Chapter 8: The Second Ambush

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Kion and Tiifu escorted Jamya to the elephant graveyard to get her clan. Once they've made it, they saw how bad all of the hyenas looked without food and water. And most of them are starting to get weaker by the second. The prince and princess felt sorry for the clan and want to help them out in many ways.

"Everyone, I have wonderful news to share with you all," Jamya spoke, jumping into a giant elephant skull that got all of the hyenas' attention.

"We are going back into the pride lands. And the King and Queen have found us a home to live where there's much food and water to make us feel satisfied," She announces.

All of the hyenas cheered, feeling happy that they can go back to the pride lands, "But we have to respect the circle of life because the King and Queen said so," Jamya adds.

They nodded as she jumped off of the elephant's skull and stood in front of the clan with a smile. She watches as her clan bowed down to her, Kion and Tiifu.

"Jamya, since we came off on the wrong paw. We haven't introduced ourselves properly. I am prince Kion, and this is my mate, princess Tiifu," said Kion.

"It's so nice to meet you. We've heard everything about you two and the whole royal family," said Jamya.

"Word about us does spread fast, doesn't it?" Kion inquired.

Jamya nodded, "Yes. And mostly the birds fly by and tell everyone about the events from pride rock,"

"Seems like we've attracted so much attention from everyone here that we've become popular," Tiifu remarked.

"We heard so much about you, prince Kion," a hyena said, walking up towards them. "And we heard that you once became evil and killed your brother during the first war you had last year with the pridelanders and the outsiders."

"Umm. Yeah," Kion stammered, "I purposely killed my brother when Zira and her sister, Baraka, manipulated me back then. I regret doing that, and I wished I could go back in time to stop myself from killing Kopa. There's nothing I can do to bring him back."

"Kion, everyone forgives you for that. And it would help if you stopped thinking about it. Think about our future and our cubs," Said Tiifu.

"You're right, Tiifu. Maybe I should let it go," Said Kion

"Yeah, that's the spirit, Kion!" Tiifu exclaimed.

"Excuse me? Are you two having cubs?" Jamya asked.

The prince and princess nodded, "Yes, we are,"

"Oh, my gosh! Congratulations!"

"Thanks, Jamya," said Tiifu.

"You're welcome. And I'm also expecting myself," Jamya replied, sitting down and patting her large belly.

"Congrats, Jamya," said Kion.

"You're welcome."

Tiifu looked around for Jamya's mate and the patriarch of the clan, "Jamya, where's your mate?"

Jamya bowed her head before saying, "He was killed by Abasi when we were living in our old home,"

Kion and Tiifu gasped, "And your pup is going to grow up without his or her father. I'm so sorry to hear that," said Tiifu.

"It's alright. And now I'm going to be a widowed mother with my pup to raise," She said softly.

"And don't you worry, Jamya. We will get revenge on Abasi, even if it kills us," Kion declared.

"Are you sure, Kion?" Tiifu inquired.

"Yeah, he had taken many lives too much, and it's time for us to fight back!" He yelled.

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