Chapter 13: The Birth Of A New Generation

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It's been a month since Abasi and Mabaya had welcomed their cubs, Tanabi and Shani, into the world. Both of them are now a month old, and they're fast learners for their age. Their parents decided it was best to wait for them to get a little older before they begin their training. Abasi will teach Tanabi about becoming a king, and Mabaya will teach Shani about being a huntress and a spy. However, both of them will do physical training with all of the other cubs in the outlands to become killers in the future.

Meanwhile, in the pride lands, the five pregnant lionesses are now three months pregnant and are due at any moment. Their bellies are large and noticeable by everyone in the pride and the kingdom. Some had predicted that they'd either have twins, triplets, or maybe quadruplets. Kion has recovered from his injuries, and he's back on his paws and out patrolling the borders with all of the other males.

Last month, Mheetu met a rogue lioness who was searching for a new home, and she had escaped from the war her pride had been in. Sadly, her family was killed by a rival pride, and she escaped unharmed. He brought her back into pride rock and was accepted into the pride by Kovu and Kiara. Her name is Malaika. Malaika has bright yellow fur with blue eyes with a tan tail tuft. She has a light brown nose with a small hair tuft on her head. She has white paws, underbelly, and muzzle.

She got to know Mheetu and hung around him when he's not patrolling the pride lands with the males on his team. Soon enough, they both fell in love with each other and became mates, much to Nala and Sarafina's joy. Nala was glad that her little brother had found a mate and Sarafina have a new daughter-in-law. Kiara, Nuru, and Kion have a new aunt, and Simba has a new sister-in-law. The royal family in pride rock is getting bigger. Soon enough, Malaika has found out that she was pregnant with her cub and can't wait to become a mother. When she told Mheetu about it, he was thrilled to become a father. His nieces and nephew will have a first cousin while their cubs will have a second cousin.

This month, Malaika is now two months pregnant, and her stomach is starting to grow. She had gotten pregnant a week after she and Mheetu had gotten married, and they're discussing the names for their cub in their private den on the right side of the royal den.

Last night, Zuri and Vitani had given birth to their cubs. Vitani had a boy and a girl, while Zuri had a girl. One day, Vitani was outside with Moto and her cubs. The new family was lying in the nursery cave with all of the other lionesses who had just given birth to their cubs. They were in the second part of the cave where lionesses and their baby cubs reside until the cubs are two months old to move into the main den. Kovu and Kiara approached them, with Zira following behind them. Vitani and Moto see their family coming towards them and smiled at them, knowing they can meet their new cubs.

"Congratulations, sis," Kovu said as he looked down at his new niece and nephew with Kiara by his side.

"They're beautiful, Vitani," Kiara commented.

"I love my new grandcubs already," said Zira, giving her grandcubs a nuzzle, "You did wonderful, my dear."

"Thanks, mother,"

Zira sighed sadly, thinking about her late eldest son and little sister, "If only Nuka and Baraka were here to see this. They would've changed their behaviors and live with their families like old times,"

"Nuka would've loved being an uncle," said Kiara, "He would've found a mate and start his own family."

"I hate to admit, but I do miss my aunt," said Vitani.

"Yeah, me too," said Kovu. "And I miss Nuka as well. He was a good big brother to us."

"Kita misses his mother. He doesn't have a father in his life, and we're the only family we have," said Zira, "Speaking of which, I'm going to check on him. You all can tell me what their names are later."

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