Chapter 9👑

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Prince Seokjin was drying his wet hair after his bath from the small trip. The other Princes were busy with their own things, while he was busy in thinking about one thing.

More specially, one person.

Prince Jungkook.

His heart was jumping in joy by reminding that soft voice in his mind. He never knew that a small, "Thank you" could sound so hot and beautiful. It sounded pretty because it was Prince Jungkook's voice.

But there was something that was bothering him other than that. The wounds that he witnessed on Prince Jungkook's biceps.

In the attack, when Prince Seokjin heard a soft whine from Prince Jungkook, he immediately looked at the Prince's hands to see any wounds. But his heart skipped a beat when his eyes locked with several unhealed wounds on the biceps.

It looked red and fresh. He knew that the wound wasn't much older and he wondered why it wasn't treated. Everything in the Silla Kingdom was a puzzle and especially when it came to Prince Jungkook, the man himself was a mystery.

Prince Jimin had told him that Prince Jungkook rarely spoke. And he wondered the reason behind Prince Jungkook's muteness. He realized that the other was not mute by birth but he had kept his mouth shut for all these years.

The more he thought about it, the more Prince Seokjin wanted to get close with Prince Jungkook. It was not out of pity or to find the answer for his puzzles. But Prince Jungkook was the only person who had made Prince Seokjin feel different. His heart felt this urge to protect this little innocent Prince.

His heart yearned to shower love and care to the Prince Jungkook. And why not?

After wearing his crown and a silk robe, Prince Seokjin came out of the bedroom only to find the palace silent. It was just the noon and they had time to assemble for lunch. Prince Seokjin's eyes wandered over the large hallway, and he could see guards standing outside every room for security.

He didn't know which was Prince Jungkook's room, and he wanted to see him. He decided to ask one of the guards who's been on rounds.

"Your highness, it's the last one on the floor." One of the guards answered him and soon Prince Seokjin found himself walking down through the large doors. He could see several paintings of the King Chanyeol and Queen Joy hanging on the walls.

His foot steps halted once he reached the last door in the hallway. The wooden door was looking lovely and Prince Seokjin softly knocked on the door for the other to give permission to enter.

"Y-Yes?" Once again, Prince Seokjin felt butterflies in his stomach while hearing that soft angelic voice.

"Your highness, it's Prince Seokjin. Can I come in?" Prince Seokjin waited for the other to reply but he was met with silence. He waited for few seconds and when he was about to leave with a heavy sigh, he heard the sound of door knob shifting. He stepped back and a small smile played on his lips when he was met with Prince Jungkook.

Prince Seokjin's eyes wandered over the beautiful face of the Prince Jungkook. Those beautiful doe eyes, cute nose, the bunny lips, the perfectly shaped jaw and the neck that was glowing beautifully with water droplets.

He can say that Prince Jungkook had taken a bath just like him. The damp hair was having some water and the blue silk robe perfectly hugged the sculpted body of Prince Jungkook. He could see the toned chest which was lightly peaking outside the robe and he licked his dried lips.

Prince Seokjin blinked his eyes when he felt some fingers waving in front of his eyes.

"Oh Pardon me, your highness." Seokjin bowed and awkwardly laughed by seeing Prince Jungkook tilting his head in confusion.

"I-I was thinking-" Prince Seokjin looked everywhere to find some reason to initiate a conversation. He didn't know why he had knocked on Prince Jungkook's door if he had not prepared a speech to speak.

He cursed himself for coming unprepared. He didn't know what to speak but the other seemed o understand that and Prince Jungkook was silently waiting for the other to continue.

Prince Seokjin's brain lit up with an idea and his eyes locked with Jungkook who was already looking at him.

"Y-Your scratch from the attack. I-Is it okay, your highness?" For a second, Prince Jungkook's eyes widened but soon it softened after hearing the question. He softly nodded and held his sleeves tightly in fear of Prince Seokjin trying to attempt to see it.

He didn't want the other to see his other wounds but little did Prince Jungkook knew that Seokjin had already known about it.

"Ha, t-that's a relief. I-I will get going."

"Wait!" Before Prince Seokjin could turn his heels, he was stopped by the Prince's voice. His face lit up happily and looked at Prince Jungkook who was playing with the door knob and his eyes looking everywhere.

"G-Good fight." Prince Jungkook whispered before looking at Prince Seokjin who shyly smiled by the compliment. He felt like his heart was going to explode by hearing Prince Jungkook's voice.

"T-Thank you, your highness." And soon Prince Seokjin found himself running on the hallway. He didn't want Prince Jungkook to see how red his face was from blushing. With shy giggles he reached his bedroom to find Prince Taehyung already packing his things.

"I was waiting for you. We are heading back to our Kingdom." The smile on Prince Seokjin's face fell down and the heart that was beating fast felt like it had stopped.

"W_What? But W-Why?"

"The wedding is fixed and we are going to our Empire to announce it to our people. King Chanyeol had also apologized to us for making us witness the attack. Now get ready and I will be heading down to join the others."

With that Prince Taehyung left Prince Seokjin alone in the bedroom who was not blinking his eyes.

"B-But I was just getting to know about him." Prince Seokjin whispered to no one and his lips were trembling badly. He held his robe tightly and bit his lips by trying to control his tears. He couldn't believe that they were leaving the palace.

He knew that he would meet Prince Jungkook in wedding ceremony. But Prince Seokjin wasn't sure how many days or months it would take to see Prince Jungkook again. His heart was broken by thinking about leaving the palace and he never expected it would happen this soon.

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