Chapter 6👑

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Prince Jungkook winced in pain whenever the soft feather came in contact with his wound on his back. He arched his back and grabbed the pillow tightly to muffle his sounds coming out.

Queen Joy was holding her tears while softly rubbing the feather on the open wounds with the medicinal oil. Prince Jimin was busy in whispering sweet words to Prince Jungkook's ears and held his hands tightly from stopping Jungkook moving.

"Oh my little Prince! Why do you have to go through all this?" Queen Joy thought to herself and she felt sorry for the Prince.

Jungkook's back was already half cured from the previous beatings. And now the King had whipped more on the unhealed skin resulting in the peel of the skin. Queen Joy carefully brushed the feather over the wounds and prayed silently.

No matter how many times she had pleased the King, he always tends to lose his patience when it came to Prince Jungkook. The King Chanyeol, loved to take his frustrations on the poor Prince and liked to whip Jungkook everyday.

The Queen always felt relieved whenever the King was out for days or even months. Those were the times where Prince Jungkook had a good night sleep and had a good skin. No matter how many times the beatings had happened, Prince Jungkook never made noise.

Prince Jungkook got first whipped when he was at the age of seven. The Silla Castle was echoed with the little boy's cries and pleadings.

Reason was silly. Prince Jungkook was sitting on Prince Jimin's bed.

With small reasons, the whipping got increased day by day. After few years, the cry sounds could never be heard. Prince Jungkook got used to it and he was ordered by the King to not to cry or open his mouth when he was getting whipped.

"K-Kookie. My brave Kookie." Prince Jimin whispered and softly kissed on Jungkook's hair who was fast asleep from all the beatings. Jimin carefully got up and wiped his tears off harshly. He couldn't able to bear the pain that Prince Jungkook was undergoing.

Though he had asked the King to not hurt his little brother, King Chanyeol never listened to him. Prince Jimin looked at the Queen Joy, who silently stood up from the bed and wiped her tears off before placing the medicinal oil on the table.

Prince Jimin ran to the Queen and hugged her tightly while crying his heart out. He made sure not to leave a sound, since he knew that the King wouldn't be happy to know that they were in Prince Jungkook's room.

"Y-Your highness, please make it stop. P-Please let Kookie go alone. H-He is a baby. C-Can you please ask the King to stop beating him? He would have no more skin if this continues. I-It hurts, your highness."

Jimin broke down while clutching on Queen Joy's top. He knew that Prince Jungkook was strong but he didn't want the King to break his brother into pieces. Blood or not, Prince Jimin always looked at Prince Jungkook as his little brother.

"I-I wish, my Prince." Queen Joy whispered while biting her lips tightly to control her tears. Prince Jungkook was lying on the bed on his stomach and his wounds were clearly visible from the moonlight outside the window.

The red patches and the blood spots were shining under the moon shine. She silently prayed to the moon that someone could come and save her son. She wanted Prince Jungkook to have a life without torture from the King.

After few minutes of staying with Prince Jungkook, the Queen and the Prince Jimin walked out of the bedroom and closed it softly. They both started to walk on the large hallway before bumping into someone. Prince Jimin jumped a little when he saw one of their guests already standing before him.

"P-Prince Seokjin?" Queen Joy called the third Prince of Goguryeo Kingdom who was standing in the hallway of the palace.

"Ah, Pardon my sudden appearance, your Majesty. I-It's just that I couldn't sleep because this is a new place for me. I was going for a small walk inside the palace and got lost. Thankfully I bumped into you."

Prince Seokjin awkwardly scratched his back of his neck making Prince Jimin and Queen Joy to chuckle at his cuteness.

"Apologies accepted, Prince Seokjin. It's about dawn, and I have to get some beauty sleep. Let Prince Jimin accompany you to your room."

With that Queen Joy left the Jinmin Princes in the empty dark hallway. Prince Jimin gave a small smile and signaled his hands for Prince Seokjin to follow him. He made sure that the door of Prince Jungkook was closed before accompanying his guest.

The two Princes were walking in an awkward silence, only their breathing sounds could be heard. Prince Seokjin was in his own thoughts before Prince Jimin decided to speak.

"Uh, I apologize on behalf of my brother's behavior for today. H-He is not used to talk with strangers. Don't mistake him like our King did."

Prince Seokjin stopped in his tracks and looked at Prince Jimin through the candle lights that were placed on the walls of the palace. His face was glowing pink and he looked ethereal. Prince Seokjin was happy for his brother for getting such a beautiful consort with him.

"I am not in the place to judge someone, your highness. But thanks for telling me. I was about to get worried about Prince Jungkook. I can see that he is not a much talker." Prince Seokjin started to walk along with Prince Jimin while trying to have a conversation about the innocent Prince who was sleeping soundly on his bed.

"H-He just speaks rarely. When he find the comfortableness, I am sure Prince Jungkook would love to talk more."

"Has he spoken with you before, your highness?" Prince Seokjin asked and he was careful with every words. He didn't want to dig deeper but at the same time he made sure to ask everything about Prince Jungkook.

"Yes, of course. The person with whom he had spoken much would be me, your highness. I am thankful that Goguryeo Kingdom has accepted our Silla Kingdom." Prince Jimin gave his eye smile and stopped on his tracks when they both reached for the Kim's brothers shared room.

"Our Goguryeo Kingdom is lucky, your highness. It was nice talking with you, and thank you for accompanying me here. Have a good rest." With that Prince Seokjin bowed before opening the bedroom and locking it behind him.

He felt relieved when he heard the foot steps getting disappeared slowly. His eyes locked with Prince Taehyung who was sleeping on the bed with legs and hands covering the whole bed. Prince Seokjin wasn't feeling any sleepy and he decided to look at the sky.

He walked to the balcony and looked at the moon hiding behind the clouds. The sky was starting to get brighter with moon disappearing behind the clouds.

"Something is fishy. But I will make sure to bring it to the light. Not for so long you can hide in the night sky, your Majesty. One day, you must come out just like the Sun."

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