Chapter 36👑

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Prince Jimin was crying in his room silently by curling himself into a fetus. He couldn't stop the tears that were falling down on his chubby cheeks. He wished he could do something. But all he felt like he was useless.

The door to the bedroom indicated Prince Jimin that his husband had arrived. He was the one who asked the guard to ask Prince Taehyung to see him in their room.

"My Love!!" Prince Jimin whined and curled himself even tighter by hearing the pet name. He knew that his husband was crazily in love with him. He felt the bed dipping on the side, and he shook his head when Prince Taehyung touched his wet cheeks.

"You know I hate when you cry." Prince Taehyung softly whispered before leaning to kiss the tears away. Prince Jimin sniffled his cries before sitting up by straddling his husband's lap.

Prince Taehyung was caressing Prince Jimin's back while softly brushing the hair. Prince Jimin looked like a cute kitten purring on his lap making him smile softly.

"Are you worried about what the healer said?" Prince Taehyung asked his husband making Prince Jimin to nod his head in shame. Again he felt his eyes welling up with tears and new tears were falling down on he cheeks.

A long sigh left Prince Taehyung's lips before wiping those precious tears away.

"I-I am sorry, your Highness. I am not p-pregnant." Prince Jimin choked his cries before hugging Prince Taehyung tightly. His body was shaking badly and he nuzzled his face in crook of Prince Taehyung's neck while crying loudly.

It's been a month since everything had happened. The monster was taken away, the Silla citizens were happy and it was almost time to take up the throne.

But only one thing was stopping Prince Taehyung from taking the throne. Prince Jimin was not pregnant.

A King would take up the throne, when he was confirmed that he has an heir in his family. So Prince Jimin must be pregnant for Prince Taehyung to be the King. But after trying so many medicines, drinking herbal tea prescribed by the healer, there were no changes.

And Prince Jimin knew that there was only one solution for this. He broke the hug, and leaned back to see Prince Taehyung's eyes which showed nothing but love. Prince Jimin could never bring the idea up himself, but he had no other choice.

"You can sleep with other person to have an heir for you, your Highness."

Prince Jimin braced himself and said out loud. He had seen the previous king doing the same. King Chanyeol had slept with many women and men to have a heir for him. Although, Prince Jimin didn't want his husband to sleep with others, it was the only way for him to be the King.

Prince Taehyung expected this. He knew about his husband very well and he knew that this would happen. He softly cupped the chubby cheeks, making Prince Jimin to look at him in the eyes. The eyelashes were wet with tears and Prince Jimin looked cute with rosy cheeks.

"Just because I am the  King, doesn't need to be that I should have more than one soulmate. I  fell in love with you, my Love. You are the only one for me. I don't like  to share my heart and body that doesn't belong to you."

"B-But t-the previous King-"

"I am not your father, my Love. I love you and my body is only yours to see. I don't care if you  couldn't give me an heir. If I need to step down from the throne I would  be glad to, only if you stay by my side forever.

If I can't have a child with you, then I would never have with anyone."

Prince Jimin choked his cries before hugging Prince Taehyung tightly. He never expected that his husband would give up on the throne just for him.

"W-Why are you like this, your Highness?" Prince Jimin whispered before sobbing happily by thinking about his husband refusing to sleep with other people. He was feeling relieved that Prince Taehyung was being true to him, and will always be.

"Since we are already in the position, shall we go for a round?" Prince Taehyung whispered while placing soft kisses on Prince Jimin's neck. His hands were busy in untying the Hanbok of his husband, who shyly obliged to the request.

Prince Jimin softly lifted his hips, letting his husband to sink into him deeper while bouncing up and down on Prince Taehyung's lap with moans escaping through their lips.


Prince Seokjin was giggling softly when Prince Jungkook was busy in playing with his navel. The veiny hands were softly brushing and pinching his naked belly.

They both were in spooning position, with Prince Jungkook behind his husband. Prince Seokjin moaned by the feeling of the cock diving deeper in this position. He carefully lifted his legs and arched his back whenever the cock bashed on his prostate.

Prince Jungkook was busy in licking his husband's shoulder and pressing his chest on the sweaty back of Prince Seokjin. He could feel his cock getting sucked inside the velvety walls tightly.

Prince Seokjin reached his hands behind and pulled Prince Jungkook for a hungry kiss. His hands were tightly gripping on Prince Jungkook's hair while the other was busy in pounding into him mercilessly.

Prince Jungkook's hands reached front and started to stroke his husband's cock who choked his moans in the messy kiss.

"Nnghh~" Prince Seokjin moaned and came with a loud cry by dirtying his husband's hands. Prince Jungkook groaned by the feeling of the tightness and he started pound ruthlessly by getting his balls hit against the beautiful ass cheeks.

Prince Jungkook broke the kiss, and brought his cum covered hands towards Prince Seokjin's lips who instantly started to suck it like a good boy. The scene made Prince Jungkook to moan loudly and he nuzzled his face in the sweaty neck of his husband before thrusting his hard cock into the tight hole messily.

Prince Seokjin could feel his husband nearing, so he clenched his hole even more tight to make Prince Jungkook to groan by the tightness. With five more hard thrusts, Prince Jungkook spurted his seed while biting on the neck softly.

The bedroom was filled with panting sounds, and Prince Jungkook was whining when he felt his fingers getting sucked like a lollipop by Prince Seokjin.

"Do you like my fingers, my Prince?" Prince Jungkook asked with a chuckle and looked up from the broad shoulders to see Prince Seokjin nodding his head while licking his cum clean from those hands.

"I love everything that belongs to you, my Lord." Prince Seokjin whispered before turning his head aside to steal a kiss from those bunny lips. Soon both of them felt the cock getting hard inside the puffy hole, making Prince Jungkook to groan and twitch in excitement.

Without withdrawing his cock, Prince Jungkook started to thrust shallowly with the sound of cum squelching sound echoing through out the bedroom.

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