Chapter 17👑

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Prince Seokjin was sitting on the center of the king sized bed with several thoughts running in his mind. He couldn't able to control the tears that were forming in his eyes.

Never in his life, had anyone treated him like this before.

Prince Seokjin would never mind it either. But his heart couldn't digest the fact that his own husband Prince Jungkook was ignoring him like nothing. It's been three weeks since their wedding, and the newly wedded couple were supposed to enjoy their new life.

But he couldn't, when all his husband does was make him wait. Even now, Prince Jungkook had gone to the King's chamber without worrying about Prince's Seokjin's feelings.

Everything has it's own limits. And Prince Seokjin have had enough.

He was frustrated, angry and furious by realizing how his life had turned out to be after marriage. Back in his Kingdom, he had his own freedom, and loved to explore exotic places.

But in this Silla Kingdom, Prince Seokjin felt like he was trapped. And he was losing his patience with the constant wait for his husband who would come to their bedroom before dawn. Tonight, he decided to speak his heart out and clarify certain unanswered questions that had been running in his heart.

Prince Seokjin's ears perked up when he heard footsteps. And he was sure it was his husband. His eyes turned it's attention to the door where he could see the door knob being twisted. He braced himself and sat in upright position while waiting for his Prince to open it.

Prince Jungkook had no idea of knowing that his husband sitting on the bed and waiting for his arrival. His doe eyes widened when he looked at Prince Seokjin boring eyes at him with monotone glance.

He thought of applying the scented oil that his parents gifted him on the Pyebaek  ceremony before bed. But now seeing his husband being all wide awake, he was running out of ideas of how to apply the oil without Prince Seokjin's notice.

Prince Jungkook silently closed the door behind him and was licking his lips nervously before speaking.

"Y-You aren't asleep, my Prince?" He whispered inaudibly, but thankfully since the room was silent, Prince Seokjin heard the soft question.

"No I was waiting for you, your Highness."

Prince Jungkook could feel the harsh voice in his husband, and he knew that the other was mad and angry with him. But he was not ready to have an argument since his body was in pain and all he wanted to do was sleep.

So Prince Jungkook walked to the table stand to blow the candles off only to be stopped by his husband.

"No, don't blow the candles away. I need to speak with you, your Highness." Prince Jungkook gulped hard by hearing Prince Seokjin's words.

"Can't it wait for another day?" Prince Jungkook hopefully asked since his fresh wounds were burning painfully and he didn't want to groan by the itch.

A soft chuckle left Prince Seokjin's lips making Prince Jungkook to look at his husband.

"Another day never comes, your Highness." Prince Seokjin looked at his husband with adoring eyes, and the other could see the concern in those beautiful eyes.

"You are aware that I am married to you right, my Lord?" Prince Seokjin asked Prince Jungkook who was nodding his head like a good boy.

A long sigh left Prince Seokjin's plump lips before speaking his heart out.

"But why do I feel like I am the only one trying to secure our bond together, your Highness?" Prince Seokjin looked down at his lap and his fingers were busy in fidgeting the knots of his purple Hanbok.

Prince Jungkook didn't dare to reply since his eyes were fixated on the floor with his head bowed down in shame. He could never argue the sentence which his husband had said.

"It's  been three weeks since our wedding, and you have never initiated a  conversation with me. Worse you rarely look at me, your Highness.

Who am I to you, my Lord?"

With tears afraid to fall from Prince Seokjin's eyes, he looked up to see his husband who was having his head down without having any confidence to look at Prince Seokjin.

"M-My consort."

"But please me with an explanation, your Highness. I-I feel like I am being here like a burden. All I do is wake up, bathe, eat, walk and sleep. I am not a guest here.

If you aren't interested in me before you could have replied me through Lovey, your Highness.
Why to get married to me and lead a life like strangers?"

Prince Seokjin could feel his voice trembling. He was getting emotional since he was frustrated with keeping his feelings locked inside him. He wanted to let Prince Jungkook know where he was standing in their relationship.

He wanted to be happy just like how his brothers are. He had found himself getting jealous whenever he saw his brother Prince Taehyung, and Prince Jimin enjoying their life by playing and giggling.

Prince Seokjin wanted all sorts of things with his husband too. But before that he wanted to know one thing for sure.

There was a pregnant silence and Prince Jungkook didn't reply any words. This made Prince Seokjin to ask the last question that had been itching his heart. With heavy heart and hope, he looked at Prince Jungkook who was standing like a statue in the center of the bedroom.

"D-Do you like me, my Lord?"

Prince Seokjin was focusing his eyes on his husband's face to look for any emotions. But all he found was none. His heart broke by seeing Prince Jungkook not answering any of his questions. He was controlling his tears and fisting his hands while focusing on his breathing.

After getting no response from Prince Jungkook, Prince Seokjin stood up and walked to his husband who immediately stiffened.

They both were facing each other with only few meters separating them. Prince Seokjin looked at the handsome face and with a sigh he started to speak.

"I  will be visiting my Goguryeo kingdom tomorrow early morning, your Highness. I-I need to relax my mind and want to see my parents. I don't  know when I will return.

But I don't think it would matter to you  because I am invisible to you anyways.

Hope you stay safe and healthy, my Lord."

Prince Jungkook's eyes widened by listening to what his husband was speaking. He was not aware of this visit, and to his horror, Prince Seokjin would be visiting alone.

Before  he could ask further more Prince Seokjin blew the candles off and walked to the  bed with the help of moonlight creeping through the large window. He didn't have heart to look at his husband who never cared about him in the first place.

Prince Seokjin laid on the bed with his back facing the other side. He could feel Prince Jungkook walking, and he could hear the sound of water from the bathroom.

Finally, Prince Seokjin let his tears fall down on his cheeks while his hands were tightly holding his chest and crying by the feeling of his heart getting broken into pieces.

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