Chapter 5: The First Ambush

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A month has passed since Kovu and Kiara had become King and Queen of the pride lands. Zira hasn't been causing any trouble for the past month and is not on watch anymore. She had earned her trust from the other half of the pride, and Kovu and Kiara had welcomed her into the pride. Zira had also participated in the hunting party, and all of the former outsiders were glad to have her reformed like she was before she was evil and hateful.

Since Zira has reformed, she's pleased about becoming a grandmother to her grand cubs, who'll be born in two more months. Kiara's stomach had started to grow like the other pregnant lionesses in the pride, and it's two months away before she could give birth.

Since she's only one month pregnant, she and Vitani, Nuru, Tiifu, and Zuri are not allowed to hunt due to having cubs growing inside of them. Nala had volunteered to replace Kiara as the hunting party leader until the cubs are born. Tama, Kula, and Zira have also replaced Vitani, Tiifu, and Zuri for their positions in the hunting party.

The five pregnant lionesses sit under the tree in a cool shade by a medium-sized rock and small pond where Kiara used to hang out since she was a cub.

(A/N: the tree with a rock and a small pond where Kiara first saw the viewing of the outlands as a cub in The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride)

"I can't wait to have this cub," Nuru said

"Me too." Zuri said, "I really want to get back in the hunting party."

Vitani stretches as she lays down on the rock, "We all do. But we have to set this one out."

"Ugh! I know, right?" Tiifu scoffed, "I can't even go anywhere alone with Kion following me."

Kiara rolled her eyes, "I know, right? Kovu does the same thing, just like Kion and my father. Even though I just want to have my space."

"Simba's your dad, and Kion's your younger brother." Zuri pointed out. "So they obviously going to be protective of you. Especially when you're the Queen and being pregnant with the future heir."

"Vitani, Nuru, and I are princesses, so that counts as well." Tiifu cut in, "Naba, Moto, and Kion are protective of us three just as Afua is protective of you."

"They're doing this because they love us." Kiara sits up and faces everyone in front of her, "And they wouldn't want anything happening to our cubs or us."

Nuru nodded, "Speaking of cubs, does anyone know what are you going to name them?" She asked

"Not yet." Vitani answered, "Moto and I haven't discussed it."

"Us either."



Nuru sighed, "Even Naba and I haven't discussed names yet either. We'll discuss this with our mates later when they get back from patrol."

"I agree with you, Nuru." Said Zuri

"Me too." Said Kiara

"Me three." Said Vitani

"And me four." Said Tiifu

The five pregnant lionesses sat there in complete silence for three minutes. Nuru then cleared her throat and said, "Y'know, I like the name Kosi for a boy and Talia for a girl.

"Those names sound wonderful, Nuru," Tiifu replied, smiling at her sister-in-law. "And I like Hodari for a boy and Azuli for a girl.

"I like Neema for a girl and Sika for a Boy," Zuri added. She turned towards Vitani, "What about you, Vitani? What do you want your cub to be named?"

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