Chapter 26: New Friends

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Meanwhile, in the outlands

Abasi and Mabaya were in their den, sulking from their failed murder attempt. The healer lioness had patched up their injuries and checked on the others involved during the fight with Kovu, Kiara, and the others who rescued the cubs. The evil rulers were enraged that their cubs had betrayed them to live in the pride lands.

"Grrrrr! I can't believe our cubs would betray us like this!" Abasi lamented, "And Shani destroyed my left eye! I can't even see from it no more!"

"Can't you see out of your right eye, dear?" asked Mabaya.

"Yes, that's that only eye I have left. If she clawed out my last eye, then I would have been blind!" he replied angrily.

"And it looks like we don't have an heir anymore,"

"We disown them anyways. We don't need Tanabi or Shani; they're too soft and weak,"

Abasi pauses before an idea hatched into his head, "I have an idea,"

"What is it?"

"How about we can have another cub?" Abasi suggested.

"Yes, we can. Since the new cub will be a replacement for Tanabi," said Mabaya, "We haven't mated in a while since our first litter was born."

Abasi has a seductive smile on his face, "Well, we can get to work in our private spot," he purred, nuzzling his mate as she licked his scarred cheek.

"Sounds good, baby," said Mabaya.

Mabaya nuzzled him in return as they both got up and went to the back of their den to start their mating process.

A month has passed since Tanabi and Shani joined the pride lands. Everyone was getting used to having the cubs of Abasi and Mabaya living with them. They have misjudged them during the announcement Kovu and Kiara made, and yet, the pride had quickly warmed up to them and accepted the two former prince and princess into their home.

Speaking of the two, they had met all of the cubs at pride rock and gotten to know them; even the preteens had become friends with them. A month has passed, and Tanabi and Shani are seven months old while the other cubs are six months old, except for Hofu, who is now five months old. He's old enough to eat meat.

Aisha, Chaka, Faraji, Nama, Kopa, Kali, Hodari, and Azuli isn't punished anymore, and they're out with their friends playing. And today, all of the cubs will have new friends to play with.

Jamya and her pups are walking to pride rock, where Omari and Lela can make new friends, and the cubs can get to know the pair. However, the two hyena pups couldn't contain their excitement, and they ran ahead of their mother, making her run after them.

"Omari! Lela!" Jamya called out, "Slow down!"

"Awww, come on, ma," said Omari, slowing down with his sister.

"Yeah! We can't wait to make new friends!" Lela added.

Jamya let out a small chuckle, "You two have to be patient. We're almost at pride rock,"

"That's where they live?"

"Yes, darling. All of the lions live at pride rock,"


Two minutes later, Jamya and her twins had made it to pride rock. Where Kovu and Kiara greeted them with warm welcomes, "It's nice to see you there again," said Kiara.

"Nice to see you too, your majesty," said Jamya before looking down at her pups, "Omari, Lela, say hello to the king and queen of the pride lands."

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