Chapter 2: The Big News & Memories

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The next two weeks have arrived, and the pride had woken up to a new day awaiting them. Kiara, Nuru, Tiifu, Zuri, and Vitani are out with the hunting party to catch something to eat for breakfast this morning. Kovu, Moto, Naba, Afua, and Kion are out with Simba and the other males patrolling the borders for any threat that may harm the pride lands. Simultaneously, the rest of the pride are remaining in pride rock to sleep in or to wait for the hunting party to return with their breakfast. The hunting party has soon returned with a good-sized gazelle, enough to feed the whole pride. Simba and the males returned shortly after and had joined the lionesses to eat their meal. After they've eaten, they've parted separate ways to enjoy the day. Some of the lionesses had decided to take a nap while others go out to walk around the pride lands for some exercise. Simba and Nala are in the royal den, discussing Kovu and Kiara's leadership towards the pride.

"Kovu and Kiara are doing better than before," Simba commented.

"Yes, they are. Let's go ahead and step down from the throne." Nala said.

Simba nodded in agreement, "Even though I'll miss being King, I'll still live here as a regular pride lion."

"Me too. But we have to realize that we're getting older. We're not as young as we used to be."

"I understand. And besides, waiting until one of us or both of us die won't happen for a long time. And I think Kovu and Kiara wouldn't want to wait for that long to become King and Queen."

Nala chuckled, "I can see. You've told me about Mohatu dying when Uru was about to be Queen that time." She replied. "But you've changed those laws since we first became King and Queen."

Simba nodded, "Yes, I can see that." He said, "I did it because I would rather live to see our future grandchild take the throne instead of one of us dying and missing out for the remainder of our lives."

"I agree with you, Simba." Nala quipped, "Let's tell Kovu and Kiara the good news."

Both royal lions got up and walked out of the royal den to fin Kovu and Kiara. Luckily, they've found them sitting on top of pride rock, enjoying the view of their future kingdom below.

"Enjoying the view I see." Said Simba, startling the two younger lions.

"Oh, hey, mom and daddy. You've scared us." Said Kiara, smiling at her parents.

"Hello, darling." Nala greeted in return, "Your father and I need to talk to you two."

"What is it about?" Kovu asked, raising his eyebrow.

Simba and Nala exchanged glances at each other for a few seconds before giving Kovu and Kiara their attention back to them, "We have discussed some things, and we decided to give you and Kiara the throne right away."

Kovu and Kiara's eyes widened in surprise, "Mother? Father? Are you serious about this?" Kiara questioned, "I mean, are we ready for this?"

"Of course you are. You both had shown your leadership towards the pride and starting to show signs of becoming a great King and Queen." Simba answered.

"You both have been loyal, fateful, and respectful towards the pride and the whole kingdom. And Kiara, I'm very proud of you for leading the hunts with Vitani, Tiifu, and Zuri helping you. I knew you were going to be a great Queen one day." Nala tells them.

"Thanks, mother. Kovu and I will become King and Queen of the pride lands." Said Kiara, "But, when's our coronation?"

"Well, you both will have your coronations tomorrow at dawn."

Kiara gasped, "Really?"

"Yes, consider today will be your last time being a prince and princess and our last time being King and Queen. We will talk with Rafiki to arrange the ceremony for tomorrow."

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