Chapter 30: The Aftermath

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True to their word, Kovu had ordered Asante and Kira to watch Hofu as his punishment, much to the younger lion's dismay. Rafiki recently patched up Kopa and Kali's injuries and announced that they would have mild concussions and wake up with minor headaches. But Kali's left ear will have a small, permanent notch in it for the rest of her life. Overall, they will be alright. Moto and Vitani had been notified about the incident since Kovu told them about it.

"Wait until I get my claws on him!" said Vitani, "Hofu will not lay a paw on my cubs and get away with it!"

"That won't be necessary, Tani. Because Hofu has been dealt with already," said Kovu.

"Are Kopa and Kali alright?" asked Moto.

The king nodded, "Yes. Rafiki said they have mild concussions and will wake up with minor headaches. And Kali has a small notch in her ear, which will remain on her for the rest of her life,"

Moto and Vitani are glad that their children are okay, "Well, at least they're fine. That what matters," said Moto.

"And Kali looks a bit like mother with that nick in her ear," Vitani commented.

"I know," said Kovu, "When she wakes up, she's going to think that she looks cool. Even Jai can't lay his eyes off of her."

"Jai had better treat my daughter right!" Moto grumbled.

"She's our daughter, Moto," Vitani corrected, "Jai's a good lion for her; he wouldn't let anything happen to her. Just like he stopped Hofu from hurting Kali.

"I guess you're right," Moto sighed, "I guess I am a bit over-protective."

"A bit?" Kovu and Vitani quipped.

Moto blushed with embarrassment, "Maybe too overprotective,"

"To be honest, I felt the same way with Aisha and Nama," Kovu admitted, "even Naba, Afua, and Kion are overprotective of their daughters."

"We all are, Kovu. And I bet Simba was the same way with Kiara and Nuru," said Moto.

"I think he was too. Considering that they were old enough to date," he replied.

Just then, Mheetu and Malaika trotted towards the three lions, "Hey, Moto and Vitani," Mheetu greeted.

"Hey, guys,"

"We came here to apologize for what our son did to your twins," said Malaika.

"We want to say that we're sorry on Hofu's behalf. And we promise that he was dealt with after the incident with Eshe and Kali," said Mheetu.

"It's alright, Mheetu. To be honest, I never knew that Hofu would act out like that," said Moto, "I hope it was a phase he's going through."

"We hope so too," Malaika sighed with stress written on her face, "If it is a phase, then he will apologize for his behavior.

"You got that right," Vitani replied roughly, "If he ever tries to hurt them again, then I'm going to teach him a lesson that he'll never forget!"

"Vitani, please don't threaten our son," Mheetu tells her softly, "He's been punished already for his actions, and we can't promise if he'll act out again."

Vitani sighed, "Alright, I'm sorry, ok? It's just that all of this is stressing me out! A mother lioness has to protect her cubs, no matter how old they get!" She explained.

"We understand, Vitani," said Kovu, "Why don't you go lay down and rest. I'll let the others know not to bother you right now."

"Thanks, Kovu. I needed that," Vitani replied, "I'll see you all later."

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