Chapter 35: Aisha's First Hunt Part 2

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Aisha was prowling the area for prey to catch in the hunting grounds. She remembered her mother and grandmother's words about what she could and couldn't do while hunting. The future queen scanned the surroundings and caught the eyes of an antelope herd. Aisha knew that she must be careful; antelopes can kick and gore her since they have horns and hooves. She kept looking at the herd until she spotted a lone antelope.

'Now it's my chance,' Aisha thought before crouching down.

She started to stalk her prey slowly and steadily. Aisha avoided pebbles and twigs while hiding in the tall grasses, preventing her from getting caught. Soon as she got close enough, she unsheathed her claws and got into position.

'One, two, three, GO!' Aisha jumped out of her hiding spot and began charging at the lone antelope. The sound caught the herd's attention as they started running away from the young lioness. Aisha sped up behind the lone antelope and lunged at it.

"I've got you now!" Aisha declared as she dug in the antelope's hindquarters with her claws, pulled it to the ground, got on top of it, and sunk her teeth into its neck, suffocating it.

The antelope tried getting back up as it cried out in pain from Aisha's teeth and claws digging into its flesh. But the future queen isn't going to go down without a fight; she sunk her teeth further into the antelope's neck as it squirmed in her tight grasp. After a fierce struggle, the antelope finally collapsed and died on the spot, making Aisha's first hunt successful.

She released the antelope and got off of it, panting with exhaustion, "Now to take my prize back to pride rock," said Aisha before grabbing the antelope by the leg and dragging it back to pride rock.

Aisha didn't know that Hofu and Enzi watched her from above the hill. They are going to attack her and steal her prey. The pair watched the princess carry her meal back to pride rock as they had evil smirks on their faces.

"Remember what father said, Hofu," Enzi stated, "One of us will create a distraction while the other can steal the freshly killed prey."

"I know the mission, Enzi," said Hofu.

"Good, you ready?"

Hofu crouched down with Enzi, "Oh, I been ready,"

"Alright, on a count of three, we will charge the princess and start a stampede. That will distract her as one of us will take the antelope she killed," Enzi instructed.

"Got it,"

"One, two, three, NOW!" Enzi and Hofu sprinted down the hill, roaring as loud as possible. The roars startled the herds around them as they started to run away from the scene, creating a massive stampede in the kingdom. Aisha gasped as she saw two lions charging towards her. She immediately started dragging the antelope faster in hopes of invading the rogue lions. To no avail, one of the lions tackled her and pinned her down while the other ran for the retreating herds to chase them away. Aisha roared and clawed the lion in the face and shoved him off of her, and she quickly stood up.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Aisha demanded.

"Aisha," the lion spoke coolly, "I'm surprised to see that you don't recognize your cousin."

Aisha's eyes widened as she recognized the lion in front of her, "Hofu?!" her expression turned into anger as she bared her teeth at the latter and let out a low growl, "What do you think you're doing in the pride lands? You know you can't come back for what you did last year!"

"Me?" Hofu said in a mocking tone, "Banished? No! I chose to leave! I left because of you!"

"Because of me?! Hofu, I haven't done anything to you!" Aisha shot back, "You're the one who's been acting out last year, and you've blinded Jai permanently in his left eye! He can't see out of it anymore because of you!"

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