Chapter 40👑

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Prince Jungkook was walking back and forth while pulling his hair. He  was restless and walking inside their bedroom with slight fear creeping  inside him.

Prince Seokjin was sitting on the bed with his back  resting on the bed headboard. His hands were softly rubbing on his eight months belly trying to calm the baby down. His eyes looked over the Lovey in the cage who was oddly cooing and tilting her head continuously.

After hearing the news  about Chanyeol's escape, he could find the distress in his husband's  face. No matter how much he tried to convince his husband to sleep, the  other was full awake in the middle of the night.

"My Lord, I won't let him harm you."

Prince Seokjin said firmly  making Prince Jungkook to stop his actions. He looked at his husband in  disbelief before walking over the bed and sitting near Prince Seokjin.  Prince Jungkook took Prince Seokjin's hands in one hand while his other  veiny hand was busy in stroking his pregnant belly.

"Are you thinking that I am worried about myself, my Prince?" Prince  Jungkook asked softly before looking at his husband in eyes.

"I have learned to fight, my Prince. I am not bothered about that  monster killing me. I am worried about him hurting you. We are not  talking about one life, but three lives."

Prince Jungkook whispered  before leaning down to leave butterfly kisses all over the big belly  making Prince Seokjin to feel ticklish.

But his eyes widened in surprise when he remembered his husband's words.

"T-Three?"  Prince Seokjin asked in disbelief while his hands were trying to lift  Prince Jungkook's chin up. Prince Jungkook cursed himself for telling it  loud.

With an awkward laugh, Prince Jungkook soothed his hands on Prince Seokjin's palms before nodding his head like a good boy.

"It was supposed to be a surprise, my Prince. The healer told me in the last check up."

"W-We are having twins." Prince Seokjin closed his mouth in awe by  looking at his belly in surprise. He could feel his eyes welling up with  tears and he found emotional by thinking about two babies in the palace

"Yes we are, my Prince. A mini Kookie and a mini Jinnie." Prince  Jungkook said with a soft giggle making Prince Seokjin to laugh along  with him. That's right, there were going to be two versions of them in  their palace running around.

"So that's why I am more worried about. I can't let him hurt you."

"The  palace is full of guards, my Lord. King Taehyung had doubled the  security. So no intruder could come. Don't you worry, your Highness."  Prince Seokjin caressed his husband's face who softly nodded to Prince  Seokjin's words.

That's right. After hearing the news about  Chanyeol on loose, the King Taehyung tightened the security. There were  guards everywhere in the palace and outside the palace. There would be  no way that monster could enter here.

Prince Jungkook let his  sleep take control of him, by having his head resting on the bed with  Prince Seokjin on his chest. He didn't know how long was he sleeping but  he stirred softly when he felt movement.

"What happened, my  Prince?" Prince Jungkook tried to open his eyes and looked at his husband who was  pouting cutely. He sat up along with Prince Seokjin who was rubbing his  belly and looking at Prince Jungkook with an apologize on his face.

"My Lord, I am hungry. I thought of leaving without waking you up,  but I failed." Prince Jungkook chuckled softly before looking out  through the window. It was still dark with stars decorating the sky  along with the moon shining beautifully.

"I will go and bring the food from the kitchen, my Prince." With a  soft kiss on the forehead, Prince Jungkook got down from the bed and  walked to the kitchen leaving Prince Seokjin to sigh heavily.

Prince Seokjin leaned on his bed's headboard before looking at the closet near the bathroom door.

"You can come out now. I am not a big fan of hide and seek game." Prince Seokjin heard an evil laugh echoing through out the bedroom.

He saw Chanyeol coming out from the closet with an evil smirk. Prince Seokjin could see the ugly smirk and wished he could rip it off. He could see that the monster had lost his weight and his face was having several scars and so did his body.

Chanyeol had arrived the palace before the news could reach the Silla Kingdom. After killing Queen Joy in the cell, who tried to stop him from escaping, he used the secret path to reach the palace. Being the King, he knew lots of secret doors, and with that he settled himself in Prince Seokjin's and Prince Jungkook's bedroom before anyone could notice.

"Well, so you do know that I am here." Chanyeol whispered before walking towards Prince Seokjin who simply shrugged his shoulders like nothing.

"I am a warrior, Chanyeol. I have eyes everywhere." Prince Seokjin said before placing his hands on his pregnant belly by gaining the monster's attention.

"If you know that I am here, I guess you also know the reason." With that Chanyeol took his dagger from his pocket and lunged towards Prince Seokjin to strangle his belly.

Prince Seokjin caught his hands which were almost holding the dagger near his belly in a reflex. With a grunt, he pushed the monster away with heavy force, resulted in making the Chanyeol to stumble his steps in back. Prince Seokjin got down from his bed and looked at the monster with pity.

Chanyeol once again stood up steadily and jogged towards Prince Seokjin by trying to shove the dagger right through his eyes. Prince Seokjin held his grip tightly on Chanyeol's wrists and he was almost bending in half in back by how strong the monster was reaching for him.

Prince Seokjin put all his energy in his foot and hit his head on Chanyeol forcefully before kicking him in the abdomen. Chanyeol grunted in pain and fell down on the floor with anger painted on his face.

"I might be pregnant, but I am still a fighter." Prince Seokjin smirked before leaning down to smack Chanyeol's face. But the monster used his legs to push Prince Seokjin away by kicking him hard on his thighs.

Prince Seokjin groaned in pain when his back hit the door of the closet. He whimpered when he felt slight pain occurring on his belly and on his abdomen. He held the closet door for support, before using his other hand to sooth his tummy.

Tears were forming in his eyes, by the strong pain in his belly. He wasn't sure of the reason, but he could feel him almost losing his consciousness.

Chanyeol was quite enjoying the scene, and he got up with his dagger and looked happily by seeing Prince Seokjin being in pain.

"You might be a fighter, but you are still a bitch to me. You ruined my life, my reputation and my everything. You are deserved to die, bitch."

Chanyeol yelled before reaching the sharp edge of the dagger to strangle Prince Seokjin who immediately caught it in his hands before it could touch his belly. He opened his eyes with full of tears and looked up to see Chanyeol gritting his teeth and using all his force to let the dagger dive deeper.

"You never change, do you?" Prince Seokjin spitted out before pulling the dagger away from Chanyeol who was trying so hard to not lose the grip. But unluckily, Prince Seokjin was strong enough and he threw the knife away through he window.

Before he could speak, Chanyeol gripped on his neck tightly making Prince Seokjin to choke his tears and made him to difficult to breathe.

"You should die in my hands ." Chanyeol said with venom in his words as he choked Prince Seokjin with his both hands who were coughing out loud with pain and continuously tapping Chanyeol's hands which were tightening around his neck for every second.

Prince Seokjin was finding difficult to keep his eyes open, and he could feel himself about to pass out. He couldn't find air to breathe properly and he tried to stomp on Chanyeol's foot who easily dodged his attacks.

"You look like a poor puppy right now. Your life will end in my hands now." Chanyeol laughed maniacally before choking Prince Seokjin almost in success to make the other lose his consciousness.

"Not until I breathe, you monster."

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