Chapter 39👑

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Prince Jungkook was having a proud smile on his face while massaging his husband's eight months belly with the scented oil prescribed by their healer. Prince Seokjin was leaning his head back on the bed headboard and admiring his husband taking care of him.

Prince Seokjin was taking the pregnancy very well by eating healthy foods and training a little at times. Although the healer had said that it was good to exercise, Prince Jungkook was opposed to that.

After five months in, Prince Seokjin stopped going on to the field when his baby bump started to show nicely out. But he had seen his husband doing the training under the hot sun with his abs and arm muscles growing every day.

Prince Seokjin had seen how the fighters ogle at Prince Jungkook whenever he went shirtless to train. With pregnancy, Prince Seokjin found insecurities about his own body.

Now looking at his bunny Prince massaging him with smile made him even more emotional.

"Why do you have to be sexy? Wish you didn't have muscles and had a bloated belly instead of  abs, my Lord."

Prince Jungkook chuckled by the question. He carefully placed the oil bottle on the table and sat near his husband before looking at Prince Seokjin who was pouting with his chubby cheeks.

"If you want me stop working out, I will, my Prince." Prince Jungkook said making Prince Seokjin to widen his eyes in surprise.

"Y-You will do that, your Highness."

"Of course, anything for my Prince. If you want me to put on weight and have belly fat, I would be more than happy to do that for you." Prince Jungkook said with a bunny smile before tucking Prince Seokjin's hair behind  his ear who closed his eyes in pleasure by the soft touch.

"Stop it, my Lord." Prince Seokjin whined making Prince Jungkook to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"What happened, my Prince?"

"W-Why did you agree to it? Now I will feel bad for making you do something like that." Prince Seokjin  whispered slowly while playing with Prince Jungkook's Hanbok knot.

He looked  up to see Prince Jungkook's doe eyes which was full of adoration and love.

"J-Just wear some less revealing clothes and stop being sexy, your Highness." Prince Seokjin said making Prince Jungkook to groan in response.

"If anyone's sexy here, that would be you, my Prince."

"You look like a sex god while I look like a potato." Prince Seokjin pouted making Prince Jungkook to shake his head in disbelief.

"If you look like a potato, then you are my sweetest potato."

Prince Seokjin giggled while playfully hitting his husband's chest before hugging him. Although the Hanbok of Prince Jungkook was scattered with oil because of the hug, he wasn't bothered. He loved comforting his husband, and loved getting a warm hug from Prince Seokjin.

Soon both of them took a warm bubble bath, with Prince Jungkook massaging his husband's muscles and loosening the soreness. They both found themselves in the kitchen with King Taehyung and his husband feeding each other.

"Wow, finally you two are here. Sit, let me serve you." King Taehyung got up from the chair and started to put plates before the Jungkook couple who sighed by the usual act.

"Taehyung, I have told you already. It isn't necessary for you to serve the food for me." Prince Seokjin said with a big sigh but he knew that it was waste of energy.

King Taehyung served two plates for the couple while his husband Jimin was adorably looking at the cute scene before him.

"I am your brother first, then comes my status. You are pregnant and I want to take care of you. You are talking as if Jungkook and you, are not looking after my husband when I am out on rounds or short trips."

Of course, Prince Jungkook and Prince Seokjin take care of their King Jimin, whenever the King was out for duty.

"Thank you. And you can feed your husband now." Prince Seokjin teased his brother who stuck his tongue out playfully before continuing to feed King Jimin who was cutely swinging his legs on the chair and opening his mouth for his husband to feed.

The Jinkook and Vmin couple were enjoying their lunch with Prince Jungkook feeding his pregnant husband Prince Seokjin who was cutely chewing his food.

Their peaceful lunch was disturbed only by two guards who were running inside the palace with heavy panting and all sweating.

Both the couples turned their attention to the two guards who were bowing in front of the King and Princes before delivering the news which they got.

"Your majesty, we apologize for our sudden intrusion in your lunch time." Both the guards bowed down to 90degrees by apologizing for their sudden disturbance.

King Taehyung placed the plate on the table before nodding his head to the guards.

"Apologies accepted. Care to explain the reason?"

King Taehyung asked while Prince Jungkook and Prince Seokjin eagerly waiting for the answer. While King Jimin was busy in stuffing more food since he was hungry.

"Your majesty, t-the prisoner Chanyeol had escaped."

Soon several gasps echoed in the dining hall with King Jimin choking down the food and looked at the guards in horror.

Prince Jungkook and Prince Seokjin were equally shocked to hear the news while King Taehyung was keeping him calm and asking for further details.

"As usual the Royal guard Jung Hoseok went to check on the prisoners' well being. He saw the prisoner Chanyeol fighting with two other guards who were on duty today.

The Royal guard is severely injured when he tried to stop Chanyeol from the escape. But he managed to wound Royal guard deeper and ran away."

Prince Jungkook was feeling like he was going pass out by listening to the news. When he thought everything was going peaceful, the monster has to come back.

King Taehyung was listening to the news and he looked over to his husband who was almost shaking very badly. He softly patted King Jimin to ease the tension out. He looked at the guards before questioning the one thing that was itching his kind.

"And the Queen?"

"She is found dead in the cell, your Majesty.

It is proven that the prisoner Chanyeol had attacked his wife. The two guards opened the cell and tried to save her but they fell into his trap and got killed in the evil plan."

King Taehyung nodded and he was sure that Chanyeol would be on his way to the palace by anytime.

"Make the security doubled. I want experienced guards to protect outside the gate. Don't let the news out to the citizens. We don't want them to panic. We will capture the monster before the dawn."

The two guards bowed to the King and Princess before running away from the palace to appoint more guards.

Prince Jungkook was looking at his husband Prince Seokjin who was trying to comfort his brother King Jimin. The other was shaking and panicking by hearing the news.

King Taehyung and Prince Jungkook looked at each other before nodding their heads in unison.

"We will catch the monster and end it today." King Taehyung said before taking his husband to their room to comfort him.

Prince Seokjin looked at his husband whose lips were quivering and fingers tapping continuously on the chair.

"My Lord, let's take rest." Prince Seokjin whispered before bringing his husband to their room who was silently walking with him.

No one expected this day would come except one person.

Prince Seokjin.

He knew that Chanyeol would make a escape to take his revenge on him. Deep inside Prince Seokjin was smirking by thinking about that the day had come.

No more cat and mouse chase.


A/N: We are nearing the end angels💜

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