Chapter 42: Hunting In The Pride Lands

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Since Hofu had returned to the pride lands, Abasi had heard about what he had done to Enzi. Speaking of the latter, he limped into the cave, covered in blood that was oozing out of his open wounds. Abasi was shocked to see his only heir in a bad condition.

"Son? What happened?" he asked while approaching his son carefully.

Enzi hissed in pain and looked up at his father, "Hofu did this!" he accused, making his father's eyes widen, "When we were fighting, he almost killed me if I hadn't acted quickly to stop him!"

"HE DID WHAT!?" Abasi shrieked, feeling his anger rise to the top.

"He almost killed me," Enzi repeated before collapsing on his side, grunting from the impact, "Oh, it hurts!"

Abasi felt like panicking. He was worried about losing his loyal son compared to his eldest son, "Stay with me, Enzi! I'll get the healer lioness!"

Before he could leave the den, Ali ran inside and collapsed on her future mate, burying her head into his mane and sobbing loudly, "Oh, darling! I heard what Hofu had done to you!"

Feeling sorry for his future daughter-in-law, Abasi ran out of the den to fetch the healer lioness, leaving Enzi and Ali in the cave together. Ali carefully got off of her future mate and started licking his wounds, making Enzi grit his teeth in pain.

"Thanks, Ali," said Enzi.

Ali stopped licking him and nodded, "You're welcome, dear. I knew something was up with Hofu; your parents should've made him do some dangerous tests before he could join our pride," she said as Enzi nodded in agreement, "And I see some of our lionesses are trying to rebel against your father."

This made Enzi sit up at the news he was hearing, "What?!" he winced in pain as Ali pushed him down gently.

"Yes. Those traitors don't know who they're messing with, but they're going to regret turning against your father and siding up with those good-for-nothing pridelanders!" Ali sneered, "And Hofu for nearly killing you!"

Enzi grinned seductively, "Babe, you're cute when you're angry,"

Ali smirked and popped Enzi in the nose playfully, "Oh, hush, you,"

"Heh, you know I was teasing you, love,"

Enzi and Ali nuzzled each other, taking in their fresh scents, "Don't worry about a thing, Enzi. We will get Hofu and those pridelanders for causing too much trouble and pain for us," said Ali.

"Once they're dead, the pride lands will be ours. Think about it, Ali. You and I will be king and queen of our glorious land," said Enzi, "And we will have cubs to continue down our path and finish what Scar would've wanted since my so-called big brother and sister failed to accomplish that."

"They deserve to rot in hell for betraying us!" Ali sneered.

"Technically, we weren't even born when they left the outlands," Enzi pointed out.

"No offense, but I hate Tanabi and Shani so much!

"Me too, dear. Me too,"

While the young future king and queen were chatting, Abasi ran into the den with the healer lioness behind him. Instantly, she began treating Enzi's wounds, rubbing herbs on the fresh wounds, and wrapping them up in large leaves that she had stolen from Rafiki's tree. Luckily for her, Ali had managed to stop the bleeding by licking Enzi continuously.

The healer lioness assured the prince that the wounds will heal in two weeks as long as he takes it easy. Enzi wanted to continue his training but Ali insisted that he take a break from training for a while. Even Abasi agreed with her since he was afraid of losing his only heir.

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