Chapter 22👑

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Prince Seokjin was in euphoria while feeling the lips of his husband moving smoothly and nibbling softly. He felt like he was flying by the kiss from Prince Jungkook. He gasped when he felt Prince Jungkook tightening his hold on his waist. And this gave an opportunity for his husband to dive his tongue into his mouth.

Prince Seokjin was being pulled towards his husband and their chests were touching with water falling above them. He softly reached his hands over Prince Jungkook's shoulder and moaned loudly when he felt his husband sucking his tongue.

Prince Seokjin without realizing, he reached his hands behind Prince Jungkook's nape and pulled his wet hair softly earning a soft groan from him husband.

They both were letting their frustrations through their kiss. They expressed their feelings and their bottled up emotions in a hungry kiss and devoured each other's taste. They wanted to convey how much they missed each other. They both wanted to let the other know how much they desire for them.

The couple found themselves kissing hungrily and their tongues were busy in sucking each other. Prince Seokjin moaned and arched his back when he felt Prince Jungkook's hard member poking right at his boner.

They were both hard and when Prince Seokjin opened his eyes, his cock twitched inside his Hanbok by seeing Prince Jungkook already seeing him like a prey.

With eyes full of lust and love, Prince Jungkook soothed his hands on his husband's back while messily kissing each other.

After when both of them felt the need to breathe, they broke the kiss with their foreheads resting one another. They could hear their heavy breathing and panting under the waterfall.

Prince Seokjin tightly gripped on Prince Jungkook's Hanbok and licked his lips nervously.

He was feeling shy to even look at his husband. But soon he whined when he felt Prince Jungkook holding his chin and making him to look at those for eyes.

"M-My Lord." Prince Seokjin sweetly called his husband making Prince Jungkook to give a bunny smile.

He closed his eyes in pleasure when he felt his husband's hand caressing his cheek.

"You are an ethereal beauty, my Prince." Prince Jungkook whispered making Prince Seokjin to look at him. He could feel his cheeks blushing by the first compliment that he had ever received from his husband.

"And all wet." Prince Jungkook added making Prince Seokjin's eyes to widen in embarrassment. He knew that he was already leaking precum, but was that obvious?

Before he could answer, Prince Jungkook reached his hands over his Hanbok and looking at the wet cloth.

"He meant the Hanbok. What a dirty thought I have!"

Prince Seokjin cursed himself for thinking dirty things. With a soft nod, the two of them walked away from the waterfall and reached the ground near where their horses were tied.

Although they both could see their member standing tall and proud inside their Hanbok, they ignored it. Prince Jungkook could feel his husband shivering from the cold and he didn't want the other to get sick.

So he walked to the tree where they had unloaded their bag. He opened the bag and took new fresh clothes which they brought for emergencies.

He stood up and turned around to see Prince Seokjin hugging himself and shivering with the wet clothes clinging to his beautiful body.

He softly placed his hands above the shivering shoulders who immediately stiffened by the touch.

"You can change, my Prince. I will turn around and make sure no one come near you."

With that Prince Jungkook turned his back to his husband and his eyes were busy in monitoring any suspicious movements in the forest.

Prince Seokjin couldn't help but blush by the gesture. Although his husband's eyes were on the other side, he felt shy to change.After some courage he undressed his Hanbok and let it dry on the grassland.

He could see his semi hard member but he ignored it. Soon he changed himself with comfortable clothes and looked up to see Prince Jungkook holding his hands behind his back and waiting for the other's approval.

"Y-You can turn, my Lord." Prince Seokjin whispered making his husband to turn around. Prince Jungkook was in awe by looking at his handsome husband stunning in simple commoner clothes.

With a soft nod, Prince Jungkook took another pair of clothes and changed his wet Hanbok. Prince Seokjin turned around letting his husband to change comfortably.

Deep inside, Prince Jungkook was relieved that Prince Seokjin couldn't see his wounds on his back. After changing their clothes both of them threw a soft blanket on the grass and laid on it by looking at the stars and the moon shining above them.

Prince Seokjin was startled when he felt Prince Jungkook's hands reaching under his neck. He smiled when he saw his husband offering his hand as a pillow.

Without any hesitation, Prince Seokjin turned to Prince Jungkook and laid on other's arms while placing his hands on his husband's chest.

He could feel the heartbeat increasing and a soft smile plastered on his face by thinking that he was the reason for this.

"I too missed you, your Highness." Prince Seokjin whispered not daring to look at those doe eyes. Prince Jungkook smiled by the confession and placed a small kiss on Prince Seokjin's forehead.

They both turned their attention towards the horse when they heard wings flapping. They smiled by seeing Lovey fluttering her wings as an agreement to Prince Seokjin's confession.

The surrounding was filled with silence and only the sound of waterfall and flowing of river could be heard in the deep forest.

The couple closed their eyes peacefully by having their loved ones in each other's arms. They could hear their heartbeat syncing perfectly along with one another. They wished to stay like this forever and didn't want to let it go. They both treasured their precious memories and leg their sleep to take control.

Prince Seokjin slowly opened his one eye and looked at Prince Jungkook who was breathing normally and he could see that the other had went into dreamland already. He softly reached his crooked fingers over Prince Jungkook's face and brushed softly. He giggled himself by seeing the pouty lips which made his husband look even more cute.

Prince Seokjin turned his head and looked at the sky above him. It was dark and lit with stars here and there. A long sigh left his lips when he was reminded of one thought in his mind.

"It's time, my Lord!! Time to take up my duty."

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