Chapter 36: Meeting

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Abasi paced back and forth in his den, waiting for Enzi and Hofu to return with Aisha's kill. Mabaya trotted inside with a worried look on her face; she hated it when Abasi didn't have any patience, "Abasi, could you please stop pacing back and forth? You're going to put a hole in the ground," said Mabaya.

Abasi stopped pacing and faced his mate with a stern glare, "I don't want to hear it, Mabaya. I don't know if Enzi and Hofu would succeed,"

"Mother! Father! We're back!" Enzi called out, trotting inside the den with Hofu trailing behind him.

"Welcome back, you two. Did you steal anything for the princess?" asked Abasi.

"We tried to take an antelope from her, but a couple of hyenas stopped us," Enzi reported sternly.

"WHAT?!" Abasi screeched, making Mabaya, Hofu, and Enzi jump, "YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT YOU LET A COUPLE OF HYENAS STOP YOU FROM GETTING THE KILL?!"

Mabaya rolled her eyes, "Honey, will you stop yelling? Give the boys some time to explain themselves," she too gave a stern and angry glare at the two lions.

"Your Majesties, those hyenas were in our way! No matter how many times we tried to stop them!" Hofu said.

"You two should've had some lionesses to help you on the job!" Abasi spat, "I can't have you two come back from the pride lands empty-pawed."

"Father, how can a few lionesses do the job properly?" Enzi questioned with his head high, "Didn't you forget that king Kovu has his guards blocking every entrance around the pride lands? If we keep sneaking into the pride lands, there's a chance king Kovu and his lionesses will kill one of us. Would you want to lose your best lions in this pride?"

Abasi opened his mouth to yell at his son but closed it when nothing came out of it, "You could've thought of another way of sneaking into the pride lands, but no, you chose to have Hofu, and I steal from the weak and defenseless princess. We have to get those pridelanders to step down and hand over their kingdom by force! We can't let them win, father! Do you understand what I'm saying?!" Enzi concluded.

Abasi and Mabaya were speechless, "Do you understand our situation, father?!" Enzi repeated.

Abasi sighed stressfully and placed a paw over his head. How could he not think of a better way to plan something that involves the pride lands? Yet, he chose to have Hofu and his youngest son do something risky that caused them to get detected by hyenas. Hofu and Enzi stood their ground, waiting for a response from the latter.

"You're right, my son," said Abasi, "I should've thought more than to send you two to the pride lands. Because of me, you and Hofu nearly died out there today."

"It's alright, father,"

"No, it's not alright, son. I've been too sadistic and naive to see the flaws of my mistakes. I should've sent some lionesses out there so you two would have backups,"

Hofu cleared his throat as the royal family turned to him, "Your Majesties, what should we do to get back the pride lands?"

"Hofu, we'll discuss this with the pride later," said Mabaya, "But for now, I want you and Enzi to continue your training."

"Yes, mother,"

"Yes, queen Mabaya,"

"Hofu?" Mabaya spoke up, "Since you been loyal and humble towards us for the past year, you may address us as Abasi and Mabaya."

"Yes, of course, queen..." Hofu cleared his throat before correcting himself, "I mean, Mabaya."

"Good. You two may leave," said Abasi.

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