Chapter 12👑

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Prince Seokjin was running down the hallway with a letter in his hand. His right hand was tightly clutching on the letter and his other hand was holding his green Hanbok from making sure that he doesn't fall or trip down on the ground.

All the maids and guards moved when they heard fast foot steps. Soon Seokjin opened the throne room and found his family members discussing something together.

"Y-Your Majesty! I-I got the reply from the P-Prince Jungkook." Prince Seokjin was heavily panting and breathing from the long run.

When he was about to close his bedroom window before having a beauty sleep, he found Lovey flying in the night sky.

His heart was beating fast and he was hoping that he would get a positive answer. It's been nearly a week since he had sent the letter. He breathed slowly and opened the letter only to cry in happiness.

Dear Prince Kim Seokjin of Goguryeo Kingdom,

I do want to spend my life with you beside me. Thank you for accepting me and I hope Lovey delivers my answer to you.

Sincerely, Royal Prince Jungkook of Silla Kingdom.

The King Daniel and Queen Jisoo read the letter loudly for the other Princes to hear. And they were happy that the second Prince had accepted their son.

The Princes got up from their seats and hugged their brother happily. They never expected Prince Seokjin to get married quickly. But if it was right person, then nothing mattered.

"Your Majesty, I guess you need to discuss this with the King of Silla Kingdom, and fix a date for both our Princes wedding." Queen Jisoo said making the King Daniel to nod his head. He wasn't sure whether his last Prince would spend his life after wedding in their Kingdom or at Silla.

"Prince Seokjin, will you be okay to spend your life in Silla Kingdom? Prince Taehyung would be the next heir of Silla Kingdom once he get married to Prince Jimin.

And Prince Namjoon would be the next King of Goguryeo Kingdom once I step down. Will you be okay to have your consort as a Prince forever?"

Prince Seokjin simply smiled by the question. He was not a fool to not think about this before. He knew that his brothers would be the next in the heir and they would take up their roles as Kings once they take the throne.

Never in the first place did Prince Seokjin ever wanted to be a King or King's consort. He loved his life and freedom and he wanted to have the same after wedding.

The Royal members were looking at Prince Seokjin for an answer who cleared his throat before speaking his heart out.

"Your Majesty, I have no problem with Prince Jungkook not being the King in the future. And in both Kingdoms I am having my brothers with me. As long as I am with Prince Jungkook, I don't care about which Kingdom I am living in.

I would be very much happy to be a Prince forever and love to abide by the King's rules. If Prince Jungkook want to live in Silla Kingdom, I would never be an obstacle. I am okay with anything as long as I have Prince Jungkook with me."

"Wow, my little Prince has grown up so much." Prince Seokjin rolled his eyes by hearing Prince Taehyung's comment. Taehyung wiped his fake tears and hugged his brother by making Prince Seokjin to cringe by the closeness.

The Royal family were enjoying by seeing their Princes being happy and lovely. While the Kingdom of Goguryeo Kingdom were happy for their sons, the King of Silla Kingdom was busy in whipping his second Prince in the storage room.

The people in Silla Empire were getting their beauty sleep expect the Royal family members. Queen Joy and Prince Jimin were crying loudly by knocking on the closed door. They knew that it was waste of time, but the King was taking his time more and they didn't like it.

They could hear the whipping sounds, and the heavy breath of the King. The second Prince was having his eyes closed and was digging his nails on his arms together without making any noise.

"You know what they say? Never trust a quiet people. And you have proved it right, you mute boy."

The King Chanyeol spat through his whippings and continued to wreck Prince Jungkook who was silently letting his tears out.

For the past few weeks the Silla Kingdom was busy with preparing the wedding ceremony, and King Chanyeol was running out of time. Out of nowhere, suddenly he received a letter from the King of Goguryeo Kingdom asking for his approval to let Second Prince to tie knot with the third Prince.

King Chanyeol knew something was wrong. And when he threatened about hurting Prince Jungkook, Queen Joy and Prince Jimin told the events that had happened. The King was losing his patience by thinking about his family betraying him behind his back.

Though he knew that Prince Jungkook could never be a king, he didn't like the Prince getting married. He can't let his frustration out on the married Prince. He could tell that Prince Seokjin was a fighter, and he would start to dig up his abusive behavior and spoil his name in his Empire.

After fifteen minutes of whipping, the King Chanyeol got tired and threw the leather whip angrily.

"Just because you would get married doesn't mean you are free, mute boy. You will be asked to obey the King's orders and you will assemble here every night without your consort's knowledge. Did I make myself clear?"

Prince Jungkook who was having his eyes closed, slowly opened letting his tears fall down on his beautiful cheeks. The burn on his naked skin was getting  painfully more and more with every second, but he didn't want to show it outside.

He softly nodded and tightly pressed his palm over his biceps to control his pain. With an angry huff, the King left the storage room by leaving Queen Joy and Prince Jimin to run inside immediately.

They both gasped by looking at the upper naked body of the Prince Jungkook which was decorated with red patches. They could see the peeled skin and blood oozing out from his chest and shoulders.

Though Prince Jungkook was in pain, he was happy that the King Chanyeol had accepted his wedding with Prince Seokjin. He could hide this from his consort and he decided to obey King's words if he didn't want any of his loved ones to get hurt.

Prince Jungkook felt his body getting numb and he wasn't flinching much whenever Queen Joy softly brushed the oil with the bird feather. He was far gone and his mind was filled with his new life with Prince Seokjin that he was going to spend in his future

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