. His fingers were busy in stretching the bow string and his legs were standing steadily in a position to attack the muggers.

He had never used his archery skills other than hitting the target on the board. It was his first time to attack people and he was loving it. Soon the guards with swords circled the muggers who were grunting and panting on the ground. Their horses were taken back to the Kingdom and the guards tied the muggers with ropes.

"Thanks for lending me." Prince Seokjin gave the bow and arrow to the guard who was limping from the attack. He bowed his head and took back his tools before walking towards the other guards.

The Royal Guard Jung Hoseok, came towards the Royal Princes after making sure that the muggers were tied around and took back to the kingdom for punishment.

The crowd who were hiding behind their shops and pillars clapped their hands and shouted happily at the guards and Prince Seokjin who saved their lives. Jung Hoseok smiled awkwardly and brought the Princes to their carriages.

"That's for your help, your highness. Never knew Royal Princes were trained with archery." Jung Hoseok commented by gaining soft chuckles from the Princes.

"He is a surprise package." Prince Namjoon patted on Jin's shoulder proudly. Prince Seokjin was sweating heavily after pulling that small stunt. And the sun was making it worse even more."

"I guess we had seen a lot for today. Can we go to the palace? I want to take a bath. I stink." Prince Seokjin commented since he was feeling shy from all the compliments. And he could feel the strong eyes of Prince Jungkook on him, to which he felt himself blushing even more.

After nodding to Prince Seokjin's request, all the Royal Princes sat on their carriages by leaving the curtain closed. The sun was getting warmer and they didn't like the hotness.

Prince Seokjin was busy in wiping his sweat off and fanning himself with his fingers. His action suddenly stopped when he heard a manly yet soft voice.

"T-Thank you."

A/N: Now if you give me a bow and an arrow I can shoot the target, angels. Just Kidding. But I had to learn archery skills and about Korean Dynasties for this book. And maybe in future I need to learn about sword fights too. Someone hand me that Sword😂

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