Chapter 39: Hofu's Showdown And Redemption Part 1

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It's been a few months since Nala's untimely death. The pride had a funeral for the former queen.

Kiara, Kion, Nuru, and their pride mourned the loss of Nala. She was buried next to Simba behind pride rock and everyone in the kingdom came to say their goodbyes. Kiara warned everyone that Abasi and his pride are very dangerous, and to be on the lookout for them.

Speaking of Abasi's pride, they shared a loss since the war between them and Kovu and Kiara's pride. Since Kion killed queen Mabaya, they buried her at the northern borders of the outlands. Abasi sat in his den brooding and seething with rage. Hofu walked slowly inside of the den to check on the latter with his head dipped in submission.

"Um... King Abasi?" Hofu called out.

Abasi whipped his head around and lashed out at the younger lion, making him duck down on his haunches, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" he boomed.

Hofu got up bravely and faced the outland king, "I came by to see how you're holding up since Kion killed Mabaya," he replied.

Abasi snarled before hitting Hofu in the head with his paw, sending the younger lion flying into the rock wall. Hofu groaned as he got up slowly, ignoring the pain in his head.


Hofu gulped and nodded his head, "Y-y-yes, king a-Abasi," he stuttered.

"Now get out of my sight! I need to be alone right now!" Abasi watched Hofu bow down slightly before making his way out of the den. The outland king sighed heavily, grieving his mate and queen, "Oh, Mabaya. I can't believe that Kion had killed you. I promise that I will avenge you for this. Not only I'm killing Kion for vengeance, but I'm also going to kill Kovu and take the pride lands by force!" He unsheathed his claws and struck a small termite mound, slicing it in half.

"At least you did well during the battle by killing the former queen Nala. You can take credit for that," Abasi forced a smile on his face before frowning again, "Don't you worry, my dear. Me and Enzi will fight 'till the end to claim the pride lands. Kiara, Kion, and all of the rest will die and burn in hell for all that they have done!"

"And now, I must gather the rest of the pride of my upcoming plan later. But for now, I have to think hard before I can tell everyone," Abasi cackled madly as his laughter echoed in the den.

As Abasi was plotting in his head, Hofu was sitting alone near a termite mound and watching his pride mates train and spar. He sighed and thought of his aunt Nala who loved and helped his parents care for him as a cub.

He regretted acting out and had second thoughts about joining Abasi's pride. He wanted to leave and go back to the pride lands so he could ask for forgiveness, but the lions in the outlands might get suspicious of his disappearance and he'll be known as a traitor to the pride, which may cause Abasi and several lions to kill him.

Enzi approached Hofu with blood dripping from his muzzle after successfully invading the pride lands with a day's worth of kill. He had ordered four lionesses to carry the dead wildebeest to the den while he takes a break from his training.

"Hey, Hofu. Why aren't you training with everyone else? You know we have to take down Kiara, Kion, and all of the other pridelanders to claim the pride lands of our own," said Enzi, sitting down in front of the younger lion.

Hofu sighed, "Enzi... I'm just not feeling like training right now,"

"Why not?" Enzi asked before giving a suspicious glare which make Hofu gulp nervously, "You're not thinking about leaving after my dear mother killed YOUR aunt, aren't you?"

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