Chapter 23👑

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Prince Jungkook and Prince Seokjin had arrived the Silla kingdom safely after two days of travel. They both made sure to look at pretty sunrise early in the morning and exchanged sweet kisses during their journey.

After resting for few hours, Prince Seokjin was getting ready with excitement. Prince Jungkook had asked him to be ready since he wanted to show the Silla Kingdom.

After wearing a blue Hanbok and the crown, Prince Seokjin looked at his reflection in the mirror. He smiled himself by seeing his attire and he tied their wedding ribbon on his wrist.

To his surprise he never expected Prince Jungkook to wear their wedding ribbon. But the other was wearing it around his wrist all the time. And that made Prince Seokjin to feel happy.

A soft knock on their bedroom door gained his attention. He walked to the door and opened by revealing his handsome Prince standing there and glowing with red Hanbok.

"You look beautiful, my Prince." Prince Jungkook complimented his husband who looked simply stunned in that outfit. And not just his attire, his whole self was handsome and beautifully glowing.

Prince Seokjin blushed and shyly nodded his head before circling his hands around Prince Jungkook's biceps.

The couple walked down the stairs of the Silla kingdom palace and bowed their heads to every guards who respected them.

They could see Prince Taehyung and Prince Jimin having a small picnic on their palace garden with a small basket beside them.

They smiled themselves and decided to walk in different direction to explore the Kingdom. Prince Seokjin enjoyed walking with his husband who was excitedly explaining about every places.

They were surrounded by few guards ever since they stepped out of the palace. It was a must to have guards when royals walk inside the Kingdom.

Prince Seokjin looked down at their hands and his heart was aching by not holding those beautiful veiny hands.

Why not hold it? With confidence he intertwined his hands with Prince Jungkook who immediately turned his attention to the sudden touch.

He looked at his husband who looked with cute alpaca eyes making Prince Jungkook to almost coo at the cuteness.

"Why are you always holding my hand, my Prince?" Prince Jungkook had noticed the weird obsession of his husband who loved holding his hand. He didn't know the reason but he was not going to complain about it. Since he loved holding those warm hands too.

"Your hand is rough and bigger than mine. I like the way it feels, my Lord." Prince Seokjin answered without hesitation making Prince Jungkook to get confused even more.

"You like that it is rough?"

"I do and I like many rough things, my Lord." Prince Seokjin said looking directly at Prince Jungkook who was still confused genuinely.

"Like rocks? I always love smoother ones, my Prince. You know like pebbles. They feel better and softer."

Prince Jungkook answered honestly making Prince Seokjin to burst out laughing loudly by seeing his husband's innocence.

"Yes, I like the smoother ones too, your highness." Prince Seokjin answered making Prince Jungkook to give a very wide grin.

"We can look at them when we get down to town, my Prince."

"Let's do that, my Lord." Prince Seokjin tried to cover his mouth with free hand from laughing hard. He didn't expect his dirty and flirty talk would turn into a funny one.

But who was he kidding? This was his Prince Jungkook and of course he can't expect the other to flirt back.

Prince Jungkook was happily walking down in the town while looking at his citizens of Sulla kingdom happily greeting them with a smile.

While Prince Jungkook was busy in looking at the beautiful items, Prince Seokjin was busy in noticing every shops and their owners. Mostly everything was ran by men and rarely he could find women in the shops.

"My Lord, are all the shops run by men?" Prince Seokjin asked his husband who stopped in his tracks and looked around the small market town. That's when he noticed that no women were running any shops.

"I-I don't know, my Prince. I-I have never come here before since I spent most of my time inside the palace."

Prince Jungkook walked to one of the shop where the shopkeeper was sitting simply while fanning himself with a handmade fan. He immediately stood up when saw that Princes were approaching his shop.

"Y-Your Highness, h-how can I help you?" Prince Jungkook smiled at the man who was in his almost sixties and bowed a little. Prince Seokjin couldn't help but wander his eyes over the shop and a small door behind inside the shop.

"Uhm, may I know how many members are in your family?" Prince Seokjin didn't forget to notice the slight tension in the shopkeeper's eyes before answering.

"T-Three, your Highness."

"And where are the other two?" Prince Seokjin butted in making the shopkeeper to shiver even more from the question.

"T-They are taking rest i-in the home, your Highness." Prince Jungkook nodded before looking at his husband who was rolling his tongue inside his mouth like he didn't believe that old man.

"My Prince, shall we move ahead?" Prince Seokjin looked at the sweaty man who was having his eyes looking everywhere but not on him. With a small smile, Prince Seokjin held Prince Jungkook's hands and walked together in the market with intertwined hands.

"I want to get something which our Kingdom is famous for, my Lord."

Prince Jungkook looked at his husband and his eyes widened suddenly when he was remembered by few items which was well known for Silla Kingdom.

"I have heard Queen speaking about the silk and tea which we get imported from China. They are really good. But our kingdom is known for the gold ornaments, my Prince. Golden crowns which the royals wear, are the most valuable possession that Silla kingdom is proud of."

Although Prince Seokjin was not a big fan of gold, after examining the crown which he wore on his head, it did have its beauty.

"Can we go to the place where it's made, my Lord?" Prince Jungkook's eyes widened and he suddenly shook his head continuously.

"We are forbidden to enter gold mines, my Prince. If you want one, I can say to the Queen and it would be delivered to our palace."

Prince Seokjin nodded vaguely and turned his head to the shop keeper who immediately averted his glance from them.

"Shall I ask the Queen, my Prince?"

Prince Seokjin sighed heavily and turned his head to his husband who was eagerly waiting for his reply.

"Not necessary, your Highness. I will ask myself."

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