Chapter 27👑

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"M-My Prince!"

When Prince Seokjin said his husband to sleep with him tonight, he didn't literally think that they were going to do this. Prince Jungkook was gulping hard and he could feel his body getting hot by looking at Prince Seokjin undressing himself before infront his husband.

Prince Seokjin without hesitance untied his knot around the Hanbok and let his dress to fall elegantly down on the floor leaving him in nothing but boxers. Prince Jungkook felt his cock twitching at the sight of his husband looking all in glory just for him.

He could see the ab line and the defined chest muscles. Prince Jungkook could see some scars on the abdomen, and he was sure that it was from the fight. But deep inside he felt insecure. He too had scars but he wished it was from a fight.

Prince Jungkook's body stiffened when he saw his husband approaching him. Prince Seokjin took a deep breath before hooking his crooked fingers in his waist band of the boxers and pushing it down on his thighs.

Prince Jungkook couldn't avert his eyes from the semi-hard cock of his husband. He was sure that Prince Seokjin was turned on just for him. Prince Seokjin stepped out from his boxers and stood in front of his husband without any shame or shyness.

His body was glowing beautifully in the candle lights and the moonlight creeping through the window. He was an ethereal beauty.

"I have nothing to hide, your Highness. I do have desires for you, and I want to explore many things in our love life. I am yours always just like how you are mine.

And I don't want you to hide yourself from me either.

I know you are in pain and it hurts me that I couldn't help you and be there for you when you need me the most. I am not aware of the cause of your pain but I do feel that you are hurt and you are hiding it from me.

I want you to to not only share your happiness but also your problems and pain with me. I am your husband, my Lord. I am here for you. I want to heal you with my love and care. But I can't until you open up to me."

Prince Jungkook felt himself tearing up by hearing his husband's soothing words. He felt emotional since no one had comforted him like Prince Seokjin have.

He knew that he could trust his husband with anything. Although partly Prince Seokjin had lied to him about not knowing the cause of his pain.

Of course he knew about it. He witnessed his dear husband getting whipped by the King of the Silla Kingdom and he wished to rip the other's head off at that right moment.

But he controlled his anger. He didn't want Prince Jungkook to feel ashamed for finding about this secret in this way.

He wants his husband to speak to him. To explain it to him. To trust him.

And so Prince Seokjin was patiently waiting for Prince Jungkook while standing naked in front of his husband.

Prince Jungkook softly smiled and wiped his tears off before leaving a heavy breath. While sniffling his nose, Prince Jungkook reached his shaky hands to untie his Hanbok. He closed his eyes shut, and turned his back to his husband while letting the Hanbok to fall down.

Prince Jungkook braced himself when he heard a soft gasp leaving his husband's lips.

Prince Seokjin felt so many emotions right now. He was angry, and furious by seeing the soft skin having so many whips on the back. Some wounds were getting healed with the help of the scented oil and some were reddish making the skin look worse.

Prince Jungkook wasn't confident enough to speak by looking at his husband. So he decided to open his secret with his back facing Prince Seokjin.

"T-The King do this to me, my Prince. Ever since I was a child, I would get beaten by the King for several reasons. I-I lost my father when I was born, so I rarely spoke to anyone. Prince Jimin and Queen Joy were there to heal me with the wounds.

Whenever the King was angry he uses me. T-Though I tried to speak with him, he whipped me saying I am "mute" and shouldn't speak. So I convinced myself that I am mute.

I stopped going out of the palace after the King punished me for walking in the garden. This isn't new to me, and I am used to getting beatings every night.

I-I must apologize to you, because I have been cheating on you.

The King let his frustrations on me every night, and that's the reason why I would leave you alone in our bedroom. I pretend to sleep early, so that you wouldn't notice my absence when I am gone.

I-I have been really a bad husband, my Prince. I hurt you and fooled you for my selfish reasons. I was so ashamed to tell you about this.

A-Also, the King had threatened me by saying that he would hurt you if I ever reveal this to you. That was the sole reason why I hid this from you.

You might hate my body and feel disgusted with it. You are a walking beauty and I am just a Prince with wounded body.

B-But please do know that I-I love you, my Prince. I would do anything for you."

Prince Jungkook confessed his heart out while letting his tears fall out from his eyes. He wasn't sure whether his husband was in the room or had walked off in the middle.

But he flinched suddenly when he felt Prince Seokjin's fingers firmly holding his shoulder. He wasn't sure what was happening, but he felt the fingers slowly tracing his wounds.

Prince Seokjin was softly kissing every inch of the wounds, and smooching sound echoed through out the bedroom. Prince Jungkook felt something wet on his back and his eyes widened when he heard sniffling sound.

Prince Seokjin was crying softly while trying to kiss the pain away from his husband. Never in his life had he thought that Prince Jungkook would have gone through such a nightmare.

After taking his time to kiss every wound on the back of Prince Jungkook, Prince Seokjin placed his lips on the mole on the neck before licking it softly.

"No one dare to lay their fingers on my husband, my Lord."

Prince Seokjin groaned loudly before pulling Prince Jungkook's hair backward and making the other to turn his head.

Prince Jungkook looked at the possessive eyes that were looking at him with the same hunger and love. Without waiting, Prince Jungkook turned around and pulled his husband's waist before kissing those plump lips.

The sweet kiss soon turned to a hungry one. Prince Seokjin was busy in pulling down his husband's boxers who obediently threw it away.

The Silla palace during the night was silence except one room. And they both knew that it was going to be a long night.

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