Chapter 33👑

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Prince Seokjin moaned softly by the feeling of Prince Jungkook's lips all over his naked body. He couldn't help but arch his back to his husband's touches.

The bedsheets were getting soaked by their wet bodies, but none of them cared. Prince Jungkook was taking him time to explore his husband's beautiful body and leaving kisses all over the skin.

Prince Seokjin cried in pleasure when Prince Jungkook dipped his tongue inside his navel, and his veiny hands softly rubbing his thighs. He spread his legs open letting his husband to settle inbetween his thighs.

The bedroom was filled with moans with sun shining through the windows. The curtains were dancing rhythmically to the sync of the blowing wind and sweat were forming on their naked bodies.

Prince Jungkook licked his fingers inside his mouth before spreading Prince Seokjin's legs wider. He almost moaned by looking at the clenching hole which was making his cock twitch in excitement.

He looked up to see his husband having his head sunk deeper in the pillows, with lips parted and soft moans escaping through those plump lips.

Prince Jungkook carefully leaned down and licked a long stripe over the rim making Prince Seokjin to choke his moan in pleasure. He never expected his husband to eat him out. His thighs and hips jerked everytime, Prince Jungkook sucked on the rim by using his tongue.

Prince Seokjin tightly gripped on the bedsheets while wiggling his head side to side, without knowing how to react to the immense pleasure. His eyes rolled back, when a finger joined along with the tongue making the penetration even more easier.

Prince Jungkook could feel his husband relaxing, and he started to grind his cock on his husband's thighs while fucking his tongue and fingers inside Prince Seokjin's winking hole.

Prince Seokjin was moaning loudly and with a loud cry he spurted him cum on his stomach and some on his husband's face. Prince Jungkook moaned and leaned back to see his messy husband on the bed.

Prince Seokjin was feeling erotic, by seeing Prince Jungkook coated with his cum on the face. Without hesitation, he pulled his husband down for a messy and hungry kiss. Both moaned by tasting Prince Seokjin's cum in their kiss.

Prince Jungkook aligned his hard cock right at the hole before nuzzling his nose in Prince Seokjin's neck. The other was bracing himself with the big stretch and hugged his husband tightly when he felt the big girth moving inside him.

They both could feel the tightness and it made them to groan and moan loudly. After bottoming out, Prince Jungkook waited for his husband to signal him to move. He was taken aback, when Prince Seokjin moved his ass up and down while fucking himself on the thick cock.

Prince Jungkook looked at his sexy husband who looked erotic by fucking himself on his cock. With a loud groan, Prince Seokjin was lifted up and made to sit on his husband's cock. Prince Seokjin moaned loudly by the feeling of the cock diving deeper into him and hitting right at the prostate.

Prince Seokjin leaned his head on his husband's shoulder before bouncing up and down on the cock and letting himself sink deeper. Prince Jungkook was enjoying the sight, and he was softly caressing his husband's torso and encouraging him to continue.

Prince Jungkook was not liking the slow pace, so he gripped on Prince Seokjin's waist tightly before thrusting his cock inside with full force. Prince Seokjin was drooling by the pleasure and he let his husband to take control. Prince Jungkook planted his feet on the bed and knelt with Prince Seokjin on his lap.

He hugged his husband tightly before slamming his cock into the spongy prostate mercilessly. The sound of his two balls hitting Prince Seokjin's ass echoed through out the bedroom. Prince Jungkook moaned loudly when he felt his husband clenching him tightly. He could tell his husband was nearing his orgasm.

So Prince Jungkook started to thrust mercilessly and abusing the puffy hole which was leaking his precum. Prince Seokjin hugged his husband tightly, and tried to bounce his ass up and down to match with Prince Jungkook's thrusts.

Prince Jungkook supported himself with one hand on the bed, and other hand tightly holding his husband. He could feel himself cumming, and with a loud groan, Prince Jungkook coated his seeds inside Prince Seokjin who came along with his husband with a silent cry.

After reaching their orgasms, both were panting and breathing heavily. They were hugging each other while placing several kisses all over each other's neck. Their bellies were sticky with cum, and thighs were sore.

But Prince Seokjin was not ready to break the hug. So he was caressing his husband's hair while letting the other to kiss him all over his face.

Prince Jungkook's eyes widened when they both heard the sound of the bell ringing through out the palace, indicating only one thing.

"T-The King!" Prince Jungkook whispered in horror, and he wished the other had not come from his trip. He didn't want to face the King, neither allow him to use him.

The King Chanyeol had arrived from his short trip to China, and he was made aware of every little things which had been happening in the Palace.

Prince Seokjin softly smiled before soothing his husband while kissing all over his face. He cupped Prince Jungkook's face before booping their noses playfully and giggling together.

"I want you to do one thing for me, my Lord." Prince Seokjin whispered while giving several pecks on those bunny lips making Prince Jungkook to feel ticklish.

"Anything for you, my Prince."

"I am sure the King would call you and look for you." Prince Jungkook's face frowned by hearing the obvious consequences.

"You want me to deny to meet him?"

"No, I want you to go."

Prince Jungkook looked at Prince Seokjin in disbelief like he heard something crazy. He never expected that his husband would allow him to go there and get tortured by the King.

"W-What?" A soft smile played on Prince Seokjin's lips before caressing his crooked fingers on those chubby cheeks.

"Don't worry, my Lord. I wouldn't let any harm to touch you. I have already arranged a gathering in the King's court, so the King would be needed at any moment."

"W-What about you, my Prince?"

"I just have one small thing to do, my Lord. But I will come, don't you worry."

Prince Seokjin whispered before kissing his husband and Prince Jungkook softly withdrew his soft cock from Prince Seokjin's hole, and both moaned by the feeling.

They both jumped a little when they heard their door knocking.

"Your Highness, it's the Royal guard, Jung Hoseok. The King is asking for you, Prince Jungkook."

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