Chapter 40: Hofu's Showdown And Redemption Part 2

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Hofu and Eshe began squaring it off with each other. Both were roaring, growling, clawing, and biting each other for blood. The commotion had attracted no one other than Zaki, who was flying around the savannah. When he saw Hofu and Eshe fighting, he flew back to pride rock as fast as he can.

Meanwhile, Kovu and Kiara were lying below pride rock as well as several lionesses nearby. The king and queen were enjoying their afternoon until they saw Zaki flying toward them in a panic.

"Sire! Sire!" Zaki shouted as he flew towards Kovu and Kiara.

Kovu and Kiara got on their paws, alarmed at Zaki's presence, "What's going on, Zaki?" asked Kovu.

"Two rogues are fighting by the grasslands!" He reported, "A lion and a lioness!"

"Lead us there, Zaki!" said Kiara as she, Kovu, and Zaki raced to the scene where Hofu and Eshe were fighting as several lionesses ran behind them after overhearing the information.

Back at the grasslands, Hofu and Eshe continued their fight. Eshe dodged Hofu's swipes and manage to cause damage to him. Hofu roared as he successfully pinned Eshe down, the latter struggling under his weight.

"Hofu, stop!" Eshe yelled as she struggled to push Hofu off of her. At this point, she lost the will to fight.

Hofu didn't answer as he opened his mouth, lowered his head, and clamped his jaws around Eshe's neck. Eshe roared in pain as she felt Hofu's teeth sinking into her neck. Suddenly, she has a burst of strength and raked her claws across Hofu's cheek, drawing blood.

Hofu reeled back and roared in pain, giving Eshe a chance to escape his grasp as the young lioness got up quickly and staggered back away from Hofu. She panted with blood dripping from her fresh, stinging wounds as she suddenly collapsed to the ground with adrenaline leaving her body.

Hofu wiped the blood from his face and shook his head. He gasped in horror about what he's done and ran to Eshe's aid. He pawed her head and nudged her gently to see if she will wake up. Eshe groaned and looked up at Hofu staring down at her. She gulped, shutting her eyes tightly as she thinks that Hofu is going to finish her off.

"Eshe, I'm not going to kill you," he said, softly.

Eshe groaned before opening her eyes and staring into Hofu's"You've hurt me enough," she said, "You might as well kill me."

"No!" Hofu yelled, making Eshe flinch with his sharp tone. He lowered his head, his ears drooping down, "I'm sorry, Eshe."

"Huh?" Eshe got up slowly, wincing in pain.

"I'm sorry for hurting you," Hofu repeated.

"Why did you attack me like that?" she asked, "I haven't done nothing to make you that angry."

Hofu sighed heavily, "Maybe all of that training in the outlands made my temper worse than it was before," he admitted.

Eshe pinned her ears back, feeling guilty for hurting her ex-boyfriend, "Are you ok?"

Hofu waved his paw dismissively, "Yeah, I'm fine. Only cuts and bruises can't slow me down," he said before seeing how bad Eshe's wounds are, "Are you ok, though? I feel so bad about hurting you."

Eshe nodded, "I'm in a lot of pain, but I can manage," she replied.

"Are you sure? I could take you to that crazy monkey so he could fix you up," he offered.

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