Chapter 27: Family Times

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After returning to the pride lands, Chaka went to a nearby baobab tree and climbed up to get the fruit. Once he made it high enough, he grabbed the fruit with his mouth then climbed back down the tree safely.

"Got it! Now to get back with the others," said Chaka with his voice muffled.

The cub ran back to his siblings, cousins, and friends with the fruit in his mouth. They were waiting for him while they stood by the acacia trees.

"Guys! I'm back with our new baobab ball!" said Chaka, throwing the fruit towards Kali, who jumped up and caught the fruit in her mouth.

"Great! Now we can continue our game. Guys, remember what team you are on, and no switching," said Aisha.

"We can use those rocks as a goal," Omari suggested.

"I agree with you, Omari," said Nalia, "The rocks will be useful as the two goals on each team."

"Alright then, let's continue playing," said Bohari.

The cubs and pups were repositioned to their current teams. Aisha's team is still in the lead with twelve points, with Neema's team behind with ten points. Timon and Pumbaa continued with their bet as the cubs and pups continued their game.

Kopa threw the baobab fruit over the rock a while later, scoring a point for his team, "Yes!" He cheered.

"Thirteen points for Aisha's team!" said Hofu.

"Way to go, Kopa!" Nya cheered.

"Yeah, man! You're really good at this game," Faraji remarked, patting his cousin on the back.

"Thanks, guys," said Kopa.

"Enough chit-chat; let's continue our game!" Lela spoke up, interrupting the trio.

"Yes, Lela," said Kopa.

The youngsters continued their game with Timon and Pumbaa cheering like people in a stadium. Both teams played hard as their scores went up. Soon after, they were tied nineteen to nineteen. Tanabi has the baobab fruit in his mouth while being chased by Shani and her team. Aisha followed Tanabi with her teammates if he threw the fruit towards one of them.

"Tanabi! Pass the fruit!" Aisha yelled.

The former prince nodded before throwing the fruit in the air, allowing Nama to jump up and catch it in her mouth, "Got it!" Nama exclaimed, her voice muffled.

"Give it to me, Nama!" said Cala.

"Okey-dokey!" as Nama threw the fruit to Cala; Kali intercepted her by jumping between Cala and Nama, catching the fruit in her mouth, "Hey!"

"Sorry, not sorry!" She mocked.

Kali tossed the fruit towards her brother, who swiftly caught it and threw it to the goal. Kopa lost his chance as Lela jumped up, blocked the goal as the fruit hit her in her stomach, causing her to grunt in pain. The hyena pup landed on the ground with a smirk on her face while witnessing the fruit flying in the air. Acting as fast as possible, Aisha speeds up to catch the baobab fruit. After running past the fruit, she used all her energy and strength to jump higher to kick it in the goal. Everyone stopped what they were doing while watching the princess fly into the air to meet the fruit before giving it a strong hit with her paw.


Aisha landed on the ground safely, watching the baobab fruit fly through the goal, making her team win, "Unbelievable! Aisha's team wins!!!" said Nalia, jumping up and down.

Everyone on Neema's team cheered as Aisha and her team beamed with pride. Even though they lost, they had a great time playing, "Great game!" said Shani.

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