Chapter 44: The Final Battle part 1

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Three Months Later...

Enzi's wounds had healed up nicely. With the help of Ali, he was able to catch up with his pride in hardcore training. Abasi was proud of his son for staying loyal to him and assisting him whenever he needed it. Today is an exciting day for the outlanders; the final battle. The lions in Abasi's pride lined up in rows as their king paced back and forth. Among the crowd was a pack of jackals. They wanted revenge on Kovu and Kiara for kicking them out of the pride lands and stopping them from hunting their food. Abasi had recruited them in exchange for their place in the pride lands and scraps they would receive from any kill that the lions made, much to the latter's dismay. He accepted the deal and had the jackals train with his pride so they can be stronger. 

In the center stood Enzi and Ali with their chests puffed out, eyes narrowed in determination. They have the biggest mission to accomplish; take back the pride lands and rule over the dominant land. Rene, Kitana, and Omi flanked behind them, ready to hear out a command that Abasi would give when they go into the pride lands. The jackals were standing in the crowd of lions as their evil glares intensified with every word Abasi announced. They were ready to fight and kill anyone who dares to step in their path.

"Lions, Jackals," Abasi addressed his army as he stopped pacing and stood proudly at his followers, "This is the moment that we all have been waiting for. All these months and years of training were worth it, and today, we are going to take the pride lands by force!" 

"Kovu, Kiara, and all of those pridelanders will fall under our rule. We will accomplish what Scar would've wanted! We will be powerful and victorious in the end! And WE. WIll. TAKE. BACK. OUR. LAND!!!" Abasi raised his fist as his followers cheered and roared in agreement, "NOW, EVERYONE! LET'S MOVE OUT!!! he declared, walking out of the outlands with his followers trailing behind him.

In the pride lands

Kovu, Kiara, and their pride rested at the bottom of pride rock, enjoying the cloudy day. Zaki had predicted it would be a severe thunderstorm and flood in the rivers, Kovu had ordered him to warn everyone about the upcoming weather and make sure they get to a safer spot. Before he could leave, Kiara told him to make sure everyone stayed together during the storm since the heavy rain would be impossible to see through. Tanabi and Aisha, the future king and queen, had offered to assist Zaki in the storm patrol, to which the former obliged. Kovu was proud of his daughter and son-in-law for showing the great markings of a true king and queen. Although he will step down from the throne and allow them to take over the pride lands, he would miss everything about being a ruler.

Most importantly, he has Kiara by his side when he has reasonable doubt. His ears twitched as he looked up to see Zaki flying back to pride rock in panic. He and Kiara jumped on their paws and stared at the hornbill with concerned looks as the pride looked on with interest.

"Zaki! Calm down and tell us what's going on!" Kovu commanded.

Zaki cleared his throat and levitated in mid-air while flapping his wings, "Your Majesties, Abasi, and his pride are on their way! It's war!" he reported as Kovu and Kiara gasped. Kiara turned her head to the pride, motioning them to stand up, to which they did so, trotting over to the king and queen. Kovu noticed that Tanabi and Aisha hadn't followed Zaki back to pride rock. He was worried about their safety and cleared his throat to address Zaki.

"Where's Tanabi and Aisha?" he demanded.

"They're near the grasslands making sure that everyone stays safe from the upcoming storm," Zaki informed.

"Good." Kovu looked back at Kiara who gave him a nod to let him know that the pride is ready to battle, "Everyone, the outsiders are on their way to claim what's there's. We must defend our home from those outsiders, they don't deserve to live here!" he announced.

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