Chapter 12: New Additions To The Outlands

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A month has passed since Abasi kidnapped Nala, Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri. He has stopped attacking the lions at pride rock and now focuses on training his pride and checking on his future cub or cubs. Mabaya is now three months pregnant and is due at any moment now. Her belly is twice as large, and she thinks that she'll give birth to twins or triplets. Abasi and Mabaya argue about the cubs' genders, and their argument is getting out of hand. The pride stopped their training and began to witness their king and queen yelling back and forth with each other.

"For the last time, Mabaya! I want our cub to be a boy!" Abasi yelled.

"What if our cub comes out as a girl?" She asked.

"I will disown her!" He roared.

"No, you won't! This cub will be your daughter, and you will love her just like you love your son!" Mabaya bit back.

"I'll just beat her until she dies!"

"I can't believe you will put your paws on an innocent cub that didn't do anything wrong!"

"You don't understand, Mabaya. If we have a boy, then our pride will be powerful, and we can use him to kill Kovu and his future heir. If we have a girl, then she'll be interfering in our plans to have the pride lands!"

"But having a girl is fine! What's wrong with me giving birth to a princess of this pride?!"

"Girls aren't fit to rule the kingdom!"

"Excuse me?!" Mabaya couldn't believe what she had heard coming from her mates' mouth, "Are you saying that females aren't allowed to rule this pride!?"

Abasi scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Come on, Mabaya. If we ever have a girl, then she wouldn't know what to do when she gets older, and besides, I think a male would be better,"

"I was crowned princess of this pride! I never had any brothers or sisters! And I was born a female! What's wrong with a female?! We bring you food, we give you cubs, and we also keep you, males, in check!" She argued.

"It's the male's job for all of that! You lazy lionesses sit on your asses all day while us males do all of the work around here!"

"Oh yeah? Well, you are such a drama king! It bothers me that you don't care about your mates' well-being! And you certainly don't care if the cub comes out as a princess of this pride!"

"I do love my future daughter!"

"If you love your future daughter, then why did you say you'll disown her?!" She demanded.

"BECAUSE I THINK MALES ARE BETTER THAN FEMALES!" Abasi screeched. He raised his paw to hit his mate again. Kitana, Rene, Omi, and a few other lionesses intervened by blocking Abasi from Mabaya. Kitana tackled Abasi to the ground. She gets on top of him and pins him down with some lionesses who stood protectively in front of their Queen.

"Back off, Abasi!" Omi growled.

"You will not put your paws on our Queen when she's about to have a cub soon!" Kitana hissed.

"What's your problem?" Asked Abasi, struggling to move. "Get off me! I'm the King of these lands, and I demand you to let go of me!"

Mabaya was upset and hurt, "Can't you see that your aggression towards me is destroying our relationship? You're nothing but a selfish lion!"

Abasi is now regretting his actions and deeds towards his mate, "Mabaya, please! I'm sorry how the way I've acted!"

"No, Abasi! You did mean it!"

"Mabaya, I love you! I'm sorry about the way I treated you and our unborn cub! I want to be a better lion than I was before! Give me another chance, please!" He cried sincerely.

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