Chapter 29: Hofu vs Kali

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While Hofu chased after Eshe, he was tackled and pinned again by his older cousins, Hodari, Kali, Kopa, and Azuli. Eshe stopped running as she turned around and saw her ex-boyfriend pinned down by four of his cousins. She felt more tears streaming down her face as she ran inside pride rock to tell Mheetu and Malaika about what was going on.

"Get off of me, guys!" said Hofu, struggling to push his cousins off of him.

"Dude, have you lost your mind?!" Kopa exclaimed, "You nearly hurt your girlfriend!"

"She's not my girlfriend anymore!" Hofu declared.

"What?! Why'd you dumped her, Hofu? She loved you!" Azuli asked.

"It's none of your business!" he snarled.

"It IS our business! That's our friend we're talking about!" Kali glowered.

Hofu growled before gathering his strength and shoving four young lions off of him. Giving him the time to get back up, "So, what? It's not like you're her guardian angel or something!" he spat.

"Hofu, you need to stop this!" said Kali, "It's not like you to act stupid like that!"

Hofu scoffed, "Stop what? I'm not doing anything," he lied.

"You nearly tried to attack Eshe just now," Hodari pointed out.

"And you dumped her for no reason at all!" Azuli added.

Hofu was getting pretty irritated with his cousins' 'ignorance'. He wanted to get out of the pride lands and find somewhere to live as quickly as possible, "Will you shut up?! I swear you four are starting to get on my nerves!"

"No, we're not! We're trying to get to the bottom of this!" Kopa barked, glaring daggers at his little cousin.

Then, Kion, Malaika, Kiara, Nuru, Eshe's mother, Mheetu, and Nala came to the scene with a crying Eshe in tow, "What in the world is going on over here?! Kiara demanded as she gained all of the five teens' attention.

"Hofu has broken up with Eshe," Kali snitched, earning a glare from the younger lion.

Kion turned to his cousin's ex-girlfriend, "Eshe, would you like to tell us what exactly happened between you and Hofu?" he asked.

The young white lioness nodded before explaining every detail without leaving anything out. Once Eshe was finished, everyone's jaws dropped to the ground as their eyes were wide as dinner plates in an expensive restaurant. Mheetu and Malaika glared at their son while Nala shook her head in disbelief. How could a young lion, as her nephew, hurt an innocent lioness and wants her to come with him somewhere where the great kings knows what will happen to them.

"How could you do this to my daughter?" Eshe's mother bellowed, "You're acting just like Scar!"

"I am nothing like him! Don't forget that Kion used to be just like him a long time ago!" he quipped.

Kion glared at his little cousin, "Hofu, I may have acted like Scar in the past, but I've changed unlike him," he said with a stern tone, "If I were you; I'd keep my attitude in check!"

"Oh, please! You killed Kopa two years ago!" Hofu pointed out as he rolled his eyes, "So that makes you twice as bad as Scar!"

"Hofu, don't talk to your big cousin that way!" Nala chimed in.

Hofu glared at his aunt, "Come on, aunt Nala, cut me some slack here! You know that I'm being honest!

"Hofu! That's enough!" said Mheetu, "We are tired of your attitude towards us!"

"Dad, please!"

"NO!" he boomed, making everyone jump, "Your behavior is unacceptable! Instead of being grounded for a month, how about an extra month for your behavior as well!"

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