Chapter 4: Acending The Throne

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Kiara is sitting on top of pride rock, gazing down at her kingdom below. Kovu had gone on patrol with Simba and the other males, which leaves her alone. She sighed, thinking about her unborn heir and the pride lands' futures. Just then, Nuru had approached her.

"Hey, sis." Kiara turned her head and saw Nuru approaching her with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Nuru. What brings you up here?" Kiara said.

"I just want to talk to my big sister, that's all." She replied, sitting down in front of Kiara.

Kiara gets up, turns towards her sister, and sits back down, facing her, "Well, what's on your mind?" She asked.

"I can't believe we're going to be parents soon. It's crazy about all of us getting pregnant at the same time."

"I know, right? And I don't even know if the father will let us hunt since we have cubs growing inside of us."

Nuru sighed, "Yes, I agree with you, sis. Father's very protective when it comes to us." She said.

"He's only doing this to keep us safe. Besides, he was even nervous about Kion joining them on patrol when he first got started." Kiara pointed out.

"I see what you're saying."

"Father just wants what's best for us, that's all."

Nuru gets up on her paws as she begins to walk down the steps, "Do you wanna go for a walk?" She asked, stopping and turning around, facing her sister.

"Sure, I'll come with you," Kiara answered, following her sister down pride rock.

While Kiara and Nuru were going for a walk, Vitani had decided to check up on her mother, who's still sitting in the small cave with Hasina guarding her. But, before she could approach the younger lioness, Vitani had beaten her to it.

"Hasina, I've come to speak with my mother if that's ok with you?" Vitani said in a calm tone.

The older lioness nodded, "Sure, Vitani. Come on in." She said, stepping towards the left and letting the younger lioness pass her. Vitani walked inside the cave and saw her mother lying down in the back of the den.

Zira noticed her daughter walking towards her, "Hello, Vitani." Zira greeted with a small smile, "Come on in."

Vitani was hesitant at first, "Hi, mother." She greeted back shyly.

"I'm not going to hurt you or anyone else anymore." She reassured, getting up in a sitting position as her daughter came towards her closer. She sits down to face her mother with a small smile creeping up on her face, "Mother, It's so nice to see you again. I never thought you'd be able to survive those rapids a year ago."

"Yes, indeed. I thought I was going to die at first when I was underwater." She said.

"And what about Baraka?" Vitani questioned, shuddering about the mentions of her late aunt.

"She drowned when we were underwater." Zira explained, "I was trying to save her, but she was far too gone. Then I ended up hitting my head on a rock, getting knocked out."

"I guess that explains how'd you survive," Vitani remarked.

Both lionesses sat in silence for a few seconds until Vitani spoke up, "Mother, I also came here to tell you something."

"What is it, my dear?"

"I'm going to have a cub!" Vitani said excitedly.

Zira's eyes lit up with excitement, "Really? I'm going to be a grandmother?"

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