Chapter 34: Aisha's First Hunt Part 1

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Since Hofu left the pride lands and moved into the outlands, everyone was shocked and confused. Why would a young lion like him leave the pride lands and join Abasi's pride? Most importantly, why did he attack his cousins and friends? Aisha and the others had recovered from Hofu's attacks, and Rafiki had treated their injuries. Jai, Jata, Cala, Kali, Neema, Ari, and several others lost their love and respect for the former young lion; they vowed to teach Hofu a lesson the next time he comes back into pride lands.

Because of Hofu clawing his left eye, Jai has a scar across his face. Unfortunately for him, he can't see out of his left eye anymore, much to the latter's dismay. Jai wanted to track Hofu down, drag him back to the pride lands, and kill him, but Kali had told him Hofu was not worth his time, and he shouldn't waste his breath on the young lion.

Despite being blind in his left eye, Jai can do many other things, and he thanked the great kings that he didn't lose his right eye from Hofu's attack. Days turned into months, and months turned into a year; all young lions in the pride lands are young adults. Several lions in Kovu and Kiara's pride had decided to leave the pride lands to find a new home. The rulers wished all of them well and safe travels; the lions promised they'll return to visit one day.

The lions that left the pride lands are Eshe, Jabari, Nadira, Kosi, Nadra, Ayo, Cala, Lila, and their families. Neema was upset about her best friend leaving, but Nadra promised to visit one day. Since all of her friends are in a relationship, she's the only one who's single and hopes to find a lucky lion who would sweep her off her paws.

"I miss them," said Neema, "All my friends have future mates. I'm the only one in the pride to have nobody to love me."

The young lioness let out a sad sigh, "The king and queen don't want any rogues in the pride lands. By next year, I'm going to leave the pride and hopefully find a mate,"

Neema looked up and saw Aisha walking towards her with a nervous smile on her face. She could tell that the future queen was worried about her first hunt, "Hey, Aisha. What are you doing here?"

"Hi, Neema," Aisha greeted back, "I was just going for a walk until I saw you sitting out here alone."

"Are you nervous about your first hunt tomorrow?"

"Yes, I am," Aisha sat down in front of her friend and flicked her tail slowly, "I can't believe the time has passed. Just two years ago, we were young cubs, ready to explore the world and get into trouble."

"I know, right?" Neema chuckled, "We used to get in so much trouble and drive our parents crazy."

Aisha laughed, "I remember the time when we went to the gorge and got caught in a zebra stampede,"

"Kion was brave enough to save us from getting trampled. But seriously, we nearly got killed from that experience,"

"I remember the night when Chaka and Nalia went to the elephant graveyard," Aisha brought up.

"Oh, my gosh! I remember that too," said Neema, chuckling.

"They were the troublemaking duo,"

"I can see that; Chaka and Nalia used to do a lot of things together in the past,"

"Just like my grandparents, Simba and Nala,"

Neema sighed before bowing her head and closing her eyes. Aisha noticed her friend's sadness and gave her a concerned look, "What's the matter, Neema?"

"I miss Jabari, Nadira, and the others," said Neema.

Aisha sighed, "Yeah, I miss them too. I know they will come back to visit us one day," she replied.

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