Chapter 32: Hofu's Downfall

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It's been two months since Hofu and Kali had their fight. Jai and Jata had been plotting revenge upon the former, and they'll do whatever it takes to protect the pride from Hofu. And Hofu's planning his revenge against Kali, Kopa, and everyone else involved in fighting him. The young lion pretended to behave to get off of punishment; it worked as the king and queen stopped monitoring him with the lionesses.

Hofu laid down in Scar's old den as he watched Kali and Jai interact, "Ugh! Look at those two," he grimaced, watching Jai placing a flower behind Kali's ear, "They make me sick!"

"I have to get out of here; this isn't my home anymore," Hofu said as he combed the strains of his mane back, "I can't let the others see me, or Kovu and Kiara will have everyone watching me again."

'Think, Hofu, Think! What would you do to get back at the others who wronged you?' he thought as he glared down at the couple beneath him.

"Hiya, Hofu!" the young lion turned around and saw no one other than Nalia walking into the cave.

"Ugh, great! It's you again," Hofu mumbled.

"I wanted to check on my little cousin to see how he's doing," Nalia chirped.

"Yeah, right. I'm your only little cousin," Hofu replied with a slight smile.

"Is that a smile I see on your face? You haven't cracked a smile in two months," Nalia questioned.

Hofu groaned, "Of course, I haven't smiled in two months! What do you want me to do about it?"

Nalia's face fell into sadness, "Be happy for a change,"

"I can't be happy because of them!" Hofu pointed towards Jai and Kali, "They were the ones who started my misery!"

"Hofu, you realize that you were the one who started all of this trouble, right? You need to go down there and apologize to Jai, Kali, Kopa, and the others for your misbehavior," Nalia stated truthfully.

"I didn't do anything!" Hofu lied, "Jai, Kali, and Jata are angry at me for nothing!"

"Yes, you did, Hofu! Stop lying!" Nalia frowned, "You can't be doing this!"

"What did I do, Nalia?!" he got into the princess's face and scowled, "What did I do to deserve this?!

Nalia backed away from Hofu but kept a stern look, "You know what you've done! You nearly got us killed from fighting the jackals; you broke up with Eshe for nothing, and you hurt her by hitting her and throwing her against the cave wall; you knocked Chaka out when he was trying to stop you. And for last, you got into a fight with Kali and Kopa which resulted in them getting a concussion!" she brought up, "Don't you see? You are acting like Scar and uncle Kion, but way worse!"

"I am nothing like them!" Hofu denied.

"Yes, you are!" Nalia argued.

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

Hofu unsheathed his claws and let out an angry roar before hitting Nalia upside the head, "NO, I'M NOT!!!" he bellowed as Nalia hit the wall with a loud thud before falling unconscious.

Hofu panted as he started to look at his paw, which was covered in Nalia's blood. His ears perked up as he heard running footsteps heading in his direction.
Not wanting to get confronted again, Hofu dashed out of the den to escape the scene. The noise had attracted attention as Kali, Nama, Faraji, Cala, Jai, Neema, Chaka, Ayo, and Lila arrived at the scene since they were near the cave when it happened.

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