Chapter 13👑

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According to Goguryeo tradition, the newly wedded couples were supposed to live in the groom's home for some years. In this, Prince Jungkook was supposed to live with Prince Seokjin in Goguryeo Empire.

But the King of Silla Kingdom denied the request. And Prince Jungkook couldn't say no to his King. Like Prince Seokjin said before, he was okay to live anywhere with his consort and the King Daniel was okay with it.

That's the reason why the Royal members of Goguryeo Kingdom were staying in Silla Kingdom for their Prince's wedding ceremony.

The groom was supposed to wear a red hanbok, while the other groom wears blue. The two colors, like the circle at the center of the Korean flag, represent the balance of complementary entities. Traditionally, the marriage would occur at dusk, representing the balance between light and dark as well.

The celebration was about to happen in five minutes with sun setting down and Princes were busy in Groom's rooms to make sure that they were ready.

"Oh my! You look ethereal, your Highness." Prince Yoongi complimented Prince Seokjin who was wearing a red hanbok with golden embroidery. Prince Seokjin rolled his eyes by the comment of his brother-in-law.

"You don't have to call me with status when we are alone." Prince Seokjin pouted making Prince Yoongi to chuckle. Yoongi playfully pulled those chubby cheeks and ruffled the brown locks.

"You will soon belong to another Kingdom, your Highness. I can't call you informally when you are married to an another Prince." Prince Yoongi said and carefully he picked the head crown of the groom and placed it above Prince Seokjin's head.

" Prince Yoongi said and carefully he picked the head crown of the groom and placed it above Prince Seokjin's head

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The beads perfectly fell down right infront of Prince Seokjin's eyes making the groom look beautiful. Prince Yoongi walked to the mirror and grabbed the fresh Raspberries from the bowl. He crushed it with his fingers and smiled by seeing the tint on his hands.

He carefully reached the fingers of pink colored tint that he just extracted from the Raspberry and applied it as a blush on Prince Seokjin's cheeks. It was a tradition and Prince Yoongi rounded his fingers on the groom's cheeks by spreading the Raspberry shade.

Prince Yoongi crushed some more Raspberries and used the tint for Prince Seokjin's beautiful plump lips. After few minutes of touch up, Prince Yoongi withdrew his hands and softly smiled by seeing the groom all ready for the wedding.

"Is it really necessary to wear this hat? It keeps on poking my eyes, your Highness." Prince Seokjin mumbled while trying to see his reflection on the mirror. The Raspberry tint on his cheeks looked cute on his face, but the beads that was hanging from his hat above his head was disturbing him.

Prince Yoongi chuckled by the silly question.

"It's just for today, your Highness. It's the traditional wedding costume of our Kingdom, and after your ceremony you are free to remove it." Prince Seokjin nodded and adjusted his red Hanbok that was so loose and comfortable.

Prince Yoongi and Prince Seokjin flinched in their places when they heard sudden sound of drums echoing through out the Silla Palace.

"Your Highness, it's time." Prince Yoongi whispered and jogged to look out the window to find Prince Taehyung and Prince Jungkook coming towards their castle by wearing beautiful Blue Hanbok as their tradition.

Prince Seokjin turned his head to the window of his room and sighed by seeing the sky painted with orange color. Though he was nervous, he was excited for this day. He hadn't seen Prince Jungkook ever since their announcement of the wedding.

The grooms were supposed to see each other only on their wedding ceremony. Though it's been two weeks since Prince Seokjin's arrival to Silla Kingdom, he couldn't find his future consort in the palace. The Kings made sure that Prince Jimin and Seokjin were not seeing their grooms before the wedding.

Prince Seokjin released a heavy sigh and bowed his head down while he folded his both hands in front of his chest by leaving some gap. Prince Yoongi accompanied the groom and led the way down to the place where the ceremony was about to held.

Prince Jimin was already in his room with his head down and hands folded in front of his chest. He was accompanied by Prince Yoongi along with Prince Seokjin. The two grooms walked with Prince Yoongi's guidance with their hearts beating fast.

The Hanbok was heavy on their body and they were already sweating. They hadn't wore such huge Hanbok before, and wished they had some rehearsal for this day. The room fell silent once they saw the arrival of grooms.

 The room fell silent once they saw the arrival of grooms

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Prince Yoongi casually left the grooms side when some young ladies ran over to them with a big traditional umbrella. They held the umbrella over groom's heads and walked with them until they reached the ceremony place.

They allowed Prince Seokjin to stand beside Prince Jungkook who was already standing in the center of the ceremony. Prince Jimin stood beside Prince Taehyung and the ladies withdrew the umbrellas from above their heads.

The Royal family members turned their attention to the Grooms and smiled by seeing their Princes looking beautiful in those Red and Blue Hanboks. Since it was the Royal wedding, the people of Silla Kingdom weren't allowed inside the palace.

The ceremony had only Royal members of the family and soon the Kings and Queens walked past the grooms and sat on the chairs to start the ceremony.

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