Chapter 21👑

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"Did you get everything packed, my Prince?"

Queen Jisoo asked for the nth time making Prince Seokjin to literally bang his head on the horse. Prince Jungkook had told him that he couldn't stay for the night since King Chanyeol had not given permission.

He knew that he had to go to King's chamber whenever the other calls, since he had promised. King Chanyeol didn't give permission for Prince Jungkook to visit the Goguryeo Kingdom. But after hearing the other's plea, King Chanyeol decided to use it for his own advantage.

"I will allow you under one condition." Prince Jungkook nodded his head happily after knowing that he could see his husband. But little did he knew that the other was having a big smirk with his idea.

"You aren't allowed to stay there, and you are asked to come to the storage room any time."

Prince Jungkook wasn't having any thoughts about it, since his mind was filled with Prince Seokjin. He didn't worry about the consequences or the beatings which he might get in future. All he wanted was to bring his husband back to their palace, and have him beside him.

He missed his husband every day and wished to be with him. He hated to wake up in an empty bed and sleep alone. He loved seeing those alpaca eyes every day and missed hearing the angelic voice.

Deep inside Prince Jungkook knew that he loves his husband. He loves how brave, Prince Seokjin was. He could never be like his husband but that's what made him to fall for him even more.

Prince Jungkook wanted to show his love and feelings to the one person who had genuinely shown interest in him.

After seeing how close the Vmin couple were, Prince Jungkook felt guilty. He knew that Prince Seokjin likes him and he felt horrible to not reciprocate those feelings.

So he decided to not be shy and ignore his heart. For once in his life, Prince Jungkook wanted to follow his heart. His heart earned for Prince Seokjin. He was happy to see his husband after few weeks. He wanted his marriage life to work and Prince Jungkook was ready to come out of his shell and express his feelings which he ignored before.

Though his sudden change might be a surprise to others, Prince Jungkook wasn't bothered by it. He wanted to show his real self and he wanted Prince Seokjin to love him just like how his heart does.

"I have packed, your Majesty. And we are riding horses not a cart. So it's better if we don't bring heavy items." Prince Jungkook nodded to his husband's words and both of them got on their horses.

It was already evening, and they knew that they had to stay at some banks of river during night. So they decided to take their departure before the sunset.

King Daniel, Prince Namjoon, Prince Yoongi and Queen Jisoo were happily waving their hands to the Silla Princes who were on their journey to the Silla Kingdom. All the guards and people bowed to them and made space for their horse to move.

Prince Seokjin and Prince Jungkook were having a big smile on their faces, while their horses were moving with same speed beside each other. Prince Seokjin could see Prince Jungkook's veiny hands holding the halter to direct the horse.

With a small shy, Prince Seokjin reached his hands for his husband's who instantly looked in his direction. Their both horses were moving slowly and it gave a chance for the newly wedded couple to hold hands.

Prince Jungkook smiled by the gesture, and he immediately engulfed Prince Seokjin's hands inside his and intertwined together making his husband a blushing mess.

The cool breeze was flowing and the chill air brought shivers down their spines. The sky was painted in orange with sun slowly hiding behind the big mountains.

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