Chapter 37: The First Attack At Pride Rock

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A few days went by, and there were no signs of Abasi and his pride in the pride lands. Nama, Azuli, Kali, Ayanna, Shani, Nya, and Neema had completed their first hunts after Aisha. They each caught different types of prey to share with their family. After all, the young lionesses had finished their first hunts; Kiara gathered the pride to determine the hunting party's leader.

"Lions and lionesses," Kiara began, "We're here today to determine which of these young lionesses will be a leader of the hunting party."

"We're also going to be announcing the backup leaders and second leader of the hunting party," Kovu continued, "These young huntresses have done a great job completing their first hunt. And let's give it up for these young lionesses!"

The pride cheered for the young lionesses as they beamed proudly. Aisha smiled, but at the same time, she felt nervous, 'What if I'm not a lead huntress?' She thought, 'No! Come on, Aisha! You're the future queen; your mom and dad will pick you.'

Kiara lifted her paw as everyone settled down. Then queen put her paw down and continued her announcement, "We, as a king and queen of the pride lands, have decided who's going to be the leader of the hunting party,"

Aisha closed her eyes and prayed silently for the great kings to become the lead huntress. "The backup leaders of the hunting party are Neema and Azuli!" Kovu announced.

Everyone cheered for the two lionesses as they beamed proudly at their respective titles. Kiara cleared her throat, silencing the cheering, "Hold on, everyone," said Kiara as she raised her paw to silence everyone.

The queen faces her pride with a proud smile on her face. She continued her announcement, "The backup leader of the hunting party will be Kali!"

The latter smirked proudly, "Way to go, sis!" Kopa praised.

"You are amazing!" said Nama.

"Thanks," said Kali

"Hey, guys! Shhh!" Ayanna whispered, earning small glares from her friends, "The king and queen are about to announce the hunting party leader!"

"Everyone, the leader of the hunting party is Aisha!" Kovu and Kiara announced together.

"Give it up for these four young lionesses, who will do their duties as huntresses and help them with the daily hunts. Aisha, Kali, Neema, and Azuli, may the great kings bless you four as you work together with your team," Kiara concluded.

The pride cheered for the lionesses as their family and friends praised them. Aisha sighed and thanked the great kings for letting her parents choose her to be the lead huntress of the hunting party. After announcing the leaders, the pride continued with their daily activities. Kovu stood at the edge of pride rock, scanning the kingdom. He looked up at the sky and closed his eyes. He wished Simba, Sarabi, and Sarafina were here to witness his eldest daughter, his nieces, and their friend becoming leaders of the hunting party. He sighed heavily and heard a soft voice take him out of his thoughts.

"Honey? Is everything alright?" Kovu turned around and saw no one other than his mate and queen, Kiara, "I was looking in the den for you until I came out here and saw you on top of pride rock," she said, approaching her mate.

Kovu sighed, "Oh, hey, Kiara..." he saw Kiara sit down beside him.

"What's the matter?" Kiara asked.

"I wish Simba, Sarabi, and Sarafina were here to see our daughter now," said Kovu with a sigh.

Kiara pinned her ears back at the mention of her deceased grandmothers and father, "I know what you mean..." she replied, "I miss them too."

"They'll always be there with us in the skies above us. The great kings are always there to help us when we need them,"

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