Chapter 23: Moving On

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It's been two weeks since the deaths of Sarabi, Sarafina, and the six lionesses. The pride still grieved for them, especially Simba and his family. Timon and Pumbaa stood by them to give their condolences. They never left Simba's side since the trio is the best of friends.

"Are you doing ok, pal?" asked Timon.

"I miss her so much," said Simba as he carefully lays back down, "First, my father is gone, then my eldest son, and now my mother. It's too much for me to handle."

"It's going to be ok, Simba," Pumbaa replied, "We're here for you, no matter what happens."

"Awww, thanks, guys,"

"No problem. We're always there for you," said Timon, "And besides, you have Kiara, Kion, and Nuru with you."

"And don't forget about Nala, your nephew, and your grandkids," Pumbaa added. "They're still your family."

"You two are right. I can never forget about them,"

Just then, Nala walked over to her mate, with Kiara and Nama following her. She sat down in front of him and gave him and quick lick on the forehead.

"Are you alright, Simba?" asked Nala.

"Yes, Nala. I'm good. And what about you and Mheetu?"

"We're fine. Sadly, we lost our mother during the battle,"

"I know that's right," said Simba. "Not only did you two lose your mother, but I lost mines as well."

Simba turned to his eldest daughter, who had a sad smile on her face, "Hey, Kiara. How are you all holding up?" he asked.

"We're doing alright, father. It's rough losing both of our grandmothers two weeks ago," Kiara answered. "And how's your leg?"

"It still hurts," Simba answered. "And Rafiki said by next month; I can walk on all four legs again."

"That's excellent to hear. And you got lucky since Kovu, Kion, and Naba saved you from getting killed," said Kiara.

"They've saved me just in time, too," said Simba, "But I failed to save my mom and Sarafina."

"Simba, we kept telling you that it's not your fault. It was those lionesses from Abasi's pride that held you up from protecting our mothers," Nala reminded, "Stop beating yourself up about that."

"We need to stay positive and move on," said Kiara, "They may be gone, but they're never going to be forgotten."

"Kiara's right, buddy. We should move on and focus on the future," Timon added.

"I agree as well," said Pumbaa.

"Me too, hon. And remember that you can look at the stars at night to talk to them," said Nala.

"You're right about that, Nala. And thank you all for giving me a wake-up call,"

"You're welcome, father. We love you," said Kiara.

"We love you, grandpa!" Nama exclaimed.

"I love you all too," said Simba as he, Nala, Kiara, Nama, Timon, and Pumbaa embraced themselves in a big hug. After fifteen seconds, they pulled apart from each other.

"Nama, you can find your siblings and play with them outside," said Kiara, "I'm going to talk with your grandparents right now."

"Yes, mom. See you later, grandma and grandpa. And Timon and Pumbaa," said Nama.

"Alright, Nama. Have fun!" said Nala.

"Be careful!" Simba called out.

"I will!" Nama yelled back as she ran off to meet up with her siblings.

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