Chapter 15: First Time Outside

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Two months went by, and all of the cubs have grown into playful, adventurous, and mischievous cubs. Last month, Malaika gave birth to a healthy baby boy. They had named him, Hofu. Hofu shares a resemblance to his mother and a bit like his father. He has creamy yellow fur with a white underbelly and muzzle, blue eyes, pink nose, brown tail tuft, colorless paws, and a small hair tuft on his head. Hofu is a one-month-old cub. And he loves to play with his older cousins. He is too young to leave the cave, but he's allowed to go when he turns two months old. One early morning, a particular lion cub was wide awake. He was excited to see the sunrise with his family, and he gets that from his grandfather, Simba.

"Dad! Dad!" the cub cried out, jumping over all of the lionesses as he ran into the royal den. Kovu and Kiara were fast asleep with their four cubs. Faraji had woken up from his brother's yelling and was feeling annoyed from it.

"Chaka, could you keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep here!" Faraji grumbled.

"Well, I want to see the sunrise, bro," said Chaka.

"Well, I want to sleep!" Faraji hissed before closing his eyes to go to sleep.

Kiara groaned before nudging Kovu, "Hon, your son's awake," she mumbled.

"Before sunrise, he's your son," Kovu mumbled.

"Aw, c'mon, dad! Get up!" Chaka begins pulling on his father's ear before falling backward. He jumped back up, pounces on his father, and pouted at him.

"You've promised!"

"Alright, son. I'm up; I'm up," 


Kovu yawned before the rest of his family gets up to follow him out of the cave. Aisha rolled her eyes at her brother's enthusiasm; he's not going to be the future king, and yet, he excited to see the sunrise. She followed her brothers, sister, and parents out of the den, and they all went to the top of pride rock. Once they made it to the top, they sat down and saw the whole kingdom from the top of pride rock.

"Whoa," the cubs exclaimed.

"Yes, cubs. Everything the light touches is our kingdom," said Kovu.

"Wow," Faraji breathed.

"It's so big out there," said Nama, her blue eyes sparkling with joy.

"Yes, Nama. The whole pride lands is ours," said Kiara. She then turned to Aisha, who was eyeing the view, "One day, Aisha. The sun will set on our time here and will rise with you as the new queen."

"All of this will be mine one day?" Aisha asked.

"Yes. All of it,"

"Everything the light touches..." she muttered before looking at the darker corners that has the outlands and the elephant graveyard, "What about that shadowy place?"

"That place is forbidden. You can't go there since it's dangerous for young cubs like you," said Kiara.

"Oh. Ok,"

"I bet it sounds scary to go there," said Nama.

"Yes, it does," said Faraji, grinning mischievously with Chaka, "There are snakes and crocodiles out there that can eat little cubs like you!"

Nama gasped in fear, "C-c-crocodiles? S-s-snakes?" she stammered.

"Boys, don't tease your sister," said Kiara, giving her sons a stern glare.

"Sorry, mom," they chorused.

Nama took a deep breath before glaring at her brothers, "You both are such a pain sometimes," she muttered.

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