Chapter 5👑

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The two Royal families found themselves sitting on the large dining table and having a small conversations. The Kings were busy in talking about the losses that would have occurred with the war, and the Queens were busy in talking about their Jewellery collections.

Prince Namjoon and Prince Yoongi were eating silently while Prince Taehyung was busy in looking at the beauty sitting in front of him. Prince Jimin found himself stirring the food with his chopsticks and rarely having any bite. He could feel the eyes on him, and shyly he looked up from his untouched plate only to blush hard.

He saw Prince Taehyung giving a boxy smile at him making him shy even more. Their both legs were shaking badly by the different feelings that they were having. Prince Seokjin was checking out Prince Jungkook with every bite of the food.

He had never seen Prince Jungkook keeping his head up for once since they had sat on the table. The Prince was having his head down, not speaking anything but busy in eating. Prince Seokjin found himself trying to steal glances at Prince Jungkook time to time.

He didn't know why, but his heart longed for Prince Jungkook to look at him. He wanted to hear the beautiful voice of the Prince who seemed to never speak. He knew that the Prince before him was not a mute by birth.

After what he heard from his Goguryeo people, the Second Prince was a lovely man who helped their Silla people with everything. Prince Seokjin looked his side to see his brother winking at the first Prince Park Jimin.

He rolled his eyes by seeing the love birds and decided to concentrate on his food since he didn't want the tasty food to go waste. He knew that they were going to spend their time here for few days and he made his mind to speak with Prince Jungkook before they leave.

The Kings were busy in discussing about the wedding ceremony in the throne room, while the Queens were having a small walk in the big garden outside the castle. Prince Namjoon was softly petting Yoongi's hair who was sleeping cutely on the large bed which was given to them.

Prince Taehyung and Prince Seokjin were given a room together. Prince Taehyung was taking his bath in the bathroom, while Prince Seokjin was looking at the night sky from the balcony of the bedroom.

He couldn't help but get lost in those stars that was beautifully placed on the dark sky. The moon was glowing dimly and it was almost full moon in few days. Prince Seokjin left a heavy sigh and looked down to see the Queens walking casually in the garden.

"Are you going to take a bath?" Prince Seokjin looked back to see his brother coming out with a golden silk robe tied around his naked body and drying his wet hair. He definitely needed a bath after not taking for two days. Though he loved to bath in the lake, he didn't want to.

"Did you put the roses in there?" Prince Seokjin asked while walking inside the shared bedroom. Prince Taehyung rolled his eyes by the silly question.

"Yes, your majesty. And now you can wet your ass in that rose water."

"Eww, you sometimes forget that you are a Prince, Taehyung. Talking filthy language." Prince Seokjin made a disgusting face making Prince Taehyung to throw the wet towel on him.

"I learned it from you. And now go and enjoy your bubble bath." With that Prince Taehyung walked to the dresser to find night dresses. He knew that the dresses which he wore in his Kingdom wouldn't be here. Goguryeo kingdom was famous for their beautiful hanboks and he kind of missed it.

Soon Prince Seokjin took his peaceful bath after a long journey. He felt his sore muscles leaving him, and the tiredness was quietly washing away. After a thirty minutes of playing with the water, Prince Seokjin came out of the bathroom with a red robe tied around his body.

He looked at his brother Prince Taehyung folding his hanbok. Prince Seokjin took the dress on the bed which his brother had picked for him, and went inside the bathroom to get changed. Within few minutes the both Princes found themselves on the bed with different person running in their minds.

"What do you think about the Second Prince?" Seokjin broke the silence making Taehyung to look at his brother.

"What about him?" Prince Taehyung asked his brother who gave a heavy sigh. Soon Prince Seokjin turned to see his brother and finding words to say further more.

"I-I don't know. I feel like the royal family aren't treating him good." Prince Taehyung sighed by hearing his brother's explanation.

"Prince Seokjin, we are in no place to comment or research about it. We cannot invade their family matters and that would be the Kingdom's secret forever. We have come here to betroth the First prince not the Second Prince." Prince Seokjin pouted and turned the opposite side by showing his back at Prince Taehyung.

"If I get personal time with Prince Jimin, I will ask him about the Second Prince." Taehyung whispered and he controlled his laughter when Prince Seokjin turned to him with wide Alpaca eyes.

"You would do that?"

"Anything for my little Prince. Now get some beauty sleep and tomorrow will be a big day." Taehyung placed a soft kiss on Prince Seokjin's forehead before laying on his back.

He was not a fool to not notice the difference. But he decided not to question since it was Silla Kingdom's family. But once the marriage was fixed, he had rights to question because he would become a family.

Prince Seokjin closed his eyes with a soft smile and heard his brother blowing off the candles. Everyone in the castle was soon asleep and the palace was silent except one room.

The storage room was filled with the whipping sounds and loud grunts from the King Chanyeol. While Queen Joy and Prince Jimin were hugging each other tightly and silencing their cries by waiting outside the storage room.

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