Chapter 43: Healing Wounds

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After Abasi's lionesses had returned with the kills in tow, they laid Rene, Kitana, and Omi near the healer lioness's cave and summoned her outside to treat them. Luckily for the trio, they're still alive. As for Rene, she will have scars on her chest for the rest of her life.

As the lionesses sat the kills down, Abasi came toward the scene and gasped at the sight before him, "What the hell happened?!" he demanded with an irate tone.

"Hofu and another lioness had attacked them," one of the lionesses reported, "But they managed to kill three gazelles for us."

"That's a good thing. Take those two kills to the cave and let everyone know that they can eat; I'll save this one for me, my son, and his future queen,"

"Yes, your majesty," the lionesses then proceeded to carry the two gazelle carcasses to the cave.

Abasi sighed and gave a proud smile to his three lionesses before picking up the gazelle carcass and dragging it into his private cave, 'I'll check up on them later,' Abasi thought as he continued dragging the gazelle carcass, 'Since everyone's going to eat up the gazelles, I'll snag another one from the pride lands and bring it to them as a reward for their endless effort.'

By the time he made it to his cave, Ali came towards him and helped him carry the gazelle to where Enzi was lying. Enzi sat up and felt his stomach rumble at the sight of the gazelle in front of him. He hasn't had anything to eat since the food became scarce on the other side of the outlands.

Abasi and Ali put the gazelle down and the three lions started eating the carcass. Abasi tore off a significant portion for Enzi and Ali to share while he ate the remaining pieces. After eating and disposing of the bones, Ali groomed Enzi with her tongue as Abasi walked out of the den to go into the pride lands to catch another gazelle for his three lionesses.

Later on, he found a lone gazelle near the eastern border. He scanned the area to make sure that a pridelander isn't around to stop him. Everything was clear as he started crouching down and stalking the gazelle. He avoided twigs and small pebbles that would cause him to make a mistake and scare off the gazelle.

When he was close enough, he jumped up and tackled the gazelle to the ground, clamping his jaws around its neck. It yelped and bucked wildly as Abasi put more pressure on its neck while holding it down with his weight. Finally, the gazelle's struggles ceased as it lay limp in Abasi's grasp. He grinned and carried his prize back into the Outlands.

When he came back into the outlands, he went to Rene, Kitana, and Omi who are awake from their fight with Hofu. He put the gazelle down and cleared his throat, getting the three lionesses' attention.

"Consider this as a reward from your hunt," said Abasi, "I am proud of you three for your efforts in your hunts."

"Thanks, your majesty," said Rene.

"We were wondering when we could get our food. Everyone has eaten up the carcasses," said Omi.

Abasi pushed the gazelle with his nose, "That's why I went back into the pride lands and snagged this one for you three. Are you three alright?"

Rene waved her paw, "Yeah, we're fine. Hofu almost killed me back there but we'll train harder to take him down,"

Omi smirked, "And we're going to take down his precious mom after we get done with him,"

Abasi nodded in approval, "You all deserve a break as well. Make sure you get enough rest until you're healed and ready to continue your training,"

"Will do, your majesty," said Kitana, bowing her head with her two friends.

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