Chapter 6: Troubling Times

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Warning: this chapter contains mild language that may be unsuitable for young readers.

Back into the outlands, Abasi and his three lionesses made it to their den and began licking their wounds from their fight with the five lionesses from the pride lands. Mabaya trotted towards the scene with concern and saw her mate and lionesses with bleeding scratches and some bite marks on their bodies.

"Oh, my goodness!" She exclaimed while examining her mate, "Who did this to you?"

"Ugh! It was Kiara and those other four lionesses!" Omi hissed, wincing in pain.

"They were tough to fight! I think Zira's former pride had shown them some moves against us!" Rene said, scowling.

"Puh! I thought you'd said a thing about 'strength in numbers!' I guess you're wrong all this time, Abasi!" Kitana scolded, rolling her eyes, "Kovu and Kiara's pride are greater than we think!"

"ENOUGH!" He boomed, making the four lionesses jump, "You wanna know what's our problem!? Well, we're not getting enough training as we should! For now on, we're going to train twenty-four hours every day!"

"What?!" They exclaimed.

"But Abasi!" Rene said, "How are we supposed to get some sleep at night?"

"Yeah, we'll be tired by the next day if we continue staying up all night long," Omi said.

Abasi smacked his paw over his forehead, knowing his anger will mess up his mind, "Sorry. I meant to say we'll intensify our daily training to become stronger."

"Now, you three report back to the training grounds to continue working on your advanced training. I'll be there to let all the instructors know to make each level of the training more difficult." He commanded as the lionesses nodded and ran back to their training grounds.

"Abasi, dear. Are you alright?"

He sighed, "Yes, Mabaya. A little scratch won't take me down."

Mabaya bent down and began licking Abasi's fresh wounds to keep them from getting infected. He winced and groaned in pain while getting licked by his mate. Mabaya stopped before giving him a sharp glare which made him stop moving.

"Stop moving, Abasi!" She shouted.

"Well, I can't help it when it stings so bad like that!" He shouted back.

"I thought you're tough enough to get used to the pain. I guess you're just a big baby!" She mocked.

"Aw, shut up!" He grumbled. "Why don't you try getting attacked by the Queen of the pride lands and see how you like it!"

"Alright, alright, I'm just kidding!" She replied, "Geez, learn to take a joke, ya big grump!"

Abasi rolled his eyes, "You're just quite annoying for a mate." He muttered under his breath, "I knew I should've chosen Tanga as my mate..."

Suddenly, he felt a hard blow to the back of his head, and this caused him to grunt in pain as he started to rub his sore head.

"How dare you say that about me!" She snarled, "I'm the crowned Queen of this pride, and you're just my consort! I'm also carrying your cub and future heir to the throne! And who the hell is Tanga?! You better not be cheating on me like you did dozens of times, Abasi! Because if I smell the scent of a different lioness on you, then I'll dump you and find me a new mate after I kill that so-called pretty lioness!"

"So what? That doesn't make any sense!"

She gave him a cold glare, "You disgust me! I knew my mother and father should've chosen someone else to be my King instead of your sorry ass!"

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