Chapter 38👑

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The Silla Kingdom was decorated with candle lights and ribbons in order to celebrate the day of their new King taking up the throne.

Finally the day had come.

During their visit to Goguryeo Kingdom, Prince Jimin and Prince Taehyung explained about their situation. And Prince Yoongi was glad to help them with the medication which his healer gave him during pregnancy.

Prince Jimin followed as per Prince Yoongi's advice, and he was taking care of his health. Within few weeks of drinking the herbal tea, Prince Jimin was pregnant with their first child.

When Prince Taehyung announced the pregnancy to the Silla Kingdom, everyone were happy and celebrating it like their own. They were given free food for the entire day and the palace was glowing beautifully in night.

The Royals from Goguryeo Kingdom have arrived earlier the day to witness the new King taking up their throne. The citizens of Silla Kingdom were gathered around the palace garden to cheer for their new King.

And the celebration was doubled when Prince Seokjin announced his pregnancy to his husband. Although he found it early before Prince Jimin, he wanted to wait until the day the other announced. Deep inside, Prince Seokjin knew that his brother-in-law would get pregnant sooner.

So he waited few days, and he announced the pregnancy on the same day as Prince Jimin. So Prince Taehyung and Prince Jungkook were busy in jumping on joy by thinking about going to be a father.

All the Royals were gathered in the King's chamber and were waiting for the Prince Taehyung to take the oath.

Prince Jungkook and Prince Seokjin were holding their hands happily while witnessing the scene of Prince Taehyung walking down the center along with Prince Jimin by his side. They could see Prince Jimin holding his tears, and everyone were almost cooing at him.

Prince Taehyung took up the note which was given by the Royal court members to read. He started to read every line along with Prince Jimin by holding their hands. After reading their oath, the senior Royal court member walked infront and showed the plate where the King crown was placed.

With a happy face, Prince Jimin took it in his hands before turning back and putting it on his husband's head. Everyone cheered and clapped for the scene and the citizens were happy to see their new king getting throne.

The newly presented King Taehyung took another crown on the plate and placed it on Prince Jimin's head with a boxy smile. Prince Jimin was giving his eye smile and happily crying by the scene. With pregnancy, he was sensitive and getting emotional in everything.

Prince Namjoon, Prince Yoongi, their baby girl Yoonji were smiling by seeing their Prince taking the lead in Silla Kingdom.

After becoming the King, Taehyung first signed on the contract between China and Silla Kingdom stating that it was no more. The Silla Kingdom joined alliance with Goguryeo Kingdom.

Everyone were happy with the new partnerships, and were celebrating with joy. Prince Jungkook and Prince Seokjin were busy in dancing on the floor where the music party had started.

Prince Seokjin was controlling his laughter by seeing how Prince Jungkook tried to cope up with the music and making funny moves.

"My Lord, I never took you as a dancer." Prince Seokjin teased while reaching behind Prince Jungkook's nape before playing with his hair. Prince Jungkook giggled softly before pulling his husband to him by holding his waist.

"Stop making fun of me, my Prince." Prince Jungkook said before swirling Prince Seokjin and making his back touch his chest. Prince Seokjin was taken aback by the move, but still smiled through the dance.

The veiny hands were possessively placed on Prince Seokjin's belly making the other to whimper by the soft touch.

"Our baby will be healthy, my Prince. I will make sure to feed you well so that our baby and you are healthy and beautiful." Prince Jungkook whispered before soothingly rubbing the flat tummy on the Hanbok.

Prince Seokjin found his husband's behavior odd, since he never saw Prince Jungkook being possessive and dominant. But he loved seeing this face of his husband.

"We will, my Lord. But what if I crave something weird? Will you judge me?" Before Prince Seokjin could blink, he was soon turned around with his alpaca eyes looking directly at those doe eyes. Prince Jungkook was cupping his face, while Prince Seokjin was resting his hands on his husband's muscular shoulder.

"I would never judge you, my Prince. I would bring anything you crave for." Of course Prince Seokjin was aware of those things. He knew that Prince Jungkook would never judge him neither get disgusted by his likes.

"I might gain weight, my Lord."

"You will still look sexy all round and plump."

"I might torture you with tantrums."

"The sweetest torture which I am ready to endure."

"I will cry for silly things."

"I will be more than ready to kiss those tears while comforting you with a teddy bear hug."

"I might turn into a Koala with me being clingy with you."

"Would be very much happy to carry you behind my back."

Prince Seokjin felt himself giggling by thinking about their conversation going silly and cliche. But he knew that whatever Prince Jungkook said would be true. The other would never take back what he said.

"I will be horny all the 24/7, my Lord." Prince Seokjin whispered before biting Prince Jungkook's earlobes which turned instantly red by the sudden confession. The grip on his petite waist tightened and Prince Seokjin found himself moaning lewdly when his husband blew some air behind his ears.

"So do I, my Prince." Prince Jungkook whispered back before placing a soft kiss on Prince Seokjin's neck. He could see the goosebumps raising on his husband's body making him chuckle.

They both flinched softly when they heard the King Taehyung talking loud enough for the Jinkook couple to hear.

"We don't want any sexual tension here. Go and get a room already."

Both of them laughed together and turned back to see King Taehyung and his husband Jimin standing there with a smile on their faces.

"Yes, my King." Prince Jungkook and Prince Seokjin said in chorus before running out of the dance hall by holding their hands together.

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