Chapter 19: Awkward Encounter

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Three months later.

The cubs are now five months old, which means they can eat meat like the rest of the lions in the pride. Three months ago, they had ventured into the gorge and got caught in a stampede. After being saved and lectured by their parents, they had gotten themselves grounded for a week and weren't allowed to leave the den. They've learned their lesson from their experience, and hopefully, they won't go anywhere dangerous anymore in the future.

Hofu was allowed to leave the den months prior after he turned two months old. He is now four months old and is still drinking his mother's milk. Aisha and Nama are out with their mother doing their hunting lessons while Chaka and Faraji hung out with their cousins and friends.

"Mom, where are we going?" asked Nama.

"I'm glad you've asked, Nama. We're going to the place where I hung out as a cub," Kiara answered.

"I thought we're going to be doing our hunting lessons," Aisha replied.

"We are. This place has small mice and lizards you can hunt since you two are still cubs. Hunting big animals like zebra, gazelle, wildebeest, and buffalo is dangerous. You could get trampled, kicked, or gored if that specific prey has horns," Kiara explained.

"But a zebra doesn't have horns," Aisha pointed out.

"A zebra can harm you like any large prey. Even when it doesn't have any horns. So, when you get older, you have to be careful and have someone to help you if necessary,"

Kiara looked at her eldest daughter, who climbed on a medium rock with her sister, "Aisha when you become queen of the pride one day, you have to help out with the hunts and walk around the kingdom to check up on the herds. I can assume that your father has explained the possibilities of being a queen, right?"

"Yes, mom," Aisha nodded.


The two cubs jumped off of the rock and followed their mother to their destination. When they arrived, they sat down near the small pond so Kiara could teach them how to hunt.

"Aisha, Nama," Kiara looked at her two daughters, "Here we are at the place I've been since I was a cub."


"Do you two want to drink some water before we begin?" asked Kiara.

The two lioness cubs declined the offer, "We're good, mom,"

"Ok. Now let's begin practicing your pouncing," Kiara walks over to some tall grasses and stands there with her back turned, "I'm going to be standing around there, and you two have to stalk me like you stalk your prey."

"Crouch down, feel the earth vibrate with your paws, and sneak slowly and watch out for any twigs or stones. And don't breathe too hard; any particular sound or movement will scare off your prey," she instructed. "Now, let's begin."

Aisha and Nama crouched down and began stalking their 'prey' quietly. Since they were three months old, they knew what to do since their mother had first taught them how to hunt and sneak up on unsuspecting prey. It turns out, those lessons had paid off, and Kiara hadn't heard a sound from them. Then the two cubs got close enough and then jumped out of their hiding place and landed on their mother's back.

"Got you, mom!"

"Excellent job, cubs. You're getting better at these lessons," Kiara praised, "When you turn two years old, you'll be able to begin your first solo hunt. Last year before you were born, I had caught a zebra."

"You did, mom?" asked Nama.

Kiara nodded, "Yes, I did. Your grandmother had taught me and your aunt Nuru since we were your age," She paused before letting her daughter climb off of her. The queen turned around to face her two princesses before sitting down."I know you two will do great on your solo hunts in the future."

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