Chapter 22: It's Hard To Say Goodbye

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Many hours have passed since the battle, and it is nighttime in the pride lands. Kovu had arranged a funeral and used his mighty roar to summon the inhabitants of the pride lands to give their condolences and say goodbye to Sarabi, Sarafina, and the other lionesses who died at the paws of Abasi and his evil pride.

The dead lionesses from Abasi's pride were taken away and thrown into the outlands, where Kovu ordered some of his strong lions to bury them at the western border between the pride lands and the outlands. Kiara ordered some lionesses to dig graves behind pride rock where Mufasa and the other kings and queens lay. Once they were finished, they placed the bodies down in each hole and covered them with flowers.

Miraculously, Simba had survived being attacked by Abasi, and he was outside with everyone. Rafiki had checked him one last time before reminding him to stay off of his broken leg. He can only use three legs to get around with Nala and Asante to help him until his leg has healed.

He was upset about losing his mother. He started to blame himself for not getting there in time to save her. He was caught up with protecting pride rock from Abasi's pride and failed to notice that the outland king had snuck inside of pride rock to kill Sarabi, Sarafina, and the cubs.

"Sarabi and Sarafina will be missed," Kiara began as tears flowed down her face, "They were mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and friends to us. We've come here today to mourn the oldest and loyal pride members who we had lost during our fight. They were humble, kind, wise, and brave. Grandfather Mufasa, if you can hear us, please watch over my grandmothers, Sarabi and Sarafina, to ensure them that they're not going to suffer anymore. They'll be in your paws as you all will look down at us as we continue to pray and get guidance from you."

"We're going to mourn our brave and loyal lionesses who fought to the end," Kovu continued, shedding a few tears. "They helped us protect the pride lands from danger and proved their loyalty towards us. It's sad to see them leave us too soon, but we must stay strong and think positive. Chura, Tanga, Fuhura, Dana, Safiya, and Shari. May your spirits go into the great beyond and into the stars with the great kings and queens of the past. You all may not be part of the royal family, but you six were the most extraordinary pride members, and we appreciate the things you did to help out in the pride. "

"Before we could bury the bodies. Would anyone want to come up and say their last words?" asked Kovu.

With the help of Nala and Asante, Simba walked in front of the graves as everyone looked at him. He took a deep breath before speaking in a sad tone, "Everyone at pride rock and the savannah loved my mother. Ever since I was born, she and my father, Mufasa, took care of me and raised me to be a lion as I am now. Without my mother, I felt like a piece of my heart was missing. And I don't know what to do without her since she's gone. Mother, If you're up there, I want to say that I love you and miss you. Sarafina, we all will miss you too. I know that you and my mother will look down at us as we continue to protect the pride and say our prayers."

Nala stood up as Simba was helped back to his spot by her little brother, "My mother was the best lioness you could meet. When I was a cub, she would teach me how to become a huntress and a true pride member. If I'm feeling sad or down, she will always be there to cheer me up. Sarabi was like a second mother towards me. She would give me advice and tell me stories of her and Mufasa's cubhood. Since Simba and I became the king and queen of the pride lands, she taught me about being a mother to our cubs and helped me be prepared when I was about to give birth to Kopa and Kiara. Then Kion and Nuru came along. I want to say thank you for being there when I needed you two. And being there to give us love and support when we needed it."

Nala sighed as she went back and sat next to Simba as she watched her little brother go up to say his final words. She buried her face into Simba's mane as the two older royal couple comforted each other from their mothers' deaths.

"My mom was the best lioness I've met in my life," Mheetu began before sighing, "When I was born, she always been there to take care of me and raised me to become a good lion. She had Nala to look after me when we were cubs while she went hunting. And Sarabi treated us like we were her cubs while Simba was gone. I couldn't forget about the smile on her face I see every day. And how wonderful she was. Mom and Sarabi, we will all miss you. And we'll see each other again when our time comes to an end."

Mheetu sighed heavily before walking back to comfort his older sister with Malika and Hofu by his side as Nuru and Naba walked to the front of the graves. They sat down while their daughter was being comforted by her aunt and uncle, Kion and Tiifu.

"I want to say that I love my grandmothers," she started, tears flowing down her cheeks as Naba nuzzled her.

Nalia sobbed as she covered her eyes with her paw while Hodari and Azuli nuzzled her with tears flowing down their faces.

"My grandmothers were amazing and kind. When I was a cub, I loved hearing many stories about my parents' cubhood and how they used to go on many adventures back then. I know they'll be in the stars and clouds above if we ever need any guidance,"

"May the great kings and queens watch over you and bless you two for your bravery and determination for helping us protect our home," said Naba, "Sarabi and Sarafina, you may be gone, but I promise you that when our time comes to an end, we will see each other again in the skies with you, Mufasa, and all of the other kings and queens of the past."

Nuru sobbed as Naba licked her head gently. The couple got up and walked back to their spot neck to Kion and Tiifu, who were the next ones to get up and walk to the front of the grave.

"I want to say that we'll miss you, grandmothers," Kion began, "You two used to keep us entertained when we were cubs. We all loved hearing your laughs, seeing your smiles on your faces, and showing gratitude to all of the inhabitants of the pride lands. Without you, it wouldn't be the same."

"Sarabi and Sarafina. I want to say thank you for protecting our cubs from Abasi," Tiifu began, "Without you, we would've lost them. But with your courage and bravery to defend them, the kings and queens above have blessed you. A true hero fights until the end, and that's specifically who you two are."

Kion and Tiifu walked back next to Nuru and Naba, who began comforting each other and their cubs as everyone in the pride took turns saying their last words to Sarabi, Sarafina, and the six lionesses that died. And each animal also took turns telling their final goodbyes to the elder lionesses and the loyal lionesses who stood their grounds during the fight. After a cheetah went back to her family, Kovu and Kiara stood up, and Rafiki threw some flowers below the graves as he began his spiritual chant. Soon after, Kiara ordered the same lionesses from earlier to bury the bodies.

The eight lionesses carefully buried the bodies underground. Their bodies will become the grass and grow in the soil, which will produce more life in the pride lands by providing food to the herbivores. Everyone is a part of the great circle of life. After thoroughly covering the bodies, Rafiki placed some stones and flowers on each grave to represent the fallen lionesses. He decorated Sarabi and Sarafina's with many unique rocks and flowers he had found during his walks in the savannah.

Kovu roared as loudly as he could, followed by Kiara, who roared with him. Then the pride roared in harmony with their king and queen while the inhabitants bowed their heads to respect the eight fallen lions. After the funeral, everybody went back to their homes as the pride went back inside pride rock to continue grieving.

End Of Chapter 22

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